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One Chapter A Day - Re-Read Of Bared and Entwined

LN Cronan

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Hi Gigi

I don't think she realised how desperate he was for her, in the early part of their relationship. Even when he had to keep chasing after her each time she did a runner. Her power over him was immense, to the point he couldn't function. What a woman!!!



Hi Julie54,

I was thinking about this entire Eva running thing" and I started to think that maybe our girl had good reason to head out in the opposite direction.  If we go back to the way that Gideon approached her (when they actually started talking), Gideon propositioned her in the hallway, in the elevator and in a few other locations without any charm.  The way Gideon propositioned Eva was In fact crass and crude.  Wouldn’t it have set alarm bells off for most women?  I would think that this would be of concern for most women. 


  1. When Gideon first talking directly with Eva on page 28 we get a glimpse of how he spoke to her “Are you sleeping with anyone?â€â€¦â€Because I want to f**k you, Eva.  I need to know what’s standing in my way, if anything.
  2. The next contact between the two was in the elevator on page 38.  “Releasing me, he withdrew a lone key from his pocket and plugged it into the panel.  All the lights cleared except for the one for the top floor.
  3. Page 39 Gideon says to Eva “I can get you in the mood.â€
  4. Further down the page, Gideon is taking liberties with a woman he literally just met a few days ago and has already crossed her personal space limits as if they were intimate with one another.  “His thumb brushed over the corner of my mouth, then lifted to his own.  He sucked on the pad and purred, “Chocolate and you.  Delicious.â€
  5. On page 41. Gideon took Eva up to his office, without her consent, where he steered her into his office, where he then proceeded to frost the glass windows and then began to try and seduce her.
  6. Gideon entered into a crude rendition why they should be sleeping together and Eva responded with; “the whole pre-approved orifice routine-Zing!!!† It didn’t work.
  7. When Eva got up to leave, Gideon physically pinned Eva against the glass door with his body, effectively blocking a path for her to leave.  Page 42 and 43 Gideon agrees to let Eva go if she kisses him.  Where’s the choice in that? 
  8. Gideon was desperately trying to use Eva’s sexual attraction to him; against her for his ultimate gain (Gideon wants to bed the beautiful Eva with as little hassle as possible).
  9. Gideon then physically picked Eva up again and got her onto her back on his office sofa on page 44.   At this point Gideon has hiked up Eva’s skirt and he’s getting a look at her “goodiesâ€. 
  10. At no point during these entire interactions did Gideon ever ask for permission or were they dating in any way shape or form.    


Wouldn’t the fact that Eva wasn’t getting a say in how she and Gideon were interacting be of concern for her.  Couldn’t cause a reaction to want to run?  If you also take into account that Gideon had all of Eva’s personal information, credit history and any other pertinent information that would have been related to her apartment lease, wouldn’t that also be unsettling for Eva?  I think that all of those factors could have given Eva, many reasons to run. 


It seems that Eva was being triggered at every single turn.  She couldn’t seem to get a reprieve from Gideon and he used the fact that she was sexually attracted to him to his advantage.  What do you think?  What does everyone think?

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Hi Julie,

I just wanted to add that Gideon was constantly directing and moving Eva like a pawn or a chess piece.  Gideon invaded her personal body boundaries without invitation.

  • Gideon placed his hand on the small of Eva’s back (guiding and directing her where he wanted her to go-subtly of course).
  • Gideon always invaded her personal space by standing in close proximity to Eva every time he talked to her. Depending on the situation Eva was always pinned up against a wall, a glass door, an elevator wall, a limo, but the point is that Gideon always seems to get Eva into a confined space where he could be in close proximity to her and dare I say control the situation.
  • When Eva didn’t cooperate, Gideon would pick up or scoop up Eva and place her where he wanted her to be…thus far mainly sofas.
  • She tried to get up from the sofa and Gideon wrapped his fingers around Eva’s wrist and back down onto the sofa she went (so in effect, even if she wanted to Eva wouldn’t have been able to leave).
  • When Gideon scooped Eva up and got her onto her back on his sofa, he hiked up her skirt and was looking at her “goodiesâ€. 


Now, I get that this is supposed to be a romance novel and all, but I would think that Eva would have very good cause to be weary of Gideon.  He doesn’t seem to have any boundaries where Eva is concerned.  He physically controls her environment (via the elevator) and the people she has contact with (only Gideon and Eva were in the elevator).  Gideon also had an elevator key which would have meant that he had physical control of the elevators’ destination.   All of those acts could be considered a trigger if Eva didn't participate in the decsion making process (which she never was).  If I were Eva, I think I would be a little freaked out!  What do you think? 

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Hi Gigi

Happy birthday to your dad. Hope your heads ok.

They both started off as wanting casual s*x, neither wanting it to affect their private lives. But both of them broke their rules, whether it be consciously or unconsciously.

Gideon by going for a blonde (sorry it's that hair thing again), and Eva by developing feelings for him so quickly. I think cupids arrow got 2 for the price of one, when he shot his bow!

Before Gideon, Eva went for all the wrong men, bad boys, who didn't want a loving relationship that she did to. She probably had to do all the chasing, hence her s****y self esteem. Although Gideon came across as a casual sex guy, he chased after her, making a the moves, which the other guys didn't. Something obviously clicked.

On thing that did cross my mind was. When she woke up one morning in his apartment, he was dipping his wick. Why didn't she freak out?


Hi Julie,

I don't think that Eva had a good self image when she and Gideon first started dating.  I am also surprised that Eva didn't freak out when she found out that Gideon was having s** (or was inside of her) before she woke up.  To me that is a huge violation of one's personal body space.  I have to wonder how much of Eva's reactions were about love, or previous unhealthy relationship patterns.  What do you think?  What does everyone think?

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Chapter Four of Bared -- The Reader's Guide


This chapter covers day five of the story, Friday, from early afternoon through Friday night. It picks up immediately where chapter four left off, in Gideon's office, covers the rest of the day in Eva's office, early evening in her apartment, and ends late Friday night in a nightclub Gideon owns.


Key plot developments:

  • Gideon and Eva settle on mutual terms for her accepting his sexual proposition. He agrees to her condition they become friendly by spending some time together outside the bedroom.
  • However, Gideon upset Eva more than he could realize because he'd electronically tracked her down that night.  
  • Eva asks her mother for a joint session with her (Monica's) therapist because Monica had secretly been tracking Eva.
  • Eva meets Cary's new boyfriend, Trey, for the first time.



New characters:

  • Monica Stanton - though already mentioned numerous times as a character, Chapter Four is where she herself appears in a scene for the first time.
  • Trey, Cary's new boyfriend.



Gideon and Eva strike a deal (pages 63-67)

Friday night, Eva and Cary went out clubbing and ended up getting lured to a nightclub Gideon owns. Gideon manipulated this so that he could have another shot at trying to talk Eva into agreeing to go bed with him. This time, he manages to get her to say yes.

What broke the impasse was Gideon's willingness to go along with Eva's condition they get to know one another on a friendly basis. This would not mean dating -- both were clear (at least on Friday) that both of them had neither the time nor inclination for a relationship at this point in their busy lives.

Gideon, Eva figured out (and he confirmed it was true) segregates sex from the rest of his life - friendship, work, everything. His rule is " ... to have mutually exclusive sexual relationships and friendships." (page 64)

Eva's rule: "I need a personal connection with the men I sleep with. It doesn't have to be intense or deep, but sex needs to be more than an emotionless transaction for me." (page 65)

The deal - to do exactly what they were doing at the time in the club - spending friendly time together some place other than a bedroom.


Tracking Eva's movements - an issue.

Eva, already upset by just having found out earlier Friday that her mother had been secretly tracking Eva's movements through a cell phone, became very upset when she found out Gideon had pulled a similar stunt - tracking her down through a credit card.

"You visited another of my clubs earlier. Your credit card popped up and your drinks were recorded. And Cary Taylor is listed on the rental agreement for your apartment." (Page 62 - turns out Gideon's property holdings include the building where she lives.)

The consequence of this revelation was Eva getting very upset that his accessing her financial info came across as a form of stalking. "My mom stalks me, too, and she sees a shrink," Eva tells him. (page 62)


Mom's stalking - time to call her shrink again

Monica appears directly for the first time as a character when she phones Eva at work right at the end of the day.

This call gives Eva the chance to bring up with her mother what she (Eva) learned over lunch - Monica had been tracking Eva's movements around New York.

Eva wants to hash out the issue in a joint appointment with Dr. Petersen, Monica's therapist. It's not the first time the Eva has accompanied her mother to see Dr. Petersen about her mother's anxiety issues

Monica agrees to have Eva accompany her to see the therapist - and so for now, Eva drops the matter during the phone call.

With that, Monica turns happy, girlishly excited about a fundraising dinner Eva (and Cary) are accompanying her to on Saturday night.

The other thing we learn in Monica's first, albeit brief, direct appearance is "Monica Tramell Barker Mitchell Stanton was in her element at society functions, a gilded, shining beauty who never lacked male attention in her life." (page 50)

However, it turns out Monica's interference with Eva's safety isn't quite settled -- when Eva gets home, a phone call from her new Krav Maga instructor reveals the studio will be closed for a week so that some work can be done to upgrade the place -- work Stanton is paying for.


Cary's love life - a glimpse

Eva arrives home to find Cary's new boyfriend is there, someone she meets for the first time.

Trey is around Eva's age. He's in veterinary school, and he works part time as a photographer's assistant. Cary met him on a modeling photo shoot. Eva can see with her own eyes what Cary later confirms: Trey is a nice guy who obviously likes Cary a lot.

Trey doesn't have much time to get to know Cary's roommate that evening, because he had to leave for class shortly after Eva got home. But the three of them agree to get together for pizza the following Tuesday.

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Hi Julie,

I just wanted to add that Gideon was constantly directing and moving Eva like a pawn or a chess piece.  Gideon invaded her personal body boundaries without invitation.

  • Gideon placed his hand on the small of Eva’s back (guiding and directing her where he wanted her to go-subtly of course).
  • Gideon always invaded her personal space by standing in close proximity to Eva every time he talked to her. Depending on the situation Eva was always pinned up against a wall, a glass door, an elevator wall, a limo, but the point is that Gideon always seems to get Eva into a confined space where he could be in close proximity to her and dare I say control the situation.
  • When Eva didn’t cooperate, Gideon would pick up or scoop up Eva and place her where he wanted her to be…thus far mainly sofas.
  • She tried to get up from the sofa and Gideon wrapped his fingers around Eva’s wrist and back down onto the sofa she went (so in effect, even if she wanted to Eva wouldn’t have been able to leave).
  • When Gideon scooped Eva up and got her onto her back on his sofa, he hiked up her skirt and was looking at her “goodiesâ€. 

Now, I get that this is supposed to be a romance novel and all, but I would think that Eva would have very good cause to be weary of Gideon.  He doesn’t seem to have any boundaries where Eva is concerned.  He physically controls her environment (via the elevator) and the people she has contact with (only Gideon and Eva were in the elevator).  Gideon also had an elevator key which would have meant that he had physical control of the elevators’ destination.   All of those acts could be considered a trigger if Eva didn't participate in the decsion making process (which she never was).  If I were Eva, I think I would be a little freaked out!  What do you think? 

hi Gigi

You are so right on all levels. Why wasn't Eva running for the hills where Gideon was concerned. It isn't till she tells him about her abuse that he is appalled at the way he chased her. Saying he could have ruined things before they got going. It all comes down to his control freakery and desperation to have her. She must have got some vibe, that although the way he was behaving was crude and offensive, she didn't feel threatened, especially given her abuse.

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Chapter A Day Re-Read Project - Today is Chapter Five of Bared


This chapter covers most of Saturday, day six of the story, starting in the morning in Eva's apartment and ending there early evening.


Key plot developments:

  • Despite the fact that just one day before Gideon was insisting (and Eva was agreeing) they would not go out on dates, Gideon asks her to be his date that night at a high profile society event - a fundraiser for an advocacy group that helps victims of sexual abuse. Gideon figured out Eva would be attending anyway, because of her mother's support of the charity. He already was scheduled to attend as well. So he convinces Eva the pair of them should go together.
  • This chapter also includes the second instance Gideon and Eva engage in serious sexual contact (the first time had been in his office the day before.) The second instance is in her apartment, where he'd shown up on short notice to ask her out to the fundraiser that night.
  • We learn a little more about Gideon's background, this time through Monica after Cary casually mentions to Monica that Gideon's become interested in Eva.


Remember, Sylvia's homework assignment is for us to choose a favorite line or paragraph from each chapter after we've read it.

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hi Gigi

You are so right on all levels. Why wasn't Eva running for the hills where Gideon was concerned. It isn't till she tells him about her abuse that he is appalled at the way he chased her. Saying he could have ruined things before they got going. It all comes down to his control freakery and desperation to have her. She must have got some vibe, that although the way he was behaving was crude and offensive, she didn't feel threatened, especially given her abuse.

Hi Julie,

It is strange.  I wonder how much of her attraction toward Gideon is what is suppressing her fight/flight instincts?  As I have mentioned before, I think that this is the firs real relationship where Eva is trying to set some boundaries and it seems that Gideon is fighting her at every step and turn.  Or maybe Gideon isn't fighting Eva so much as he is testing her boundaries. 


Eva seems to be walking a tightrope every time she comes into contact with Gideon.  He is constantly pushing one button or another or is triggering some type of exaggerated response.   What do you think?  What does everyone think?

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Hi Everyone,

My favourite line from Chapter 5 is:


"I can still feel you, Eva.  Still taste you.  I've been hard since you left, through two meetings and one teleconference.  You've got the advantage; state your demands."


Those words signify a man who is completely smitten.  I think that he has also never said such things to another woman before and that at this point, with all of the rebuffs that Eva dished out, Gideon is literally willing to do almost anything to spend more alone time with her. 

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Right from the start of the book, chapter 3 , Gideon is coming across as a dominant, and Eva the submissive. Although is not mentioned till after the Vidal garden party, with Gideons little chat.

Hi Julie,

You are right.  It is clear that Gideon is very dominant, but what is so off-putting to me is the way in which he approaches s** with Eva.  I have to wonder how Gideon even feels about women at this point in his life.  Most normal women would have tossed a drink in his lap or slapped his face if he came on to them like he did Eva. 


I also have to wonder just a little bit how much of Eva's past dictates what she will find acceptable in a relationship?  Naughty chat during s** is one, thing, but how does Gideon feel about women?  Are they just a body part to be used and pleasured or are they living, breathing, human beings in need of love and affection?  What do you think?  What does everyone think? 

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Hi Julie,

It is strange.  I wonder how much of her attraction toward Gideon is what is suppressing her fight/flight instincts?  As I have mentioned before, I think that this is the firs real relationship where Eva is trying to set some boundaries and it seems that Gideon is fighting her at every step and turn.  Or maybe Gideon isn't fighting Eva so much as he is testing her boundaries. 


Eva seems to be walking a tightrope every time she comes into contact with Gideon.  He is constantly pushing one button or another or is triggering some type of exaggerated response.   What do you think?  What does everyone think?

hi Gigi

I suppose the same could be said for Gideon. He has probably never had someone reject him before. Eva's past relationships were never challenging, this was a learning curve for both of them. Events were happening, which neither had experienced before, perhaps both willing to see where things would lead too.

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hi Gigi

I suppose the same could be said for Gideon. He has probably never had someone reject him before. Eva's past relationships were never challenging, this was a learning curve for both of them. Events were happening, which neither had experienced before, perhaps both willing to see where things would lead too.

Hi Julie,

I think that you are right.  For what ever reason both Gideon and Eva decided to test the whole "relationship" thing with each other.  I wonder if we the readers will ever know the reasons why each chose the other.  It might make a nice snippet or two and help to entertain the readers while we wait for the next release.  :) 


Hey is it 10:30am in the UK?

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Hi Julie,

You are right.  It is clear that Gideon is very dominant, but what is so off-putting to me is the way in which he approaches s** with Eva.  I have to wonder how Gideon even feels about women at this point in his life.  Most normal women would have tossed a drink in his lap or slapped his face if he came on to them like he did Eva. 


I also have to wonder just a little bit how much of Eva's past dictates what she will find acceptable in a relationship?  Naughty chat during s** is one, thing, but how does Gideon feel about women?  Are they just a body part to be used and pleasured or are they living, breathing, human beings in need of love and affection?  What do you think?  What does everyone think? 

hi Gigi

Yes he probably did regard them as an orifice, as he was emotional detached from them. But then Eva came along. His chat up lines sucked! But part of her was turned on by his rawness, I think she still liked a bad boy, and Gideon came across like that to start with. His gentleman side came out later.

As Dr Travis said to Eva, sometimes you have to take risks. She regarded Gideon as a risk.

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Hi Julie,

I think that you are right.  For what ever reason both Gideon and Eva decided to test the whole "relationship" thing with each other.  I wonder if we the readers will ever know the reasons why each chose the other.  It might make a nice snippet or two and help to entertain the readers while we wait for the next release.  :) 


Hey is it 10:30am in the UK?


It's 11.30 now. Late night for you!

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hi Gigi

Yes he probably did regard them as an orifice, as he was emotional detached from them. But then Eva came along. His chat up lines sucked! But part of her was turned on by his rawness, I think she still liked a bad boy, and Gideon came across like that to start with. His gentleman side came out later.

As Dr Travis said to Eva, sometimes you have to take risks. She regarded Gideon as a risk.

Hi Julie,

You are right about the risk part.  I am glad that Eva took that risk.  I am not sure that I would take such a risk if a guy spoke to me like that.  I have a feeling the "lad" would have wound up with a black eye or two...:)

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It's 11.30 now. Late night for you!

Okie dokie, I will probably be joining back in with you later on today.  I think it would be around 9pm your time.  I have a few errands to run and things to do today.  Our Easter is coming up next weekend and I have to prepare for the up-coming festivities.  Is there a time that works better for you?

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Hi Julie,

You are right about the risk part.  I am glad that Eva took that risk.  I am not sure that I would take such a risk if a guy spoke to me like that.  I have a feeling the "lad" would have wound up with a black eye or two...:)

hi Gigi

Yes I agree the chat up lines were outrageous, but honest. He didn't beat about the bush. She knew where she stood with him.

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Okie dokie, I will probably be joining back in with you later on today.  I think it would be around 9pm your time.  I have a few errands to run and things to do today.  Our Easter is coming up next weekend and I have to prepare for the up-coming festivities.  Is there a time that works better for you?

hi Gigi.

After 9pm is fine. We had our Easter three weeks ago. Goodnight. Sweet dreams.

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hi Gigi.

After 9pm is fine. We had our Easter three weeks ago. Goodnight. Sweet dreams.

Well if you ever come to Canada sister, you are welcome at my house any time!  We will throw you a huge Easter Celebration European Style!  Just remember to bring your sweat pants (or stretchy pants) because you are going to need them.  We eat until someone at the table swears that their pants are going to split.  Then we roll ourselves off of our chairs and waddle over to a sofa or some other comfortable place where we can lay down like a bunch of hibernating bears and slowly come out of our self-induced food coma. 


By the time the food has begun to digest, then it is time for dessert and specialty coffee.  Then everyone is done in for! :)  We complain that our pants won't fit tomorrow and that we probably will have gained a zillion pounds and swear that we will never do it again....only to do the very same thing again the next year.  Sigh!  Thank goodness for the treadmill and a fitness membership! :)

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Well if you ever come to Canada sister, you are welcome at my house any time!  We will throw you a huge Easter Celebration European Style!  Just remember to bring your sweat pants (or stretchy pants) because you are going to need them.  We eat until someone at the table swears that their pants are going to split.  Then we roll ourselves off of our chairs and waddle over to a sofa or some other comfortable place where we can lay down like a bunch of hibernating bears and slowly come out of our self-induced food coma. 


By the time the food has begun to digest, then it is time for dessert and specialty coffee.  Then everyone is done in for! :)  We complain that our pants won't fit tomorrow and that we probably will have gained a zillion pounds and swear that we will never do it again....only to do the very same thing again the next year.  Sigh!  Thank goodness for the treadmill and a fitness membership! :)

hi Gigi

That sounds so much fun. You sound like you have a big family. Love family get-togethers. They are so much fun, might just take you up on the invite next year. Going to New York next year for daughters 21st. Would be on the same side of the pond! We could have a forum reunion. That would be fun.

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Ciao Gabri,
You make a very good point about Eva and her wanting to be a dutiful daughter.  I wonder whether her entire experience of having been raped and brutalized for so many years affected her outlook on life in that she may have felt that somewhere deep down she got what she deserved.  Victims often feel like they must have done something to deserve being raped.  Eva was at such an impressionable age and I think that there must have been a lot psychological torture that Eva endured while being raped.
I also wonder whether Eva feels guilt for her mother's decision to keep her.  Had Monica not gotten pregnant, she never would have been disowned by her family.  Therefore if Eva had never been born, all things in Monica's life would have gone more smoothly. 
I think that Eva also feels guilty for being raped in that her mother left the marriage when she found out about the abuse.  Eva stated in the book that her mother left a happy marriage, so I think that must have coloured how Eva dealt with her mother.  It seems that Eva's origination was the source of many problems for Monica.  I think that Eva may have connected the two thoughts together, so she strived to be the good daughter and tries not to cause her mother too many problems.  What do you think?  What does everyone think? 

I think Doctor Travis has made a of a job with Eva, while Monica has come up as a litte more of a challenge for him.. Eva' attitude towards casual sex is so much the right one that she sounds like 'Lecture Nr. One' to me, and sure to Gideon himself as well!!


 Eva seems to me to be more regretful about Monica's refusal to marry Victor for all the wrong reasons.. . and as for Monica, she has carved a life to her own liking and seems pretty happy with it. The only thing that Monica feels guilty about is her having been unable to protect her own child, and rightly so! 

Monica's leaving Barker was the only right move to do, so there sholud be no regrets on anyone's side.


As an abused child, Eva can't help feeling guilty for the havoc she thinks she has wreaked on her foster family and Doctor Travis has still a long way to go with treating Eva and Monica's relational issues!!!

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Here's my favourite lines in Chap 4:


1) I do have some friendly advice.....


2) B.O.B. and I have a longtime understanding - when we're done with each other, we know exactly which one of us has been used, and it isn't me.


3) Can't you think of YOU using ME for sex?

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Hi everyone,
My favourite quote from Chapter 3 is:
"Oh, Eva."  Cross spoke my name in a decadent purr.  "You're determined to drive me to my knees aren't you?  What will it take to talk you into a threesome with B.O.B.?"
Ok, one more quick quote here:
"B.O.B. and I have a longtime understanding-when we're done with each other, we know exactly which one of  us has been used, and it isn't me.  Good night, Gideon."
I really like those two quotes because I think it is the first time that someone had openly challenged Gideon and didn't just fall at his feet when he made a play for sex.  Way to go Eva! 

Love both of those Gigi.

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