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Posts posted by julie54

  1. Although I actually like Brett he doesn't play dirty and he gives Gideon a taste of his own medicine which he sorely needs ...

    All Brett did was grow up, and still fancy Eva. As far as he is concerned, she is single and he wants to try again. She kissed him, giving him, perhaps, hope that he could have a chance.

    Sorry that boat has sailed Brett.

  2. As Sylvia explained in that excellent interview this past Tuesday, her characters come to her fully formed. The impression I continue to get is that she mostly feels bad for Corrine. Certainly, Eva herself told Corrine she (Eva) pities her (this near the end of Reflected during the showdown the two have.)


    As an author, she must have been initially taken by surprise just how unpopular the character became among the fan community. But judging by her good humor when the topic came up during the interview, she's got it that we can't stand Corrine.


    Personally, what sets me off about the character is:

    • She's two-faced
    • She's manipulative
    • She's selfish
    • The person she's supposed to love (Gideon) keeps ending up as collateral damage every time she hurts her rival
    At the end of the day, it's all about Corinne. She likes to be centre of attention, at the expense of everyone else.
  3. As the site's high risk ob/gyn, (other than being a GidEva fanatic) I can say that a miscarriage like she had should not prohibit her from conceiving and having a baby...

    As the site's high risk ob/gyn, (other than being a GidEva fanatic) I can say that a miscarriage like she had should not prohibit her from conceiving and having a baby...

    Thank you.

    That's good to know. She doesn't need anymore problems relating to her abuse.

  4. Sylvia has indicated any possibility of children would be down the road -- after they've done a lot more working through their issues, Gideon especially. But yes, pregnancy would be emotionally complicated for Eva as well. I only hope there wouldn't be physical problems with her being able to become a mother, i.e., that early pregnancy/miscarriage having left some physical damage internally.

    That could be a possibility from the abuse alone.

  5. It struck me that Gideon sorta freaked when Eva revealed she didn't feel well physically -- he even asked her if she needed a doctor.


    My theory on the root of that over-reaction was the fact his mother had been sick for some, perhaps all, of her third pregnancy, carrying his half sister Ireland, when he was around age 10-11 at the time. That "difficult" pregnancy triggered the chain of events that led to him getting sexually abused and in a way "losing" his mother, his relationship with her destroyed because she took the word of strangers over him.


    So now one of Gideon's issues he'll need to overcome is being triggered by changes to Eva's physical health -- not just over-reacting if she so much as develops a cold. Can you imagine what he could be like if they have children of their own some day? Probably a wreck from the day he gets the news she's pregnant.

    You mentioning this subject.

    I have wondered several times, how Eva would cope with a pregnancy? Given that the abuse she suffered which resulted in a pregnancy, then a miscarriage. Emotionally, and mentally how could she not remember back to those dark days. This would be a bittersweet moment for Eva to get pregnant. From Gideons point of view, surely horrendous memories would flood back. I would think a baby although eventually will be fantastic, but until their issues were resolved, would be a very bad thing.

  6. "Lucky you. You get to experience the inconvenience reserved for men with girlfriends and wives."

    "I am lucky." Gideon brushed loose strands of my hair away from my temples, his own luxuriant hair falling around that chiseled face. " "and maybe, if I'm really lucky, you'll feel better tomorrow and like me again"

    Oh that was so sad. Both of them sound so low and are in need of some TLC. :( :(

  7. Hey who ever came up with Eternity with You great title for book five :)

    Wonder if Sylvia is looking on here and what she thinks of the fans book titles !

    Love this for book five.

    Perhaps Sylvia will use all of them, which means more Gideon and Eva. Yay!! :)

  8. Gideon sending Corrine back to her husband whole after making Corrine realize their business is forever finished now -- that it had been finished on his part years ago and now it finally can be finished on her end?


    This would be progress over Gideon sending Anne Lucas broken back to her own husband, one of Gideon's, shall we say, less than finer hours.


    Note: my wish for things to end halfway decently once Gideon quits using Corrine is a wish for him -- the guy has more than enough guilt to carry around without the additional burden of Corrine. As for Corrine, I could care less -- happy and whole, miserable and broken. She bought this on herself, fought dirty, and let herself get used.

    Well said.

    Right she's gone who's next?

  9. If you get the TV series Sons of Anarchy, a drama about a motorcycle gang in California, you definitely are getting the FX network on your British cable TV. SoA is one of its top series.


    P.S. Downton Abbey, from your Masterpiece network, is hugely popular over here in the States. It's got a cult following.

    Yes SOA is on my cable. Hopefully, all fingers "crossed" excuse the pun. Lol
  10. I find it interesting how Gideon started to go quiet when he saw the photo of Corrine that Eva had taken on her (Eva's) smartphone and the revelation that Corrine essentially helped herself to Angus' services.


    I'm convinced that later that day, Gideon chewed Corrine out up one side and down the other. Just because he didn't tell Eva that does NOT mean he didn't tell Corrine off.  What Corrine did hurt Eva -- badly. And moving forward, he tried to avoid talking about Corrine period with Eva because the mere mention of his ex's name triggered Eva.


    The story strongly suggests that after the fundraiser fiasco, Gideon did not spend any time at all, in public or in private, anywhere near Corrine. He spent every moment he could with Eva. Until Gideon started taking Corrine out, as part of the Nathan plot, he almost certainly had been rebuffing any requests she had made to try to see him. I suspect he might have even done what Eva had demanded he do the night she met Corrine -- start weaning Corrine off of the phone calls.

    Oh to read the entire manuscript. I wonder how much we talk about was edited?
  11. Snapshot #18 http://www.sylviaday.com/2013/05/17/entwined-snapshot-18/


    It's a private plane on the ground at an airport, the door open and the set of stairs in position for passengers to board or exit.


    Please -- let the last ride Gideon Cross ever gives Corrine is a flight on one of his private jets, a flight back to France in the company of her estranged husband.


    Get her gone so that Eva can once again engage in her transportation fetish by doing Gideon in every luxury vehicle he owns. OK, well maybe not the Bentley -- it'd be TMI for Angus. They've always used the limo, whose back can be sealed off visually and audibly from the driver's end.

    What's TMI.?

    Please make sure she is handcuffed to a seat. Lol

  12. The Humongous Fight In Chapter Three - The Old Eva Comes Out


    Background: When Eva had moved out to California as a young woman, really getting to know her father for the first time, in return Victor got to know his daughter -- and saw her dark side. Saw she was an angry troublemaker. He never knew the cause (she'd been repeatedly raped as a girl) but he did know something was really wrong -- and thus he convinced her to enter therapy with Dr. Travis, to start working on her issues. Thus far, we've heard about (and seen evidence of) progress that therapy made in helping to heal parts of her.


    But after Corrine severely triggered Eva's insecurities and jealousies, and then Gideon made matters worse by trying to downplay Eva's over-reaction, what I saw as a reader was a glimpse of who Eva had been at her worst years ago. In order, here's what she did, and what I think it signified:


    • Barged her way into his office (boundary violation)
    • Didn't immediately open up to him about why she was upset (lack of open communication)
    • Searched the premises for further evidence of "guilt" and basically tried and convicted the guy on the spot (serious trust problem)
    • Refused to tell him what was wrong - instead swore at him and tried to storm out (wound-and-run pattern Travis had warned her about)
    • When he blocked her from leaving, she slapped him across the face -- very hard (complete loss of temper now resulting in violence)
    • Finally showed him the "incriminating" picture of what Corrine had looked like walking out of the building, but didn't even want to listen to his possible explanations (already prejudged him -- trust problem and communication problem)
    • Accused him of cheating (trust problem - jealousy issue)
    • ** In Eva's defense, Gideon proceeded to screw up seriously at this point by vastly underestimating how upset she was, belittling her reactions, and in return getting angry at her, completely blowing how he handled his own side of this serious fight.
    • Eva dredged up again the entire episode of Corrine at the fundraiser the night before -- and so rejected everything Gideon had explained to her the night before when he, for once, had been being very honest. (Proof that Corrine had succeeded in very seriously triggering Eva, now her trust in Gideon was shattered when it came to Corrine. Eva really does have serious issues.)
    • When Gideon finally asked her point blank did she believe he'd f****** Corrine there in his office, she continued to counterattack (trust/communication failure)
    • Said things to deliberately wound Gideon, then left - this time without him stopping her (wound and run.)
    You hit the nail on the head with this post. There was a huge breakdown in communication on both their parts. Those darn demon twins, keep rearing their ugly heads too.

    Eva also pushed past Scott at reception, not waiting for him to finish talking. Oh Eva.

  13. Eva was so convinced after seeing Corrine leaving the Crossfire that something had happened between Corrine and Gideon because of Corrine's appearance. I find that interesting because whenever Eva and Gideon were intimate he always made sure she was presentable. He would have never let Eva leave his office looking like they just were just very intimate.

    Good point.

  14. Hmmmm -- in Chapter 3 of Reflected, today's re-read, Gideon again threatens to spank Eva. This time, he's really mad at her and he blurts out the spanking as an actual threatened punishment. At the time, they were having one of their worst fights ever, in the immediate aftermath of the Corrine "nooner" stunt.

    This is the third time he's told Eva he wants to spank her. The other two times were

    1. First week they'd met -- her taunting him over the telephone about her steadfast refusals of her sexual propositions. She pushes her teasing a little too far by suggesting he go find a woman to f*** senseless so he can get back to his obsessive-compulsive life. He warns her if she insults him again, he'll spank her over it. At the time he's half serious

    2. The night she met Corrine -- during the discussion afterward in her (Eva's) apartment, when Gideon joked that if Eva didn't quit thinking of them as temporary, he'd spank her. This time it's said in loving jest.

    Hmm -- two spanking threats in under 24 hours, both of them triggered by disagreement over Corrine.

    The one time Gideon probably literally wanted to spank Eva was in the limo right after the kissing-Brett episode. He didn't, but he did engage in some BDSM behaviors, including:

    • Ordering her to shut up and make him come (master-slave dynamic)
    • Refusing to allow her to come (or***m denial, which is another BDSM master-slave behavior directed against the slave)
    • Telling her to strip but for her boots (making clothing a fetish article).
    • When she'd gotten sick of him treating her like a w**** he reminded her she could put a stop to things by using her safeword (that is a crucial part of BDSM)
    If Gideon has gone down the BDSM road to gain ultimate control, could he also be using it to punish brunettes like his mother (Elizabeth) who basically abandoned him as a child, and it's his way of revenge, making him feel like he is punishing his mother for his abuse and hurt.
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