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Posts posted by julie54

  1. Via cable television or satellite, do any of you ladies in the U.K. get the U.S. networks Showtime, HBO (Home Box Office), AMC (American Movie Classics) and/or FX (that's one of the Fox Networks stations)?


    These four are among possible American cable television networks that Lionsgate might use to air a Crossfire series, because Lionsgate does use different networks, and the above four are among the most prominent for made-for-television series.


    The most prominent of the series Lionsgate currently produces (in terms of both highest viewership and most awards) is Mad Men, a drama about a New York City advertising agency in the 1960s. Mad Men airs on AMC. Another popular and award winning series by Lionsgate, Nurse Jackie, (a comedy-drama "dramedy") about an emergency department nurse in New York City hospital, airs on Showtime.

    Afternoon, ladies :)

    I get FX or FOX as its known now.

    May have to move in with one of you ladies, once it hits the air. I am house trained. :)

  2. I hope Gideon and Eva havnt been caught by the cops at an intimate moment and arrested them. Gideons choice to kill Nathan has had them followed by the police. Nooooo come on give us a break. Happy thoughts, happy thoughts, happy thoughts!!!

    I like the reporter theory though. If he did dabble with the bondage scene as a way to get control back in his life. Perhaps she was one of his experiments!

  3. How about Corrine catches them in one another's arms? Which actually could be a scary plot twist, depending upon how badly she reacts -- would it be bad enough to endanger Gideon/Eva's secrecy?

    Wouldn't it be ironic if Gideon literally ran after Corrine immediately in order to try to stop her from doing something rash upon catching him and Eva making love?

    I can see Mr. Control Freak trying to control the situation. Thus Corrine would finally manage to get Gideon to chase her -- but the result being the opposite of what she hoped for. She'd be told he doesn't love her and she cannot be any part of his life anymore, not even as a friend.

    I was trying to think how she would catch them, given that she hasn't up till now been in his apartment. Wouldn't it be good if she turned up at Gideons , he opens the door, with Eva standing behind thoroughly f*cked, like Corinne tried to pull on Eva . Lol payback !
  4. This is true -- once the script is done is when the actors/actresses and their agents start considering the roles -- and people eager to play those roles start approaching the producers/director. Meanwhile, the producers/director start considering the possibilities out there, because often they already have people in mind to approach themselves.


    It's a kind of mating dance that ends with offers made by the director and/or producers and offers accepted by the actors/actresses. It's competitive on both sides -- actors/actresses hungry for particular parts, producers/directors hungry for the biggest stars they can land.

    What a lovely term, mating dance. Considering the content of the book. :) very apt.
  5. Re-reading the part of Reflected Chapter 2 when Magdalene talks on the phone to Eva made me connect some new dots - that maybe Eva is the only woman Gideon ever pursued, both figuratively and literally.


    • Magdalene had known Gideon a long time, and she'd never seen him literally chase after a woman before - like he had when Eva walked out on him the night before. And Magdalene had witnessed other women walking away from Gideon - he'd never chased any of them.
    • Magdalene observed Eva has made Gideon work for her (Eva) -- something Magdalene never did (and now thinks was a mistake on her part.)
    Add onto this the knowledge that years ago, Corrine had done the initial chasing (probably literally following Gideon around campus). He didn't go after her figuratively after she broke the


    One more thing to add is something Gideon said to Eva back in Bared - that before Eva, work and the gym generally kept consumed most of his energy, so sex was something he could take or leave. Once in a while he got an offer he couldn't refuse -- that implies that he never pursued someone when he wanted to get laid, rather, he'd accept a woman's advances.


    Throw that all together with how Gideon told Eva in Chapter 1 how he'd been driven insane the moment he first laid eyes on her as she stood out on the sidewalk in front of the Crossfire -- how he ended up following her into the building. Plus the relentless chasing of her he did that first week when she'd been rebuffing his advances .....


    .... all of that makes me think that before Eva, which had been love at first sight for him, Gideon never even had fallen into l**t with another woman. Never pursued anyone else. He didn't need to pursue - women threw themselves at him all the time, and if he was feeling h**** he could just pick one for a one-night stand.


    Anne Lucas had been meant to be a one-night stand, but Gideon decided to let her keep coming back for more, because it made even more vicious the revenge Gideon was taking on Dr. Lucas.


    Even Eva herself originally had been destined for just an "extended one night stand" per something Sylvia said in the interview the other night (she used that exact phrase too.) The lovemaking in the limo is what changed everything for Gideon (and for Eva too) -- changed it into something they both were willing to fight for.

    Totally agree with that statement. Gideons self control must have been phenomenal, considering how he pursued Eva.

    I love the bit of the interview too, when Sylvia mentioned about how s*x in the limo changed everything that night. Changed his life forever literally.

  6. In the States, we also have a form of college degree known as "associate's" which take only two years to complete. However, when a person is said to have "gone to college" or "is college educated" generally, that indicates the person has a four-year degree, a "bachelor's" 


    A student who is an "undergrad" is one studying for a bachelor's degree. "Graduate school - or grad school" means studying for a master's or higher.

    Thank you for clarifying that.

    When our students attend university, most go from 18 - 19. Many of the courses are 3 or 4 years. So students are 21 or 23 when they leave.

    Just curious about Monica's age. I thought about 44.

    I wonder if she lived with Victor or on her own with Eva as a single parent. How did she survive financially? After all the family disowned her.

  7. Good point I wasn't thinking of an accomplice when I first read the book.

    I always thought Gideon acted alone, most likely had a change of clothes in his old "f room" that he used to sneak in and out. After reading the posts I think there is a possibility that Angus helped but I still wonder if Gideon would really involve anyone else.

    He had got rid of his f*ckpad, before he killed Nathan.

    Also there is a theory that Angus may have killed Gideons abuser or caught him in the act, stopping him from hurting Gideon ever again. That's why Gideon has so much trust in him.

  8. Graves said that it was a 15 minute walk to Nathan's hotel. I always thought that Angus was around the corner and picked Gideon up so he could get there and get back quickly. I don't know if that would throw a wrench in Graves theory but it might be enough to give a jury reasonable doubt that someone could get to Nathan, kill him and get back to the hotel where witnesses saw him throughout the night. Some people even saw him talking to FDNY and others resolving problems with the kitchen fire.

    That's why Graves had a problem. No one could specifically put a time frame on events and where Gideon was. There were too many people coming and going. It was mayhem.
  9. We see that Gideon runs into Eva at Times Square (don't know yet if that was intentional or not) He also came to the club to be with her.  I suspect that others are going to pick up on these little rendezvous.  They can't hide the passion that they feel for each other and, good or bad, they can't hide it.

    I'm sure Gideon turned up at Times Square deliberately, because he knew Brett would be there. Knowing that, probably sent Gideons demon twins-as they are now known- into a tailspin. He went there to somehow protect his property, ie Eva.

  10. Favourite scene is the Crossfire lobby.

    I knew to pay careful attention when Gideon got serious about s*x.

    "No" I lifted my face to the tinted dome in the ceiling that concealed the nearest security camera. "To make you come. I love making you come Gideon."

    He exhaled harshly." A gift, then."

    Only I knew what it meant for Gideon to view a s*xual act as a gift. For him, s*x had previously been about pain and degradation or and necessity. Now, with me, it was about pleasure and love.


    "Good. Because I treasure you , Eva, and what we have even our driving urge to f*ck each other constantly is precious to me, because it matters."

    At last s*x for them is how it should be, loving, fun, and an intimate closeness.

  11. Maybe when Gideon and Eva dance alone together after dinner in one of their apartments (probably hers) she wears that red gown for him?


    Though I am careful about not taking the pictures too literally. These are teaser photos Penguin is releasing to build excitement for the coming release of Entwined with You. They could just as easily represent parts of the past books -- this could be Gideon and Eva on their first date.


    The snapshot pictures Sylvia has posted on her site twice weekly are specifically meant to give us a peek into specific chapters of the new book. I'm not assuming these teaser photos by the publisher are doing the exact same thing.

    I agree.

    Heck we don't need anymore excitement do we? My blood pressure is already high!!! There's light at the end of the tunnel!!!

  12. With this project, between re-reading the pages and listening to the audiobooks, things continue to leap out at me in a new way. Like this seemingly innocuous line at the bottom of page 29, Eva thinking she was simply in an off-kilter mood but what actually was a flash of psychic certainty:


    I had this sick feeling in my gut, like something awful was going to happen.


    Because it was. She was leaving the Crossfire to go out to lunch with a new friend. Something awful was about to happen to her and to Gideon too -- things that would send each of them spinning out of control.


    The awful for Gideon: during that lunch hour, Nathan would appear in Gideon's office, carrying with him pictures and video of him raping Eva as a girl. None of this is spelled out in Reflected itself -- Sylvia revealed Nathan's visit in spoiler details she later posted to this fan site. I imagine that in Entwined, we will find out more about Nathan's interactions with Gideon. But in the meantime, Nathan would rip open Gideon's deepest wounds: of being a childhood sexual abuse survivor and of fearing for the safety of the one thing that meant the world to him, Eva. The latter would drive Gideon to kill.


    The awful for Eva: as Eva returned from lunch, Corrine, in the lobby of the Crossfire, spotted Eva across the street. So Corrine would leap at the opportunity to wound her rival -- Corrine messed up her hair and make-up and then stroll out Crossfire looking like Gideon had just f******* her upstairs in his office. This vicious stunt would rip open parts of Eva, unleashing Eva's twin demons of insecurity and jealousy. These demons would drive Eva to leave Gideon.

    I'm liking your twin demons, insecurity and jealousy. Actually both of our lovers share this disease.
  13. Chapter 1 of Reflected in You - The Readers Guide


    This chapter opens up Thursday morning (day 18).


    Key plot developments

    This opening chapter contains three major foreshadowing clues:

    • In professing his love for Eva, Gideon claimed he'd even kill for her
    • For the first time, Gideon discussed openly he'd become preoccupied with about Eva's physical safety because of all the public attention she's received.
    • Meanwhile, Eva had become preoccupied with Gideon's brunette fixation, which Eva has come to believe is an unconscious preoccupation Gideon has always had with Corrine.On a related matter, Eva learned just how strongly Gideon had become attracted to her (Eva) the first time he laid eyes on her. 

    New characters

    Anne Lucas - mentioned in passing and not yet by name.


    First foreshadow - how far Gideon would go for Eva

    "I'd kill for you, give up everything I own for you .... but I won't give you up," Gideon told (page 16).

    At the time, he said it in a figurative sense as he was reassuring Eva, in the face of Corrine's reappearance, that Gideon loves her (Eva). This would play itself out literally though - Gideon would kill to protect Eva from mortal danger. As part of what was to come, he would cruelly push Eva away from him for her own protection - but at the same time, he'd try to prevent her from giving him up.


    Second foreshadow - how much Gideon wants to protect her

    "My plane, my hotel, and if you leave the premises, you take a security team with you," Gideon told her, and on a related matter, "You'll forgive me if I don't trust (Cary) with your physical security after last night." (both on page 11.)

    This would play itself out through Gideon taking security measures, in cooperation with Eva's mother and her stepfather, to protect her when Nathan reappeared in New York. However, unlike the weekend-trip matter, where Gideon openly discussed security measures, Eva would be kept completely in the dark about the danger Nathan posed -- and would find out about it after the fact under traumatic circumstances. 

    At the time Gideon made the remark about the plane/hotel/security, they were arguing aver Eva's desire to stay in New York that coming weekend in order to spend time with Cary, obviously in self-destructive mode, as evidenced by the orgy Cary hosted the night before.

    Gideon had found out that morning that urgent business required him to travel to Arizona that weekend, the first time he'd be leaving New York since Eva had become his girlfriend. He demanded she come with him, because he didn't want to leave her in New York, given her sudden celebrity status as Gideon Cross' serious new girlfriend.

    The pair of them compromised: Eva and Cary could spend the weekend in Las Vegas, where Gideon owns several hotels.


    Third foreshadow - about Gideon's brunette fixation

    In discussing Corrine, Gideon blurted out some things that, without him even knowing it, would convince Eva that throughout the years, Corrine has always held a tremendous power over Gideon.

    "About this (brunette) type thing .... Corrine was surprised by you. You weren't what she'd expected ... Because ... you don't look like her."

    Sensing that Eva freaked out about what he's just revealed, Gideon honestly added, "Eva ... I don't know if she's right ... If that's what it was, it wasn't conscious. I didn't know I was looking for anything until I saw you."

    This would play itself out by Eva convinced Corrine was right - Gideon had been always seeking out Corrine in subsequent women. This coupled with Corrine calculatedly playing to Eva's insecurities and jealousies would cause Eva to doubt Gideon loved her -- that for him, his feelings were only sexual attraction, Then when circumstances made her conclude his sexual attraction to her (Eva) had been destroyed and he'd resumed sleeping with Corrine, Eva would do what she felt Gideon hadn't the courage to do - end his relationship with Eva.


    The initial attraction

    There was more to the story of their first meeting that Eva knew, something she ended up finding out about in Chapter 1. She had thought it was as simple as Gideon spotting her having just fallen over in the lobby of the Crossfire and coming to her aid to help her stand up.

    It turned out that Gideon had deliberately gone into the building after her. He'd spotted her outside moments before as she entered the building. He'd been sitting in the back of his Bentley as the curbside and she'd stopped next to the car in order to gaze up at the skyscraper.

    "You hit me the instant I saw you ... I couldn't look away. I wanted you immediately. Excessively. Almost violently .... You were looking up at the building and I pictured you on your knees, looking up at me that same way ... with excitement. A little awe ... a little intimidation," Gideon explained. (pages 12-13).

    Thus he followed Eva inside, and found her literally on her knees -- she'd dropped to the floor of the lobby to help pick up the spilled contents of some other woman's purse.

    Eva admitted that when she saw Gideon for the first time, all she could think about was sex - something he could see too. But more importantly:

    "And I knew you saw me, too. Saw what I am ... what I have inside me. You saw right through me," he explained, describing what for him had actually been love, not simply attraction, at first sight.

    I always said it was love at first sight for Gideon.

    Eva broke the spell of his brunette fixation. It was as if he was awoken from a spell, which had bound him for so long.Which at the moment, we don't know the reason for it. I'm still sticking with mummy issues.

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