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Posts posted by julie54

  1. I did wonder about that as well Julie, but I think Cary will be pleased that Nathan is dead and it may even cement his concerns that Gideon would hurt Eva, this may show him that Gideon would do anything to keep Eva safe and I think that will sit well with Cary, he will probably keep an eye out for his "baby girl" but I think he will deep down be relieved that Gideon did what he did and I think he will now see a stronger Eva and hopefully that will help him as well with his recovery.

    In that interview, Sylvia said Eva would be a stronger person in EWY. So hopefully Cary as well as Gideon, will be going in the right direction. Although there are some dark days ahead for poor Gideon, by all accounts. Poor girls got her work cut out though! Gideon, Cary and Monica!

  2. I agree Julie, I feel sorry for Cary but deep down maybe I just want him to be a nice guy for Eva and I don't think he would do anything that would hurt her or upset her, he may not like her being back with Gideon and he will probably say so and be sceptical of the relationship but I don't think he would do anything intentially to upset Eva or to jepordise his close connection and friendship to Eva

    I agree. They have a good relationship, they both lean on and understand each other, as Gabri reminded me, it's easy to pick over someone else's problems.

    I think when he realises Eva is back with Gideon, he will put two and two together, and realise Gideon killed Nathan. Will it be a good thing or bad thing? As her "brother" will it worry him that Gideon is now a murderer, albeit to keep Eva safe?

  3. If anyone listens to the audio book, I need a little help clarifying something. Chapter 5, when Eva gets the call from her dad, the narrator says, "my mom had been going through a rough patch with husband number three."  The kindle ebook version says "husband number two."  Which is it? Not sure if it really matters, but it may make a difference latter in the story.

    The book says "husband number two" also.

    Wasn't Mitchell the gambler?

  4. I know we are not at this point yet but can you imagine the moment when Gideon realized that Brett Kline had written the song GOLDEN for HIS EVA. We can not even begin to think we know what was going through his head at that moment. Did he realize it when he saw Eva in Brett's arms which would have been a double electric shock to his system first to catch Eva in another man's arms and second the realization about the song and a past love affair of Eva's... That being said it really wasn't Cary's fault that he didn't clue Eva in about Six Ninths . This night it was all Eva's bad...

    I agree.

    When Gideon said to Eva in the back of the limo, "did you come for me when I had my fingers inside you, Eva? Or because of his godda*n song?"

    How could such a great evening, spiral out of control like that?

    Now he knew how Eva felt. Not that two wrongs make a right.

  5. Lets keep a clear head!! Lets face it these snippets and pictures are MINISCULE portions of what is actually in the book. There are 22 chapters and judging from the last 2 books there is important information in every paragraph so there will be plenty for us to sink our teeth into. There are way too many convolutions in the story for us to predict anything at this point but that being said Cary is a pot stirrer but in a good way!! These guys are in their 20's and they need to have a bit of fun!! :)

    I think the mum in me is coming out here. :)

    Cary can be good for Eva, both of them know each others flaws and issues. Some of his comments and actions have hurt Eva. I just hope he sticks to his own affairs.

  6. Theories:

    Alone time and external ramifications = the need to sneak around will continue to be an issue.

    • I think they'll need to stay under cover for nearly all of the novel. But this can be a good thing, because they'll have one another's undivided attention.
    • It'll be almost like North Carolina but in the middle of New York - them staying in and hiding from the outside world as they hide with one another. (Well, mostly staying in -- I'm dying to read that sex-in-the-nightclub chapter!)

    Insecurities and concerns about other people ... her comfort level being stable ... he's actually struggling with more = externally, the two love triangles will continue to be issue.

    • But Eva-Gideon-Corrine isn't going to trigger Eva anymore; she'll be able to handle the situation moving forward, knowing now for sure Gideon is hers (Eva's).
    • However, the Gideon-Eva-Brett triangle, which already had been causing Gideon to lose control, is going to be even harder for him to bear, because of Gideon's own insecurities. He'd lost control by beating Brett up. Then he took a horrible risk by contacting Eva at a time when he desperately needed to 100% avoid her, took the risk because Brett gave an interview indicating he (Brett) had reconnected with Eva and wanted a second shot at a relationship with her.
    • Now Gideon has to suffer in silence and exercise extreme self control during whatever happens next. The fact Deanna Johnson already knows about Brett now means the tabloids are about to go nuts with all sorts of stories linking Brett and Eva -- some truths, some half truths and some lies. Plus, Brett has the freedom to approach Eva without any overt ramifications from Gideon.

    Her being stable .... new stability to the whole relationship .... a lot more moments of calm and connection = New Eva is in charge

    • Old Eva, with her own raging issues, was also to blame for the relationship turning rocky and then falling apart.
    • But finally, she's faced down her twin demons of jealousy and insecurity. No more outbursts, no more over-the-top bad reactions -- no more running away when things get rough. Definitely no more of the wound-and-run pattern Dr. Travis had worked so hard to break but which came back during the early days of her relationship with Gideon.
    • So now he'll finally be able to face his own demons of insecurity and jealousy -- and fear of abandonment. Circumstances will help teach him to finally trust Eva.
    I love reading your comments, you go into such depth and detail.

    Makes my couple of lines look insignificant.

    Bet your one awesome journalist. :)

  7. I suspect Cary's attitude is "the best way to get over someone is to get under someone else." That and he probably has a subconscious desire to get even with Gideon for Gideon having broken Eva's heart. He might not even realize one of his motives is to get the ultimate revenge against Gideon for having broken Eva's heart -- Eva taking Brett to her bed would be a serious blow to Gideon's manhood and his public image.

    Promiscuity is of both Cary and Eva's emotional make-up, one of the legacies of past damage and betrayal making it hard for them to have healthy relationships. And in Cary's case, he self-sabotages relationships.

    Eva's moved on in her journey toward wellness - she's regained sexual self-esteem. And she's in love for the first time in her life.

    But Cary meanwhile is continuing to screw around. Part of him knows he's messing up -- the whole mess with the orgy was a wake-up call, as was getting beaten half to death by what Cary suspected was some woman's jealous husband/boyfriend.

    Yet here he is at the end of Reflected still ruining his own love life by continuing to sleep with Tatiana even though he knows Tatiana is a dealbreaker issue for Trey.

    In other words, Cary is messing up his second shot at getting back together with Trey -- and Cary is also trying to mess up any second shot Gideon might have at Eva.

    Part of me, feels extremely sorry for Cary. Like Eva and Gideon, he lost control in his life through no fault of his own. His recovery is full of pitfalls, and set backs, but also he needs to wake up and smell the coffee. His self sabotaging, is never going to aid his recovery. People try to help him, but on occasions he throws it back in their faces. Unless he gets the help he needs, his life is always going to hurt Eva's. Hence no HEA till Cary is in a good place.
  8. My favourite paragraph.

    Claiming me. Possessing me.

    "Crossfire," he whispered, reminding me of my safe word?

    I moaned as my s*x rippled in climax, tightening and squeezing, milking him greedily.

    "Feel that?" Gideons tongue traced the shell of my ear, his breath gusting in humid pants. "You've got me by the throat and the balls." Wheres the distance, angel."

    For the next three hours, there was none.

  9. Perhaps Cary ought to concentrate on his own life, instead of poking his nose in others affairs, if this is the case.

    As he has been called before, "a pot stirrer"

    Does he not realise, that his mischief making impacts on Eva's life, causing her hurt too.

    Trying to set Eva up with Brett so soon after her "breakup" with Gideon is so wrong. Rebound relationships are not a good thing. Space and time to think are needed.

    I'm hoping Cary gets Dr Petersen help. He needs it.

  10. I agree Julie, Eva I think is going to have to show Gideon each day how much she appreciates what he has done as I think if she does not show him how grateful she is and how much she loves him I think he will falter and he will slide back into a dark place

    Hopefully with her love, support, and therapy he will escape from the dark side. The enormity of what he's done will be an overriding factor in his life. But Eva gratitude, and strength will pull him through. I'm sure of it.
  11. This was the highlight of the interview for me:


    "I can’t talk too much about Entwined with You because it’s not out yet. And that’s so hard, because I so want to talk tabout it! But there’s more alone time with Gideon and Eva as we move forward in the series and they grow stronger, so I’m really enjoying that as a writer."


    and this:


    " The third book is very different. Eva’s in a different place. At the end of Reflected in You, Gideon has made a pretty large sacrifice for her. Her big issues had been insecurities, concerns about other people and other women particularly in Gideon’s life. It’s hard to have those sorts of fears and self-doubt after somebody makes a huge sacrifice, like Gideon did for her. So she’s in a much more stable place as far as her comfort level with the relationship and being able to accept the depth of his commitment to her.

    Gideon, however--what he’s done, there’s a lot of ramifications. Not just externally, but internally. So as she grows stronger, he’s actually struggling with more. That said, she’s really the anchor for that relationship. She has been from the beginning. So with her being stable, it brings new stability to the whole relationship, and readers will see a lot more moments of calm and connection between the two than we have seen in the previous books."

    Thanks Kirsten for posting this.

    It's good to know that they have more alone time, with no outside interference. I do feel poor Gideons shoulders are very heavy with this extra burden of Nathan's death though, although he knows Eva is safe. Its Eva's turn to do something for Gideon, get him to open up. He needs to unburden himself, it's not healthy bottling it all up.

    I just hope he doesn't buckle under the strain.

  12. That is why I always wonder Julie if she wasn't so broken would she have stayed the course because the average woman without a tragic past and self esteem issues would not...although Eva does say that if she doesn't work it out with Gideon she won't work it out with anyone simply because he knows all her secrets.

    They both saw pain and heartbreak in each other, the day they met. She made it clear to Cary, that she feels Gideon is healing her with his touch. Putting behind her all the relationships that made her feel used and degraded. She realises that what she has is special with Gideon, but her insecurities and jealousy rear their ugly heads, exaggerating all feelings out of proportion. She needs to control this. Communicating her fears.

  13. Julie it's really a card game scheme (e.g. blackjack) where a player keeps a mental tally of the cards played in order to calculate the probability of certain cards being dealt, therefore gaining an advantage against the "house." It's very difficult to do because most casinos use 6-8 decks in a game.

    So basically you have to have a very good memory?

    Gideon must have been an awesome player then, to have amassed such an empire. It must be illegal? Wonder if he ever got caught?

  14. I didn't mean to imply that Cary's drug addiction was his fault. Obviously he was nearly beaten to death and needs the pain medication. My problem with Cary is that he needs to be in therapy regularly. Not a phone call to Dr. Travis. He has a ton of self destructive behavior, and I had just listened to the audio of him in the hospital explaining to Eva that being with just Trey is not enough for him, and I can't help but think he has a sexual addiction, and will need to work through that if he is ever going to be settled.[/quote

    Will Trey or anyone come to think of it, be enough for Cary? Unless he gets some serious help, he will self destruct.

    I agree the point that he may have a sexual addiction. Trey, Tatiana, Ian and his clusterf*ck, he just seems out of control. This guy has it all going for him, he should be enjoying life. But I think we can thank yet another crap mum for his predicament.

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