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Posts posted by julie54

  1. We don't know, but my gut says yes. Because if it is true that Anne Lucas expressed keen interest in Eva the first time Gideon took Eva out in public as a date, it makes sense why at the next big social affair that Gideon and Eva attended, the fundraiser at the Waldorf a couple of weeks later, Dr. Lucas swooped in on Eva.


    Lucas took full advantage of the fact it was plain to everyone in the vicinity Gideon wasn't even paying attention to a miserable Eva -- Eva was being ignored while Corrine got all of Gideon's attention. While Gideon was distracted, Lucas kept Eva company at the dinner table and even persuaded her to go have a drink with him. Eva attempting to leave the table to do just that is what finally drew Gideon's attention back to Eva.


    This was Lucas' first attempt at poisoning Eva's heart and mind against Gideon. Lucas did succeed in planting some seeds by playing into Eva's insecurities about Gideon being almost completely 100% focused on Corrine at that moment. Lucas pointed out truthfully that Gideon had been too wrapped up in talking with Corrine to even notice what Eva was doing. Then Eva told Gideon that Lucas was right. Thus began the argument that led to Eva walking out of the dinner, pulling one of her runners. So Lucas did win that night in that he sparked the one thing that absolutely terrifies Gideon inside -- Eva pulling away from him. In fact, for the first and only time, Eva safe-worded Gideon in order to make Gideon let go of her (at the time, Gideon had a firm hold on her hand and was refusing to let her leave the table.)

    I agree with what you say.

    Although Gideon had a reason for the way he treated Anne Lucas, what Dr. Lucas was doing, was his version of payback. I'm sure Dr. Lucas will be crawling out from under his stone at some point. I wonder how he would feel if he knew Gideon owned the building where he worked. Paying rent to your enemy!

    I just hope Gideon spills the beans in June. That is going to be one heck of a conversation.

  2. Was thinking were thousand of miles apart but what about we arrange a time that as many as possible were on line together on 3 June discuss what we hope to find out in EWY

    And the again on 5th after we've read EWY

    Although some of us speed readers will have finished it before 4th has finished !

    Anyone up for the idea ?

    Count me in. Be burning that midnight oil again. Lol

  3. Hi Gigi

    That comment made my day. Can't do smiley faces on my iPad, or if I can I don't know how to. Not very technical. Lol

    She is 20 years old. She brought FSOG then BTU and RIY. She preferred the latter, which we all do, because the storyline is so compelling and better written. But she won't discuss them with me. I don't expect her to talk graphically about the sex, though it does give one a lovely tingly feeling, but it would have been good to discuss the rest of the plot. Kids eh! Apparently when we get to 50 we have to take up knitting. Lol

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