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Posts posted by julie54

  1. Hello everyone! First time posting but I've been lurking around reading for a couple of weeks :D

    In regards to the "19 days left" clue it coincides with what many of you have theorized with the fact that maybe Eva and Gideon are going to have to hide their relationship from the public. He would most likely either end it with Corrine or continue fooling the public by parading around with her (highly doubt Eva would be ok with this) but after seeing that pic with the question it does seem like keeping their relationship hidden will be a big part of EWY.

    Morning from sunny England , and welcome to the forum.

    They just can't keep their hands off each other.

    Judging by the picture, I think Gideon wanted a re-run of that first time limo ride, with Eva in that red dress!!!!

    Time for your earbuds Angus!!!! Memories. Lol.

    Is it time for them to come out publicly? I'm betting yes. Gideon wants everyone to know she is his? Keep suitors at bay! So long Brett!! Don't even think about it Chris Vidal.!!

    But is it safe? Can they afford to take the risk?

  2. I love the part in the chapter, when Eva recalls meeting Gideon for the first time. Assuming it was inside the Crossfire Building. Eva "Sprawled on my Arse on the lobby floor of the Crossfire Building?"

    Gideon telling her it was outside, while in his car, leaving for the day.

    "You hit me the instant I saw you."

    "I couldn't look away. I wanted you immediately. Excessively. Almost violently."

    She seemed surprised that a man would actually go out of his way to follow her. Make an effort to make some sort of contact. I bet it did her self esteem a power of good. You've got it girl!

  3. Bless him. In this opening chapter, Gideon makes a comment to Eva, revealing his insecurities about her fancying another man.

    "What I want, is you being too busy thinking about me to think about anyone else."

    What we have here, is a man who comes across as confident, strong, masculine, and can have his pick of virtually any woman on the planet. When in reality, he is a scared, insecure abandoned boy, who needs guidance, and reassurance that he is loved.

  4. what was the name of the indigo girls song that someone said was the song that Eva and Gideon dance to in the etw snippet from a while back,,I want to find it on itunes

    It's a song called "ghost"

  5. When I wrote "who Gideon's abuser had been" I wasn't indicating the guy must be dead. Oh God, I don't want to be the start of rumors!!! ;)


    It was a grammar choice, past tense versus present tense. Writing "who Gideon's abuser is" wasn't quite right, because that could indicate he's still being abused. "Had been" indicates in the past, this person had abused Gideon.


    He's probably still very much alive --- but wishing he were dead. When Gideon first found out about Nathan, he swore he'd find Nathan and make Nathan feel he wished he were dead.

    Sorry, it's me, miss reading the post. I got my "had beens" mixed up. Lol :)

    We all wish he was dead.

  6. Favourite paragraph


    "I still have no idea what you see in me that's hooked you"


    "It's what you see in me, angel," he said quietly, his features softening. " that you can know what I have in me and still want me as much as I want you. I go to sleep every night afraid I'll wake up and you'll be gone. Or that I scared you away.....that I dreamed you..."

    .no Gideon ." Jesus. He broke my heart every day. Shattered me.

    "I know I don't tell you how I feel about you in the same way you tell me, but you have me. You know that."

    Oh Gideon. :) :(

  7. Yes -- you can see video reply of the hour-long interview she gave yesterday for Booktalk Nation.


    Here's the link:




    NOTE: at the very start is about ten seconds of "Hangout" screen logo - let the play button keep going; the video will start.


    Approximately the first 20 minutes of the interview focus on Sylvia as a writer; there's some really cool stuff there. Some additional details about her as a writer come up as well during the fan question-and-answer portion later in the interview too.


    She gives us a detailed update about the progress of plans to bring the Crossfire series to premium cable television.


    Of course, she does answer questions about Crossfire as well. Highlights there:

    • In Entwined, we'll find out who Gideon's abuser had been
    • As far as Happily Ever After goes for the five Crossfire novels, well, "Gideon's going to want a ring on it."
    • She says some really interesting things in response to a question about Corrine being hated by the fandom.
    • As things stand right now, the story will continue to be told from Eva's point of view -- no major plans at this time for Gideon point of view stuff.
    • She hinted that long-term, Gideon might reconcile with his family as part of his recovery journey.

    There's lots of stuff from this interview that'll keep us busy for days in the already existing Crossfire threads, but I thought I'd start a special one here for we fans to watch the entire interview and then talk about it together.

    Just picked up on the, we will find out who Gideons abuser had been? To me that sounds like his dead, as in past tense, not breathing anymore??? Or am I reading it wrong?
  8. In Chapter One of Entwined, he tells Eva that if she's now too afraid of him, because he had killed for her, then Gideon won't chase her anymore. Though it would kill him to face a future without her in it, he'd still set her free rather than have her live her life in fear of him. This showed how deep his love truly is -- and the fact she still wants him in her life showed how much she loves him too.

    This is a good turn in their relationship on both sides. They both need, want, and love each other, so much that nothing can come between them. (Hopefully). :)

  9. I think today's countdown picture represents Cary, because the person depicted there is wearing jeans.


    Cary's commitment issues are wrecking his new relationship with Trey - Cary's sabotaging things by acting out sexually. Not just by sleeping with Tatiana; the orgy Cary hosted at his/Eva's apartment was over the top. Even he realized he went too far there, per the post-incident discussions he had with BFF Eva.


    Bonds of Cary's own past? The story strongly suggests Cary may have been sexually abused at some point too, though we readers do not know any details.


    So what will "push a partner too far" entail? Cary losing Trey and going into a tail spin as a result of it, a tail spin triggered by Cary realizing he's far from having gotten his own s*** together? Trey turning bunny-boiler on him? Cary's got a history of crazies in his past, per Chapter 2 of Bared to You, a history that's included partners stalking him -- and a history of one or more partners who threatened suicide over him.

    Could Trey be putting pressure on him, trying to get Cary to commit to him(Trey)binding them together and forget his bi-s*xual side of his personality? I just thought it seemed a symbolic photo.
  10. Remember though nearing the end of Reflected when Gideon and Eva are in the car together after leaving Dr Lucas's office Eva tells Gideon she needs him to trust her and to start communicating and that is when he does start to open up.  I think personally it was there and then after Eva had shown him that she was determined to find out what happened to him that made him realise that this was one woman he could trust with his secrets and really would she be making such an effort if she did not love him, she already told him she was going to Marry Him and I think that made all the difference to Gideon.


    The fact that someone was actually standing up for him and taking an interest I feel will make him feel more worthwhile and worthy of her and he will see that he can trust her with everything, he trusted her to tell her (Eva) parts of what happened while in the car.


    He also said that she made him feel that he could go on and he could survive ( I am paraphrasing here but I do not have the book handy so could not remember the exact line)

    "Because of you, the world makes sense to me in a way it didn't before. I have a place now, with you"

    He wanted to be more than an outsider.

  11. I don't think they will go back to couple counseling it is too dangerous

    Gideon needs to resume his counselling for his own sanity, if he is to continue in a relationship with Eva. Atypical s*xual parasomnia, can't be cured with pills. It needs therapy too. It's almost like going to confession, he has things he needs to get off his chest, to move forward. Plus with Eva's love he will get there.

  12. Against All Odds, by Phil Collins. Mariah Carey does a nice cover of this song, too.


    For the day Eva dumped Gideon and he was powerless to do anything about it. Two verses in particular:


    How can you just walk away from me when all I can do is watch you leave?

    'cause we've shared the laughter and the pain, and even shared the tears

    You're the only one who really knew me at all


    I wish I could just make you turn around - turn around and see me cry

    There's so much I need to say to you - so many reasons why

    You're the only one who really knew me at all

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