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Posts posted by julie54

  1. hi Gigi~ In a way I got to be in a small discussion group when I went to the meet & greet with Sylvia last night in Somerset with a great bunch of ladies and men! it was supposed to be an hour but turned into three hours! Not many authors would take the opportunity to spend more time with their fans after their allotted time schedule ended and that's why Sylvia ROCKS!! I had a blast last night. She said book signings are rough because they rush you and you only get 2 min with to talk to a fan. I was expecting that yesterday but I was able to talk to her earlier when I got my book signed.  I heard she is doing the Jacob Javits Center but I can't go to that or the one in Paramus so I'm glad I went last night.  our meet and greet group was a group of about 16 women and two men one of which was my husband who never read the books but fit right in! lol I wish I had taken some notes because I did bring a notepad and wish I brought a recorder but I was just in awe to be in the same room with Sylvia much less sitting a smaller room and in a circle!

    Here are some things we touched upon last night. If anyone was in the group with me last night please feel free to add in any missing info I might have missed and I apologize in advance if any of this is repeated from past forum conversations.

    • Sylvia says she hates when people think or make out cops to be stupid because they're not. She said Det. Graves is almost on the mark.She knows how to read people
    • Since Corrine was Gideon's first consensual sexual relationship, he felt obligated to her to take the phone calls and remain friends but Eva is his first and foremost concern in his life and if anyone is treating Eva miserably such as Corrine did, he will not be keeping her (Corrine) in his life.
    • Magdalene & Corrine ~. Gideon and Magdalene grew up together and were friends because their mothers were friends and what was interesting is that

      Syvia said Corrine's parents were friendly with Gideon's parents back then. again if I misinterpreted that please correct me. I'm trying to be as accurate as possible.

    • Christopher Jr. ~ When Eva went out to lunch with Christopher toward the end of Reflected and didn't go off on him like she did with Dr. Lucas, Elizabeth and Corrine, partly because he was 5 when Gideon was raped. She also said the storyline went downhill on that part. I'm trying to remember how she was describing it. anyway she also said that Christopher Jr. was not going to have a big part in EWY but he will be come up more in book 4 which is she halfway through writing
    • We will learn more about Monica in EWY. It was brought up how Monica was nonchalant around Eva after the breakup and not trying to fix her up with someone else or being more supportive during the breakup. Monica was 2 dimensional.
    • The series will be a quintent. BTY was supposed to be about Eva and RIY was supposed to be Gideon's but halfway through writing RIY both she and her editors said it was more about Eva then Gideon and that's why she is doing more books which I'm glad because of the time frame and getting his story. I only wish there was a Gideon POV book! 
    • It was also established that Gideon told Monica and Stanton that he was taking Eva away for the weekend because he knew Monica would worry endlessly about Eva knowing Nathan was still out there. The phone call Gideon took at the hospital was his contact on how was behind the attack. 
    • Victor is coming back which I'm happy about because I love him. He loves Eva so much and since he is prejudice against rich people, he wouldn't let his prejudice stand in the way of Eva's happiness if he knew how much Gideon loves and wants to protect Eva.
    • someone brought up the subject of Cary being spun off into another book and she said Eva wouldn't be able to move on with her HEA if Cary was not in a good place nor would doing a prequel of Cary and Eva in San Diego and how their lives were back then pre -Gideon because the fans wouldn't like it without Gideon being in the story which I agree!

      Again if anyone wants to correct me or add more info, please feel free to because I'm sure I missed a few more pieces of information. I'm going back to read chapters 4& 5 now 6 since I wasn't able to yesterday.  

    hi Caroline

    You are a very lucky lady to have met Sylvia, and she had the time to relate all these details to her fans.

    This information is absolutely awesome. I'm so glad this is all going to be in the next book. I am soooo happy that Gideon realises that Corrine is very vindictive towards Eva. So pleased Victor is appearing again, I like him. Think we all want Chris Vidal to get his comeuppance. Enjoy your reading.

  2. The fact Gideon asked Eva to keep that diamond ankle bracelet on so that he could f*** her wearing only that makes me think his original plan for Saturday night was to take her to his hotel room after the fundraiser.


    The night's events took a much different turn than he planned, however -- good and bad. The good comes in Chapter Six, and the bad immediately follows in Chapter Seven.


    Good: Eva seduced him in the back of his limo on the way to the fundraiser. She had no way of knowing it would be a turning point in his life -- after all, her knowledge of his sexual history barely scratched the surface. She did more than get him to "break rules" during that car ride. She smashed through his control fetishes that governed the only way he felt able to have intercourse was to be in complete control. It had to be in a hotel room he used exclusively for sex, the only place he'd ever had sex with any woman, including his first (and before now only) serious girlfriend. In order to come, he needed to "top" his partner by holding her down. Instead, Eva managed to "rock his world" by getting him to come in a way he didn't think was possible: her taking the lead as the top, and them doing it in the back of a limo.


    Bad: As soon as Gideon came down from the sexual high, he crashed hard, unable to emotionally handle what just happened. He went on a head trip that caused him to shut down and retreat to deep inside his emotional shell. Eva assumed (wrongly) she was the one who messed up, so she went on one of her own head trips that had her run away (in a figurative sense -- she avoided Gideon as much as possible for the remainder of the evening.) And they ended up leaving the fundraiser separately. Gideon rushed out early to go do something (we'd learn much later it was to help Corrine long-distance, who'd reached him on his cell phone in the middle of the event.) Eva ended up leaving alone very soon after Gideon essentially abandoned her -- in tears being driven home by her mother's chauffeur -- not only feeling rejected, but having her worst insecurity buttons pushed hard by the woman who Gideon had been platonically dating up to that point, Magdalene Perez.


    If felt sorry for both of them. All their insecurities came to the surface on this date. Rejection, not being in control. It was as if they were doomed from their very first date.

  3. So much hawtness to choose from in Chapter Five .....


    .... but my favorite is the final paragraph. Gideon's managed to make Eva agree to come (pun intended) with him as his date that night to a high profile fundraiser for a children's charity. His parting words as he tells her when he'll be back to her apartment later to pick her up:


    "Seven o'clock, Eva." He reached down and touched my ankle, his fingertips caressing the diamond anklet I'd put on in preparation for the evening. "And keep this on. I want to f*** you while you're wearing nothing else." (page 79)

    hi LN Cronan

    Judging by that comment, he obviously had the evening planned out. Dancing, dinner, sexy time. So why did he let the wicked witch-Corrine- making him feel guilty decide to abandon Eva. I know he felt sorry for her, but why not say, busy at the moment, see you tomorrow. A gentlemen he wasn't.

  4. There was another odd moment when Eva returned from her elevator ride with Gideon and Eva told Megumi "that man is such a head trip" and Eva wondered to herself why everyone was so concerned with her love life, I thought that was a red flag...


    This could be an avenue to explore. If Megumi was dating a pap, that would account for her being so nosey where Eva's love life is concerned. But then again, don't we women love to gossip about someone else's romantic shenanigans!!

  5. Hi Sscrph,

    It could very well be.  I have never personally had someone chase with me with kind of ferocity or vigor so I can't draw on from personal experience, but maybe it was a combination of both things.  Gideon chased Eva with passion and she slowly started to find herself or maybe tried not to lose herself in Gideon.  What do you think?  What does everyone think?

    hi Gigi

    I don't think Eva has had anyone chase after her in the past. She was the one doing the chasing to find the love that she was craving, debasing herself all the time.

    She must have felt flattered that someone was chasing after her, albeit in a crude manner.

  6. Hi Julie,

    I can't believe that the book hasn't been released in Australia yet...gasp!!!  Oh, no!! I would have thought for sure, Australia would pick up the Crossfire Series.  How odd.  I would have suggested that maybe some of the ladies could send over a copy of the books to the soon-to-be fans, but then I thought that there is no way that any of us would give up our copies.  We need it for our homework assignments. :)

    morning Gigi

    Sorry I couldn't wait up last night. My bed was calling.

    This sort of homework I like. Think I would get my first ever A* if I studied this subject. Lol

    There are a few countries around the globe that ave yet to meet our love birds. Couldn't imagine not having Gideon in my life. Sigh!!

  7.  Ciao Gabri,

    I stated in an earlier posting that I thought Dr. Lucas is despicable for many reasons.  If he treated Gideon, then he violated Doctor -Patient Privilege and as such would be disreputable in my and many people's eyes.


    The second point is that Dr. Lucas is a mean spiteful little man, who doesn't have the b***s to confront Gideon about sleeping with his wife, so instead Dr. Lucas picks on the emotionally weakest people in Gideon's life (by filling their heads with self doubt etc.), which is a punk a** thing to do in my book.


    As far as Monica is concerned, I saw the situation a little differently.  I think that Monica should carry around a HUGE TRUCK LOAD of GUILT!!!  She lived with that little girl for four years while  that little girl was being raped and tortured and Monica didn't notice anything.  I just want to vomit when  I sit and think about that.  Monica neglected her daughter in the most basic of ways.   I have to wonder whether Monica was ever emotionally connected to her daughter at all.  Who was bathing this kid, washing her underwear, tucking her in at night?  If Monica would have done any of those things than she would have seen at least some of  the signs that her daughter was being abused.  I believe that a mother has a moral and legal obligation to see to her child's well being and I think that Monica failed in many basic ways.  It wasn't as if Monica could rely  on her parents (Eva's grandparents) or Aunts/Uncles, sisters or brothers.  So the responsibility fell on Monica's shoulders and I get the feeling that she passed it off to her household staff to deal with.  In my eyes that is wrong.  What do you think?  What does everyone think?

    morning all

    If feel desperately sad for Eva, she feels guilt because her mother feels guilty. Eva states that the staff had to know what was going on, that they must have heard or saw something but did nothing. What the heck was Monica doing all this time? For four years this child had to endure unspeakable horror. If Monica had been a proper mother she would have notice. I know she got pregnant accidentally, but Eva was more of an accessory, rather than a daughter.

  8. Hi Julie,

    That sounds fabulous!  Big huge reunion for everyone at my house!  We can all sit and eat a huge feast and then discuss the next book that will be coming out! :)  Everyone, just remember to bring your sweat pants (stretchy pants).  You will need them!! :)

    hi Gigi

    Something good to look forward to.

    Lady from Australia posted on fb, asking, who our two lovers were. I don't think Gideon and Eva have reached down under yet. How bad is that. No Gideon or Eva. :-(

  9. Just one last post to say that I've tried Eva's chicken, cranberry, walnut, and feta salad today and it's really great! I'm on a diet and had to do without the walnuts, but it tasted really good nonetheless.

    Goodnight everybody, I'm going to start rereading Chap. 6 right now. Sweet dreams!

    (My deepest apologies for my funny English, always!!!!)

    goodnight Gabri

    Might have to try it too. Your English is very good, i might try a bit of Italian. Ciao

  10. Hi everyone!! Waiving hi!

    I'm new on here to posting but I've been following along for months reading all of your theories and I have to say you guys ROCK!!!! you make this such a fun book discussion. I wish we could all meet up in person and sit down around a table! I love all of your ideas and theories especially with the snapshots and snippets. A lot of stuff that I didn't understand at first started to make more sense after reading your explanations. 


     I just came back from Sylvia's book signing today in Somerset. She is the nicest person you will ever meet!! She also personalized her autograph in both of my books!! how many people take the time to meet with their fans and actually talk to them and personalize your book? not many! I'm hoping I can make it to her meet & greet tonight in Somerset.  I'm not able to make it to her book signing in Paramus on June 4th but I made sure to preorder the limited editon autograph of EWY. I cannot wait for May 7th to read the first chapter but I really can't wait to read the book. I'm so glad she's making a fourth book. I'm bummed that when Sylvia said Gideon killed Nathan but I wasn't surprised either when I read the excerpt from EWY. I wish it was all a bad dream and someone else killed Nathan not Gideon. I really hope the story goes more into Gideon's past and I hope both Corrine & Brett fade into the background and go away early on in the book lol! I really hope I get to read that Eva uses her krav maga skills to kick Christopher Jr's butt because he's long over due!! lol  

    welcome Caroline

    You are one lucky lady to meet Sylvia. She joins in occasionly, which is amazing. Hoping she can come to England one day. Fingers crossed.

    Your going to have fun on this forum. Yes we all want Eva to kick Christopher's butt. Not long now. 38 days to go!! Yay!!



    Hello Julie,

    I totally agree with you here. I would also say, though, that Cary has some good points too: he always makes Eva see the sunny side of the street and helps her to sort out her jumbled feelings about Gedeon, which is not a minor achievement!

    evening Gabri

    I agree he has good points, they bounce off each other. Reminding each other, where they started, and how far they have come. Cary did root for Gideon to start with, but when Gideon had his nightmares and started keeping secrets from Eva, Carys love for Eva took over and he warned her, to ditch gideon because he was afraid of her breaking again. They would always look out for each other.

  12. I didn't think about that Kristin, now I'm wondering if her mystery man could of been Nathan I wouldn't be surprised if it was as a red flag Sylvia has thrown us.. I am reading RIY again I'm up to chapter 6 does anyone remember if Eva asked her how her date went ? And what did she say??


    If Megumi had been dating Nathan, wouldn't she have been upset at work when he died?

  13. One of my favourite lines in this chapter, "the way he looked in worn jeans and a t-shirt made me want to undress him with my teeth."

    Then there's the s*xy line: "I'm going to tell you all the ways I want you to please me, Eva, and you're going to do it all....take it all, and we're going to have explosive, primal, no-holds-barred s*x. You know that, don't you? You can feel how it'll be between us. Swoon!!!

  14. When Eva first crossed his path, Gideon's approach to sex was rigid: he kept sex partners separate from all other areas of his life: friendship, business .... everything. By Chapter Five, Eva finally pieced that together and told him as much -- and he conceded that was in fact, his usual position.


    But by then he'd already begun shifting his position, because his "system" wasn't going to work. Not work for Eva, and as it became increasingly apparent, not work for himself either.


    Under his usual custom-level system, Eva should have instantly given in to his desire to f**** her. Without question. Experience taught Gideon that whenever he told a woman he wanted to f**** her, the instant answer was yes. But no woman was allowed to expect anything beyond sex.


    Eva didn't have a comfort level with simply f****** men anymore. That's what she'd been doing self-destructively for years, but Dr. Travis taught her to respect herself enough to quit sleeping around. Now, she believed in mutual self-respect with it cae to sex, which meant she and a lover needed to be on friendly terms.


    Thus Gideon agreed on Friday that he would spend friendly time with her outside of bed. They both agreed this would NOT mean they were on a date. They shared friendly time at his nightclub Friday night -- which would set the stage for Eva feeling comfortable having sex with him soon.


    Yet the very next day, Saturday, what did Gideon do? Take her as his date to a very high profile society function, complete with a red carpet press photo gauntlet. My guess: he wasn't even consciously aware of it yet, but he wanted exclusivity with Eva. And "Friends With Benefits" wasn't going to guarantee that. Because if he and Eva were simply friendly sex partners, that would leave her free at any time to enter a full-fledged relationship with someone else. She could go get a real boyfriend any time she so choose.


    Which is why by Monday, Gideon bent his rule even further by asking her to (and getting her to agree to) becoming a full-fledged couple. Spending lots of time together both in and out of bed in an arrangement that included sexual exclusivity on both sides. By then, Gideon genuinely wanted to spend as much time as possible with her, because of how good it felt to be with her. And his jealous insecurity beneath the surface had already kicked in -- no way did he want any other man having Eva.


    In the very first paragraph, Eva admits, that she wants him enough to take a calculated risk and break her rules. Both of them are bending to get what they want. That is a big step for both of them. Learning to trust so early on in the relationship.

  15. When Eva first crossed his path, Gideon's approach to sex was rigid: he kept sex partners separate from all other areas of his life: friendship, business .... everything. By Chapter Five, Eva finally pieced that together and told him as much -- and he conceded that was in fact, his usual position.


    But by then he'd already begun shifting his position, because his "system" wasn't going to work. Not work for Eva, and as it became increasingly apparent, not work for himself either.


    Under his usual custom-level system, Eva should have instantly given in to his desire to f**** her. Without question. Experience taught Gideon that whenever he told a woman he wanted to f**** her, the instant answer was yes. But no woman was allowed to expect anything beyond sex.


    Eva didn't have a comfort level with simply f****** men anymore. That's what she'd been doing self-destructively for years, but Dr. Travis taught her to respect herself enough to quit sleeping around. Now, she believed in mutual self-respect with it cae to sex, which meant she and a lover needed to be on friendly terms.


    Thus Gideon agreed on Friday that he would spend friendly time with her outside of bed. They both agreed this would NOT mean they were on a date. They shared friendly time at his nightclub Friday night -- which would set the stage for Eva feeling comfortable having sex with him soon.


    Yet the very next day, Saturday, what did Gideon do? Take her as his date to a very high profile society function, complete with a red carpet press photo gauntlet. My guess: he wasn't even consciously aware of it yet, but he wanted exclusivity with Eva. And "Friends With Benefits" wasn't going to guarantee that. Because if he and Eva were simply friendly sex partners, that would leave her free at any time to enter a full-fledged relationship with someone else. She could go get a real boyfriend any time she so choose.


    Which is why by Monday, Gideon bent his rule even further by asking her to (and getting her to agree to) becoming a full-fledged couple. Spending lots of time together both in and out of bed in an arrangement that included sexual exclusivity on both sides. By then, Gideon genuinely wanted to spend as much time as possible with her, because of how good it felt to be with her. And his jealous insecurity beneath the surface had already kicked in -- no way did he want any other man having Eva.


    I agree with that. But adding, he was falling or had fallen in love with her, something he had never done before. Poor mans emotions must have been all over the place.

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