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One Chapter A Day - Re-Read Of Bared and Entwined

LN Cronan

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This is the chapter where we meet mother of the year! Mrs Monica I'm a stalker Tramell Barker Mitchell I've got a big bank balance and shallow Stanton. How did she produce such a grounded young woman. Someone who wants to make it in life, on her own merits. Eva is definitely a daddies girl.

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After re-reading chapters one through three, something fell into place for me that makes sense to me that Eva herself is partly to blame for everyone (Stanton, Monica and even Gideon) having kept her in the dark about Nathan.


Eva has a bad habit of simply caving into the wishes of others when it comes to her personal safety. Other people unilaterally decide how to handle a situation, and Eva let them, consciously or unconsciously. She started out this story too passive too often. Fortunately, by the end of Reflected, she grew a pair and began practicing assertiveness.


  1. Bared to You Chapter One revealed why Eva lives in such an opulent apartment in Manhattan, even though the job she's about to start is just entry-level professional. Her rich mother and stepfather, Monica and Stanton, have insisted on it (and are paying for it) because it's safe environment (i.e. doorman guarding the entrance, etc.)
  2. Then in Chapter Three, Stanton had decided how to balance Eva's desire to take Krav Maga classes in Brooklyn and Monica's distress about it. He has ordered his bodyguard-driver to drive Eva to and from her classes. Eva gave in.

So is it any wonder then, when Nathan tried blackmailing them, that Stanton and Monica decided on their own what to do -- including not even telling Eva about the situation (and thus warning her Nathan was in town).


As far as Gideon goes, Eva also established a pattern of often bending to his wishes. He's a control freak, and Eva unconsciously enabled him -- so she enabled his treating her badly in Reflected.


Gideon also had decided (just like Stanton and Monica) how he handled the Nathan situation, which also included keeping Eva ignorant of everything. Gideon took his solution to the extreme, killing Nathan, and as part of that, he took to the extreme keeping Eva in the dark the entire time. He distanced himself from her, because he decided this would protect her from the police, if he got caught. But he created the distance by being cruel to her. 


When Gideon first radically changed how he was treating Eva (i.e. began hurting her) she knew something was seriously wrong. She tried to demand explanations when it first started happening. But he wouldn't talk -- and so she backed off on pressing him for answers. That's Old Eva. New Eva would have refused to accept the brush-off, telling him "that won't cut it, Ace."


Near the very end of Reflected, Eva herself, by digging in deep and facing her insecurities, changed herself by dropping the passivity and becoming more assertive. She doesn't go so far yet as demanding answers out of Gideon, but she made progress by starting to demand explanations from other people: his mother (about the abuse) Dr. Lucas (about his probable role in the abuse cover-up) and Corrine (the truth that Gideon didn't f*** Corrine in his office that day and isn't sleeping with her, period.)


hello everybody from Italy!!!


Maybe it's all about being a 'dutiful daughter', isn't it? What she went through with Nathan must have deeply affected her self-esteem and she has adapted to doing what she's told. Monica and Stanton have good reason to be worried about her personal safety... but there must be a line somewhere that they cannot trespass. 


Eva's reaction at the discovery of being tracked by her own mother tells us that Eva is willing to cope with anyone's trouble but her own:


'I'm a grown woman. I make my own decisions. It's the goddam law!'


She tries to make a point here: she isn't going to trust her well-being to nobody but herself (and the law). Monica and Stanton will have to rely upon her judgement


It's not easy to kick old habits, though.


I'm going home now. ciao

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Loving this part too. Poor Gideon. Bet he was wondering what he had to do, to get this feisty little minx into bed. Probably rubbing his chin thinking, this is not what normally happens, I must be losing my touch!


What made the situation even funnier at that point (him on the phone with her a 5 p.m. Friday, still pestering her) is that upstairs three hours ago, he most certainly had the touch! He had her on that couch and she was so hot for him she would have done whatever. It still intrigues me about where things would have gone if the two of them hadn't gotten interrupted.


Now, three hours later, she's gotten herself back under control and her assertiveness has come right back. Poor Gideon .... that's NOT how it's supposed to work. He used to women being totally hooked from the first taste of him. Instead, Eva's back to her sassiness -- and still has her power intact too. Despite how good that kissing/fondling had been, she still wasn't going to settle for strangers with benefits, no matter how hot she was for Gideon. Go gurl!

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What I especially like about the flippant remark Eva makes over the phone in Chapter Four is how she unwittingly hit the nail right on the head. Gideon was suffering a bad case of what Cary would call blue balls. Eva suggested he deal with it by f****** some woman who worships him. Problem solved and he can go right back to his obsessive-compulsive life.


Ouch. On the surface, it's the first time Gideon acted a little insulted. But underneath, he must have squirmed when he realized Eva had pretty much described to a T his automatic remedy for whenever he was feeling h*****. And on another level, his admiration for Eva must have risen. Here was some amazing woman who most certainly was not " ....salivating at his feet."

I loved that whole phone conversation especially Eva bringing Gideon to his knees. She had to know on some level she was just riling him up some more. He loves a challenge and had already admitted he doesn't take "no" for an answer.

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What made the situation even funnier at that point (him on the phone with her a 5 p.m. Friday, still pestering her) is that upstairs three hours ago, he most certainly had the touch! He had her on that couch and she was so hot for him she would have done whatever. It still intrigues me about where things would have gone if the two of them hadn't gotten interrupted.


Now, three hours later, she's gotten herself back under control and her assertiveness has come right back. Poor Gideon .... that's NOT how it's supposed to work. He used to women being totally hooked from the first taste of him. Instead, Eva's back to her sassiness -- and still has her power intact too. Despite how good that kissing/fondling had been, she still wasn't going to settle for strangers with benefits, no matter how hot she was for Gideon. Go gurl!

This is probably a huge part of the reason Gideon is so attracted to her. She is the first woman not falling at his feet. I also thought it gave us great insight into just how far she has come from when she was with Brett to now.

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What made the situation even funnier at that point (him on the phone with her a 5 p.m. Friday, still pestering her) is that upstairs three hours ago, he most certainly had the touch! He had her on that couch and she was so hot for him she would have done whatever. It still intrigues me about where things would have gone if the two of them hadn't gotten interrupted.


Now, three hours later, she's gotten herself back under control and her assertiveness has come right back. Poor Gideon .... that's NOT how it's supposed to work. He used to women being totally hooked from the first taste of him. Instead, Eva's back to her sassiness -- and still has her power intact too. Despite how good that kissing/fondling had been, she still wasn't going to settle for strangers with benefits, no matter how hot she was for Gideon. Go gurl!

I think had it not been for the appointment and Eva getting back to work, Gideon would have had his wicked way with our heroine. She would have succumbed, perhaps not with full intercourse, but the next best thing a little oral, nudge nudge wink wink!!

As soon as the spell was broken, she gathered herself together, frustrating him more. Poor chap. She had the advantage. Yes!!!

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This is the chapter where we meet mother of the year! Mrs Monica I'm a stalker Tramell Barker Mitchell I've got a big bank balance and shallow Stanton. How did she produce such a grounded young woman. Someone who wants to make it in life, on her own merits. Eva is definitely a daddies girl.

And thank God for that!!

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What made the situation even funnier at that point (him on the phone with her a 5 p.m. Friday, still pestering her) is that upstairs three hours ago, he most certainly had the touch! He had her on that couch and she was so hot for him she would have done whatever. It still intrigues me about where things would have gone if the two of them hadn't gotten interrupted.


Now, three hours later, she's gotten herself back under control and her assertiveness has come right back. Poor Gideon .... that's NOT how it's supposed to work. He used to women being totally hooked from the first taste of him. Instead, Eva's back to her sassiness -- and still has her power intact too. Despite how good that kissing/fondling had been, she still wasn't going to settle for strangers with benefits, no matter how hot she was for Gideon. Go gurl!



This is also one of my favorite quotes and scenes from this chapter!

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The last time I wore garters was my wedding.  I had issues with them too and I barely wore them,

Hi Donnad, 

That's exactly why women wear garters on their wedding day/night.  They don't stay on for long but the packaging looks great in the mean time.  I would suspect that many, many, many men would enjoy this. :) 

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Hi everyone,
My favourite quote from Chapter 3 is:
"Oh, Eva."  Cross spoke my name in a decadent purr.  "You're determined to drive me to my knees aren't you?  What will it take to talk you into a threesome with B.O.B.?"
Ok, one more quick quote here:
"B.O.B. and I have a longtime understanding-when we're done with each other, we know exactly which one of  us has been used, and it isn't me.  Good night, Gideon."
I really like those two quotes because I think it is the first time that someone had openly challenged Gideon and didn't just fall at his feet when he made a play for sex.  Way to go Eva! 
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I think had it not been for the appointment and Eva getting back to work, Gideon would have had his wicked way with our heroine. She would have succumbed, perhaps not with full intercourse, but the next best thing a little oral, nudge nudge wink wink!!

As soon as the spell was broken, she gathered herself together, frustrating him more. Poor chap. She had the advantage. Yes!!!

Hi Julie54,

I think our Eva had the advantage right from the very beginning!  I just don't think she knew the power that she wielded over Gideon.  I still wonder whether she realizes just how much power she has over Gideon.  What do you think?  What does everyone think?

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Ciao Gabri,
You make a very good point about Eva and her wanting to be a dutiful daughter.  I wonder whether her entire experience of having been raped and brutalized for so many years affected her outlook on life in that she may have felt that somewhere deep down she got what she deserved.  Victims often feel like they must have done something to deserve being raped.  Eva was at such an impressionable age and I think that there must have been a lot psychological torture that Eva endured while being raped.
I also wonder whether Eva feels guilt for her mother's decision to keep her.  Had Monica not gotten pregnant, she never would have been disowned by her family.  Therefore if Eva had never been born, all things in Monica's life would have gone more smoothly. 
I think that Eva also feels guilty for being raped in that her mother left the marriage when she found out about the abuse.  Eva stated in the book that her mother left a happy marriage, so I think that must have coloured how Eva dealt with her mother.  It seems that Eva's origination was the source of many problems for Monica.  I think that Eva may have connected the two thoughts together, so she strived to be the good daughter and tries not to cause her mother too many problems.  What do you think?  What does everyone think? 
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This is the chapter where we meet mother of the year! Mrs Monica I'm a stalker Tramell Barker Mitchell I've got a big bank balance and shallow Stanton. How did she produce such a grounded young woman. Someone who wants to make it in life, on her own merits. Eva is definitely a daddies girl.

She didn't.  Victor and Dr. Travis and all of the other people who helped her did.

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Hi everyone,

I just wanted to confirm, that tomorrow which is Saturday would be day six in our count down to the next book.  Are we supposed to be discussing chapter 6 or chapter five?  Do we read and discuss on the same day we are supposed to read the chapter or do we have a delay in the day so we read one chapter and discuss it the next day?

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Hi everyone,

I was just wondering about something some of the forum members had been saying about Corinne and her looking like Gideon's mother. 


1.  Do you think that Corinne ever stood a chance of winning Gideon's heart if somewhere deep down inside Gideon is attracting (or entertaining) the person that repulses him the most?


What does everyone think? 

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Loving this part too. Poor Gideon. Bet he was wondering what he had to do, to get this feisty little minx into bed. Probably rubbing his chin thinking, this is not what normally happens, I must be losing my touch!

My, my, you sure can turn a phrase!  :) 

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My, my, you sure can turn a phrase!  :) 

Morning Gigi have the forum to yourself last night eh.

Love all your theories.

Somehow I don't think Gideon would have ever had gone through with a wedding with Corrine. After all he could never spend a night in the same bed as her. In the time they had been together, he was never honest about his life with her. She may have tolerated it because of who he was, but she didn't know the real Gideon. I don't think consciously Gideon realises his brunette fetish lies with his mother.

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Hi Julie54,

I think our Eva had the advantage right from the very beginning!  I just don't think she knew the power that she wielded over Gideon.  I still wonder whether she realizes just how much power she has over Gideon.  What do you think?  What does everyone think?

Hi Gigi

I don't think she realised how desperate he was for her, in the early part of their relationship. Even when he had to keep chasing after her each time she did a runner. Her power over him was immense, to the point he couldn't function. What a woman!!!

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Hi everyone,

I just wanted to confirm, that tomorrow which is Saturday would be day six in our count down to the next book.  Are we supposed to be discussing chapter 6 or chapter five?  Do we read and discuss on the same day we are supposed to read the chapter or do we have a delay in the day so we read one chapter and discuss it the next day?

hi Gigi

It's chapter five today. We seem to be all over the place with or discussions. I think the time zones are throwing out problems here! Your asleep or working when Europe discusses, and vice versa. Good job we are all on the same page, pun intended. ;-)

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Morning Gigi have the forum to yourself last night eh.

Love all your theories.

Somehow I don't think Gideon would have ever had gone through with a wedding with Corrine. After all he could never spend a night in the same bed as her. In the time they had been together, he was never honest about his life with her. She may have tolerated it because of who he was, but she didn't know the real Gideon. I don't think consciously Gideon realises his brunette fetish lies with his mother.

 Good morning Julie54,

Yes I was busy tripping the light fantastic last night.  It was my dad's birthday. :) 


In response to one of your points, I don't think that Gideon would have ever married Corinne either.  What I was getting at was do you think that Corinne never stood a chance because she looked so much like Gideon's mother?


I think that Gideon gave her the time of day (so to speak) because she was so kind and think that up until that point he may not have encountered a woman like that.  If you combine that with an emotionally vulnerable man, Corinne found her way into now knowing what she was getting herself into.  What do you think? 

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Hi Gigi

I don't think she realised how desperate he was for her, in the early part of their relationship. Even when he had to keep chasing after her each time she did a runner. Her power over him was immense, to the point he couldn't function. What a woman!!!

Hi Julie54, 

It is funny that you talked about desperation.  We the readers got to see Eva's desperation while she was trying to manage her relationship with Gideon.  I get the feeling that Gideon was the first person that Eva started testing her boundaries and limits on.  I think that up until that point, Eva may have just been having casual s** and not in a steady relationship.   What

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Hi Julie54, 

It is funny that you talked about desperation.  We the readers got to see Eva's desperation while she was trying to manage her relationship with Gideon.  I get the feeling that Gideon was the first person that Eva started testing her boundaries and limits on.  I think that up until that point, Eva may have just been having casual s** and not in a steady relationship.   What

Hi Gigi

Happy birthday to your dad. Hope your heads ok.

They both started off as wanting casual s*x, neither wanting it to affect their private lives. But both of them broke their rules, whether it be consciously or unconsciously.

Gideon by going for a blonde (sorry it's that hair thing again), and Eva by developing feelings for him so quickly. I think cupids arrow got 2 for the price of one, when he shot his bow!

Before Gideon, Eva went for all the wrong men, bad boys, who didn't want a loving relationship that she did to. She probably had to do all the chasing, hence her s****y self esteem. Although Gideon came across as a casual sex guy, he chased after her, making a the moves, which the other guys didn't. Something obviously clicked.

On thing that did cross my mind was. When she woke up one morning in his apartment, he was dipping his wick. Why didn't she freak out?

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