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Posts posted by julie54

  1. It's a good thing Eva suffers from low self esteem or Gideon' s beautiful face would have definitely been marred by a couple of black eyes from the average woman...LOL


    I think he would have been wearing his b***s as earrings!! I like his honesty though. I think i would have been taken aback a bit, but not offended that much. Would it turn you off? Depends on what sort of personality you are. These days anything seems to go!

  2. The only schedule is which chapter is being re-read: one chapter per day. Today we're on Chapter Five of Bared To You. After each of us has finished reading a chapter, Sylvia would like to hear from fans which line or paragraph each of us liked best in that particular chapter.


    There's no set schedule for which chapters to discuss. We've been going back and forth, as it turns out, because of connecting dots backward and forward.


    I hope I didn't confuse you by my system of both posting the summary of Chapter Four this morning as well as the post about Chapter Five being the chapter of the day today.


    Knowing that people read at different speeds and recognizing that there will be days in this fun project that many of us won't get to read at all, I've been creating a sort of daily cheat sheet -- a Reader's Guide. After asking for some members thoughts, I set a schedule for when I'll aim to post each of these guides: the day after each chapter was read. For example, we read Chapter Four yesterday, so I posted the summary today. We're reading Five today, so I'll post that summary tomorrow.


    If it causes confusion, I'll change the schedule. More thoughts, friends? Should I post the summary guide on the same day that particular chapter is on schedule, instead of waiting until the morning after?


    I will go with whatever is easier. Your just doing a great job, especially as you re working, and with that vivid imagination !!!! I think you have covered so many scenarios, of where this story could go. Thankyou.

  3. Well if you ever come to Canada sister, you are welcome at my house any time!  We will throw you a huge Easter Celebration European Style!  Just remember to bring your sweat pants (or stretchy pants) because you are going to need them.  We eat until someone at the table swears that their pants are going to split.  Then we roll ourselves off of our chairs and waddle over to a sofa or some other comfortable place where we can lay down like a bunch of hibernating bears and slowly come out of our self-induced food coma. 


    By the time the food has begun to digest, then it is time for dessert and specialty coffee.  Then everyone is done in for! :)  We complain that our pants won't fit tomorrow and that we probably will have gained a zillion pounds and swear that we will never do it again....only to do the very same thing again the next year.  Sigh!  Thank goodness for the treadmill and a fitness membership! :)

    hi Gigi

    That sounds so much fun. You sound like you have a big family. Love family get-togethers. They are so much fun, might just take you up on the invite next year. Going to New York next year for daughters 21st. Would be on the same side of the pond! We could have a forum reunion. That would be fun.

  4. Okie dokie, I will probably be joining back in with you later on today.  I think it would be around 9pm your time.  I have a few errands to run and things to do today.  Our Easter is coming up next weekend and I have to prepare for the up-coming festivities.  Is there a time that works better for you?

    hi Gigi.

    After 9pm is fine. We had our Easter three weeks ago. Goodnight. Sweet dreams.

  5. Hi Julie,

    You are right about the risk part.  I am glad that Eva took that risk.  I am not sure that I would take such a risk if a guy spoke to me like that.  I have a feeling the "lad" would have wound up with a black eye or two...:)

    hi Gigi

    Yes I agree the chat up lines were outrageous, but honest. He didn't beat about the bush. She knew where she stood with him.

  6. Hi Julie,

    I think that every woman would love her version of a "Gideon".  I know that I certainly would want that.  I also know that every woman deserves that, including me.  Now all I have to do is find him...and get him to walk down the isle...:)

    hi Gigi

    I had mine until 7 years ago. Still miss him.

    Keep looking girl! There's someone for everyone.

    What has Sylvia done to us! Poor Gideon will be knackered, all these women after him. Keep an orderly queue ladies!!!

  7. Hi Julie,

    I think that you are right.  For what ever reason both Gideon and Eva decided to test the whole "relationship" thing with each other.  I wonder if we the readers will ever know the reasons why each chose the other.  It might make a nice snippet or two and help to entertain the readers while we wait for the next release.  :) 


    Hey is it 10:30am in the UK?


    It's 11.30 now. Late night for you!

  8. Hi Julie,

    You are right.  It is clear that Gideon is very dominant, but what is so off-putting to me is the way in which he approaches s** with Eva.  I have to wonder how Gideon even feels about women at this point in his life.  Most normal women would have tossed a drink in his lap or slapped his face if he came on to them like he did Eva. 


    I also have to wonder just a little bit how much of Eva's past dictates what she will find acceptable in a relationship?  Naughty chat during s** is one, thing, but how does Gideon feel about women?  Are they just a body part to be used and pleasured or are they living, breathing, human beings in need of love and affection?  What do you think?  What does everyone think? 

    hi Gigi

    Yes he probably did regard them as an orifice, as he was emotional detached from them. But then Eva came along. His chat up lines sucked! But part of her was turned on by his rawness, I think she still liked a bad boy, and Gideon came across like that to start with. His gentleman side came out later.

    As Dr Travis said to Eva, sometimes you have to take risks. She regarded Gideon as a risk.

  9. Hi Julie,

    It is strange.  I wonder how much of her attraction toward Gideon is what is suppressing her fight/flight instincts?  As I have mentioned before, I think that this is the firs real relationship where Eva is trying to set some boundaries and it seems that Gideon is fighting her at every step and turn.  Or maybe Gideon isn't fighting Eva so much as he is testing her boundaries. 


    Eva seems to be walking a tightrope every time she comes into contact with Gideon.  He is constantly pushing one button or another or is triggering some type of exaggerated response.   What do you think?  What does everyone think?

    hi Gigi

    I suppose the same could be said for Gideon. He has probably never had someone reject him before. Eva's past relationships were never challenging, this was a learning curve for both of them. Events were happening, which neither had experienced before, perhaps both willing to see where things would lead too.

  10. Hi Julie,

    I don't think that Magdalene would be settling for second best.  If she got Gideon she would have been settle for sh*t.  Gideon didn't or doesn't love her and as such he never would be able to love and give her all of the respect that as a woman she would deserve. 


    If Arnoldo could give that to Magdalene, then he would be her best choice.  She would be loved and cherished just like every woman deserves.  I think that there is a "Gideon" out there for every woman.  He may have blond hair, or green eyes and have a different name or whatever but he will love each and every single one of us the way  Gideon loves Eva.  To me that is perfection. :)

    hi Gigi

    Your an old romantic at heart.

    Yes I do agree with you. Most of the women who dated Gideon, probably were looking at his stunning looks and bank balance, and not the person inside. Today, to many people are shallow, focusing on the exterior.

  11. Hi Julie,

    I just wanted to add that Gideon was constantly directing and moving Eva like a pawn or a chess piece.  Gideon invaded her personal body boundaries without invitation.

    • Gideon placed his hand on the small of Eva’s back (guiding and directing her where he wanted her to go-subtly of course).
    • Gideon always invaded her personal space by standing in close proximity to Eva every time he talked to her. Depending on the situation Eva was always pinned up against a wall, a glass door, an elevator wall, a limo, but the point is that Gideon always seems to get Eva into a confined space where he could be in close proximity to her and dare I say control the situation.
    • When Eva didn’t cooperate, Gideon would pick up or scoop up Eva and place her where he wanted her to be…thus far mainly sofas.
    • She tried to get up from the sofa and Gideon wrapped his fingers around Eva’s wrist and back down onto the sofa she went (so in effect, even if she wanted to Eva wouldn’t have been able to leave).
    • When Gideon scooped Eva up and got her onto her back on his sofa, he hiked up her skirt and was looking at her “goodiesâ€. 

    Now, I get that this is supposed to be a romance novel and all, but I would think that Eva would have very good cause to be weary of Gideon.  He doesn’t seem to have any boundaries where Eva is concerned.  He physically controls her environment (via the elevator) and the people she has contact with (only Gideon and Eva were in the elevator).  Gideon also had an elevator key which would have meant that he had physical control of the elevators’ destination.   All of those acts could be considered a trigger if Eva didn't participate in the decsion making process (which she never was).  If I were Eva, I think I would be a little freaked out!  What do you think? 

    hi Gigi

    You are so right on all levels. Why wasn't Eva running for the hills where Gideon was concerned. It isn't till she tells him about her abuse that he is appalled at the way he chased her. Saying he could have ruined things before they got going. It all comes down to his control freakery and desperation to have her. She must have got some vibe, that although the way he was behaving was crude and offensive, she didn't feel threatened, especially given her abuse.

  12. Hi Julie54, 

    It is funny that you talked about desperation.  We the readers got to see Eva's desperation while she was trying to manage her relationship with Gideon.  I get the feeling that Gideon was the first person that Eva started testing her boundaries and limits on.  I think that up until that point, Eva may have just been having casual s** and not in a steady relationship.   What

    Hi Gigi

    Happy birthday to your dad. Hope your heads ok.

    They both started off as wanting casual s*x, neither wanting it to affect their private lives. But both of them broke their rules, whether it be consciously or unconsciously.

    Gideon by going for a blonde (sorry it's that hair thing again), and Eva by developing feelings for him so quickly. I think cupids arrow got 2 for the price of one, when he shot his bow!

    Before Gideon, Eva went for all the wrong men, bad boys, who didn't want a loving relationship that she did to. She probably had to do all the chasing, hence her s****y self esteem. Although Gideon came across as a casual sex guy, he chased after her, making a the moves, which the other guys didn't. Something obviously clicked.

    On thing that did cross my mind was. When she woke up one morning in his apartment, he was dipping his wick. Why didn't she freak out?

  13. Hey now sister, I grew up with Paddington Bear so I am a little familiar with the English Vernacular.  :)   But seriously, I think that someone like Arnoldo could be good for our cheeky Magdalene.  Arnoldo could be busy whispering dirty sweet nothings while Magdalene moans something equally naughty in another.  Then after a night of blissful passion, Arnoldo could feed his leggy raven haired beauty.


    I don't feel so sorry for Brett.  He was busy rocking his nut sack for all those years with all those groupies, so our naughty lad was taken care of.  Maybe Brett needs someone like Corinne to bring him back down to earth.


    If Brett decided to decline our match-making advise then I have a suggestion for his next song title:  "It Sucks To Be Me".  He could go into the specifics about how he lost the love of his life.  I am sure that we could even come up with the lyrics if our boy is at a loss for words.  What do you think?   

    Hey! Why aren't you in bed. You need your beauty sleep for all our banter tonight. It's 10am here, what tie ave you got?

    Yeah, I think Magdalene needs a good man, bless her! Waiting patiently for her go on Gideon! Arnoldo seems a good chap, but don't you think she will be settling for second best as Eva observed? He is the ultimate!!! We ladies will testify to that. Swoon!!!

  14. Hi everyone,

    I just wanted to confirm, that tomorrow which is Saturday would be day six in our count down to the next book.  Are we supposed to be discussing chapter 6 or chapter five?  Do we read and discuss on the same day we are supposed to read the chapter or do we have a delay in the day so we read one chapter and discuss it the next day?

    hi Gigi

    It's chapter five today. We seem to be all over the place with or discussions. I think the time zones are throwing out problems here! Your asleep or working when Europe discusses, and vice versa. Good job we are all on the same page, pun intended. ;-)

  15. Hi Julie54,

    I think our Eva had the advantage right from the very beginning!  I just don't think she knew the power that she wielded over Gideon.  I still wonder whether she realizes just how much power she has over Gideon.  What do you think?  What does everyone think?

    Hi Gigi

    I don't think she realised how desperate he was for her, in the early part of their relationship. Even when he had to keep chasing after her each time she did a runner. Her power over him was immense, to the point he couldn't function. What a woman!!!

  16. Hi Kirsten,

    I really hope that this is the worst of it now that Nathan is taking a "dirt nap".   Hopefully, Corinne won't go by way of "Fatal Attraction" and maybe she can get her act together. If some of the members have paired up Magdalene and Arnoldo, then why not try pairing Corinne with the wild rocker Brett?  Maybe Brett can help dislodge that stick up Corinne's b*tt.  What do you think?  What does everyone think? 

    Hi Gigi

    I love the comments from your side of the pond, that we don't use in England," dirt nap! " keep them coming.

    Hey, have we suddenly gone into the dating business? I feel sorry for Brett. All he has done is grow up, still with feelings for Eva, and the chances of him getting with her are zero. Ah well, he can write another song about it.

  17.  Hello Ms. Julie54,

    Sip slowly lady.  The forum needs you!  No, no dark side here sister...only light. :)  I knew I should have said..."to be confirmed on June 4th..." but I figured that I had been posting it so many times before that I thought that was understood.  My bad. :)  Like the Titanic, I am holding on to a piece of that sinking ship...appologies to come on June 4th.


    Just remember, if Syliva throws us a HUGE curve at the end of book five or six or twelve or whatever and says that it was all just a dream, then I will have been vindicated and I may just do a happy dance and post it on the forum...sans the stay up stockings (just kidding).   :)


    I. Missed our chats last night. I will be awake tonight I promise.

    I'm still keeping my fingers crossed for Monica, but I'm not holding my breath....Going blue in the face over in England. I'll take you out for a drink if your correct! We will all owe you a drink, for sticking to your guns!!

  18. My, my, you sure can turn a phrase!  :) 

    Morning Gigi have the forum to yourself last night eh.

    Love all your theories.

    Somehow I don't think Gideon would have ever had gone through with a wedding with Corrine. After all he could never spend a night in the same bed as her. In the time they had been together, he was never honest about his life with her. She may have tolerated it because of who he was, but she didn't know the real Gideon. I don't think consciously Gideon realises his brunette fetish lies with his mother.

  19. What made the situation even funnier at that point (him on the phone with her a 5 p.m. Friday, still pestering her) is that upstairs three hours ago, he most certainly had the touch! He had her on that couch and she was so hot for him she would have done whatever. It still intrigues me about where things would have gone if the two of them hadn't gotten interrupted.


    Now, three hours later, she's gotten herself back under control and her assertiveness has come right back. Poor Gideon .... that's NOT how it's supposed to work. He used to women being totally hooked from the first taste of him. Instead, Eva's back to her sassiness -- and still has her power intact too. Despite how good that kissing/fondling had been, she still wasn't going to settle for strangers with benefits, no matter how hot she was for Gideon. Go gurl!

    I think had it not been for the appointment and Eva getting back to work, Gideon would have had his wicked way with our heroine. She would have succumbed, perhaps not with full intercourse, but the next best thing a little oral, nudge nudge wink wink!!

    As soon as the spell was broken, she gathered herself together, frustrating him more. Poor chap. She had the advantage. Yes!!!

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