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Posts posted by julie54

  1. I think Gideon already owns it. He probably bought it within days of them staying there. Of course, "That Week" began within hours of them arriving back home in New York, when Gideon found out Nathan beat Cary half to death. All the more reason for Gideon to buy that little piece of heaven -- because he was about to start doing some things he knew would hurt Eva, but all along he would have had the intention of seeking forgiveness as soon as it was no longer necessary to keep himself distanced from Eva. I can see him planning during That Awful Week of taking Eva back to that beach house as soon as he could. 


    Poor Gideon. That photo of him and Corrine at the party a few nights later was all for nothing. It was supposed to get him crossed off the suspect list quickly by bolstering an alibi the cops wouldn't attempt to break. The only thing broken was Eva's heart. He knew she'd react badly, but he underestimated just how badly she ended up doing. Worse, he greatly underestimated Detective Graves. Instead of getting crossed off the list of suspects almost immediately and being able to go back to Eva, he quickly turned into the chief suspect -- and was forced into a position where he couldn't even talk to Eva, much less start making amends for having deliberately hurt her. 

    a wedding gift to Eva. Why a guy!!
  2. I think Gideon already owns it. He probably bought it within days of them staying there. Of course, "That Week" began within hours of them arriving back home in New York, when Gideon found out Nathan beat Cary half to death. All the more reason for Gideon to buy that little piece of heaven -- because he was about to start doing some things he knew would hurt Eva, but all along he would have had the intention of seeking forgiveness as soon as it was no longer necessary to keep himself distanced from Eva. I can see him planning during That Awful Week of taking Eva back to that beach house as soon as he could. 


    Poor Gideon. That photo of him and Corrine at the party a few nights later was all for nothing. It was supposed to get him crossed off the suspect list quickly by bolstering an alibi the cops wouldn't attempt to break. The only thing broken was Eva's heart. He knew she'd react badly, but he underestimated just how badly she ended up doing. Worse, he greatly underestimated Detective Graves. Instead of getting crossed off the list of suspects almost immediately and being able to go back to Eva, he quickly turned into the chief suspect -- and was forced into a position where he couldn't even talk to Eva, much less start making amends for having deliberately hurt her. 

    I hated that part of the book because it made me cry for both of them. First time I've ever got emotional over a book.
  3. I would love to see it on the beach in North Carolina with Gideon in a white linen suit and Eva in a flowing gauze number with Victor Cary both giving her away ... Ireland as a bridesmaid and perhaps even Mark, Steven , and Shauna in attendance ...What do you all think? Let's all put down our ideas of what their wedding would be like!!!

    I'm liking this idea. A nice intimate beach wedding. Arnoldo as Gideons best man. Angus representing Gideons side. Megumi as bridesmaid too. With the forum as witnesses. Hurrah!

  4. THANK YOU!!!  I'm having quite a hard time with acronyms in the book, and now I can tick this one off.

    hi Gabri

    You are doing very well with your English. By the time we have finished analysing these books, which maybe never if Sylvia keeps writing about our favourite lovebirds, your command of English will be perfect. Perhaps you could teach us Italian. A challenge for you!

  5. There's such an emotional rollercoaster in Chap. 7 that by the end of it I felt dizzy.

    They are obviously turning to their old habits in order to protect themselves against the 'learning curve' they are both facing. And Eva has the plus of having to confront Magdalene. Something Gedeon has to make up for as well!!!!

    Thinking about it, our hero has quite a tough time sorting out problems that other people create, all leading back to Eva. That Friday lunchtime in his office, after lunching with Stanton, when Gideon said to Eva "you're too much trouble" boy if only he knew!
  6. Up until Eva slammed Gideon (by implying the lovemaking in the limo meant nothing) Gideon had been in snarky mood himself: bickering with Eva as they danced, getting confrontational with Cary when Cary stepped in.


    But as soon as what Eva said hit Gideon and it dawned on him just had badly he'd hurt her, his snarkiness stopped in its tracks. He tried gently saying good-bye (by then, he had to rush off to answer yet another Corrine-in-crisis phone call.)


    He promised to call Eva, and he displayed tenderness by touching her face and looking in her eyes.


    He did call the next day -- almost incessantly. Too bad for him Eva had reclaimed her self-respect and avoided answering the phone or even listening to messages. Monday morning, she planned to drop the plans they'd set Friday afternoon to have lunch together on Monday. Eva set protective boundaries -- a sign that she has as much, if not more, self-respect inside as she does terrible insecurities.

    Fortunately for Eva, although what Gideon did to her, resurrected her insecurities. She got the reassurance she needed at the end of the chapter, that he valued their lovemakng and that she meant something to him. Something that he had never done before.
  7. Oh Gideon Gideon Gideon!

    Chapters 6& 7 things went from bad to worse. Poor Eva, how could it go so horribly wrong so quickly.

    My favourite passage is I swallowed pass the lump in my throat. "You have a wonderful speech, Gideon. It was the highlight of my evening"

    He sucked in a sharp breath at the implied insult, then shoved a hand through his hair.

    Then to top it, Eva was ambushed by the delightful Magdalene.

    Bet Eva wished she had stayed at home and washed her hair!!

  8. Morning ladies.

    My heart goes out to Gideon. Not only as he got his own baggage and work schedule to contend with, but he has taken Eva's well being on board too.

    After he saw her nightmare, I can quite understand his motives for not telling Eva that Nathan was on the scene, and that he could protect her with a security team. His heart was in the right place, but Eva should have been told. She is an adult. I wonder what would have happened if she had come face to face with Nathan? Any thoughts?

  9. Hi ladies the emo's are in the top of the Reply to this topic box when you go to write a reply. Unfortunately they have not been loading properly the past few weeks so if you just use a : and ) you can get the :) emo to come up or : and ( will get you the :( of course, but I can't get the other ones up.

    Hi ladies the emo's are in the top of the Reply to this topic box when you go to write a reply. Unfortunately they have not been loading properly the past few weeks so if you just use a : and ) you can get the :) emo to come up or : and ( will get you the :( of course, but I can't get the other ones up.

    hi Kirsten

    Thanks for the reply.

  10. Hi! your're all very welcome!! thanks for making for making making me feel welcome! I apologize in advance because I'm still learning how to reply back to your posts. so please bear with me. If anyone can help me figure out how to do that I'll be greatly appreciative!! I'm also trying to figure out how to add emoticons. I'm such a beginner at this lol!


    @ Peachies ~ you're welcome! Me too!! She said she wrote BTY, RIY, EWY back to back. She didn't mention when the 4th book would be coming out or what the name of it will be. She was telling us at the story of why EWY had a late start of when it would come out.


    @LN ~ yes, exactly!! your theories are the same as what I was thinking. Call me crazy but when Det. Graves was making small talk with Victor, I kind of got the impression that she liked him but the description of Victor, who could blame her! I so want Victor to move on and find someone who loves him. he deserves it too! Ln,  I was also thinking of you when I went back for the meet & greet later that night with a note pad to take notes. I'm a note taker kind of girl when it comes to learning new info because it helps me retain it better. It should've been called "A night with Sylvia" we had to move from a previous room because the band was playing and we found a room upstairs that was a library with lots of comfy chairs and we all sat around in a circle and it was more casual and fun that way compared to someone sitting on stage and we're sitting in the audience listening.


    @Donna ~ I hope you have a blast at the Paramus book signing!! I wish I was going too. I would've loved to meet you there. I think I remember seeing that Syvia will do a Q&A before she does the book signing. She personalized my both my books and I hope she will do the same with yours and that you don't get rushed because I've been to previous booksigings at B&N before and they tend to rush you and not allow you to talk to the author. : ( Oh, she will not use a marker because it will bleed through the paper so she will write in pen on the title page. She wrote this in BIY: Gideon sends his love xo!! and this in RIY: So great to see you!! : ) Love her!! 


    @Julie ~ I'm right there with you girl! Corrine needs to go asap!! lol When I read about Christopher getting his comeuppance I will be screaming "finally" lol is it sad I love Victor more than Monica at this point? I know she means well but she's not my favorite. Maybe that will change in the next book. I really want to Gideon and Eva together and happy. I also remember Sylvia saying that when she was writing EWY she was at first writing it for a new reader and not a series reader like us and leaving out a scene I think a sex scene but after talking to the editor she decided to write it for the series reader. June 4th can't get here fast enough. I'm counting down for Chaper 1!! 


    @sscrph~ it was at the Double Tree Hotel in Somerset NJ. The book signing was in the morning and she did some other panels throughout the day but I wanted to go for the meet & greet later that night.  

    hey Caroline

    You never know, Victor might get together with Graves! After he finds out about Eva's rape, I'm sure his torch for Monica will be extinguished. Sylvia occasionally pops onto these pages. God knows where she finds the time. Everyone seems to want a piece of her.

    Oh to have that sort of imagination. Brilliant.

  11. Hi! your're all very welcome!! thanks for making for making making me feel welcome! I apologize in advance because I'm still learning how to reply back to your posts. so please bear with me. If anyone can help me figure out how to do that I'll be greatly appreciative!! I'm also trying to figure out how to add emoticons. I'm such a beginner at this lol!


    @ Peachies ~ you're welcome! Me too!! She said she wrote BTY, RIY, EWY back to back. She didn't mention when the 4th book would be coming out or what the name of it will be. She was telling us at the story of why EWY had a late start of when it would come out.


    @LN ~ yes, exactly!! your theories are the same as what I was thinking. Call me crazy but when Det. Graves was making small talk with Victor, I kind of got the impression that she liked him but the description of Victor, who could blame her! I so want Victor to move on and find someone who loves him. he deserves it too! Ln,  I was also thinking of you when I went back for the meet & greet later that night with a note pad to take notes. I'm a note taker kind of girl when it comes to learning new info because it helps me retain it better. It should've been called "A night with Sylvia" we had to move from a previous room because the band was playing and we found a room upstairs that was a library with lots of comfy chairs and we all sat around in a circle and it was more casual and fun that way compared to someone sitting on stage and we're sitting in the audience listening.


    @Donna ~ I hope you have a blast at the Paramus book signing!! I wish I was going too. I would've loved to meet you there. I think I remember seeing that Syvia will do a Q&A before she does the book signing. She personalized my both my books and I hope she will do the same with yours and that you don't get rushed because I've been to previous booksigings at B&N before and they tend to rush you and not allow you to talk to the author. : ( Oh, she will not use a marker because it will bleed through the paper so she will write in pen on the title page. She wrote this in BIY: Gideon sends his love xo!! and this in RIY: So great to see you!! : ) Love her!! 


    @Julie ~ I'm right there with you girl! Corrine needs to go asap!! lol When I read about Christopher getting his comeuppance I will be screaming "finally" lol is it sad I love Victor more than Monica at this point? I know she means well but she's not my favorite. Maybe that will change in the next book. I really want to Gideon and Eva together and happy. I also remember Sylvia saying that when she was writing EWY she was at first writing it for a new reader and not a series reader like us and leaving out a scene I think a sex scene but after talking to the editor she decided to write it for the series reader. June 4th can't get here fast enough. I'm counting down for Chaper 1!! 


    @sscrph~ it was at the Double Tree Hotel in Somerset NJ. The book signing was in the morning and she did some other panels throughout the day but I wanted to go for the meet & greet later that night.  

    hi Caroline

    Thankyou for sharing. At the bottom of each posting is quote, tap or click on this and you can write an answer where it says quote at end of last paragraph in the reply to this topic box.

  12. I really love the way Sylvia connects Cary and Gedeon in Chap. 6.

    First, there's Eva linking them for their good looks:

    'In his own way, Cary could give Gedeon a run for his money... er, looks. Cary was more finely featured, almost pretty, compared to Gedeon's savage beauty, but both were striking men who made you look twice...'

    Then Eva tells us about Cary's troublesome attitude towards sex:

    'He'd finally propositioned me crudely, having come to believe the only reason people associated with him was because they wanted to f**k him. It was when I declined, firmly and irrevocably, that we finally connected and became best friends.' This reminds me of Gedeon so much!! It also shows us the only course of action Eva will have to take if she wants to win Gedeon's heart.

    Lastly, we see Gedeon taking Eva's black shawl from Cary's hands, like Cary's passing on the baton of Eva's well-being to someone who's important in her life.

    The BFF and the BFE (Best F**ker Ever) are two different people right now. Let's hope Eva will succede in finding them both in Gedeon.

    I'd like to know whether Sylvia intended it so, or if it's my imagination running wild.

    hi Gabri

    What a lovely way of putting it. Passing the baton of evas well being from Cary to Gideon. I agree with you, but as their relationship progresses, and falls apart, Cary starts to have second thoughts about Gideon. Perhaps if he knew the truth, his attitude towards Gideon might mellow.


    Here are my favourites in Chap. 6

    1) I did what I'd wanted to do since I saw him in my living room... I àoved the way he kissed me. as if he HAD to, as if he'd go crazy if he didn't and had nearly waited too long. I sucked on hos tongue, having learned how much he loved it, having learned how much I liked it.

    2) 'We can't do that here.'

    'Why not?' Then a surprising thought struck me. 'Haven't you ever had s** in a limo?'

    'No...... Have you?'

    3) What are you doing to me?

    hi Gabri

    I'm finding it very hard to pick 1 quote or line too, there are so many in each chapter. The same as trying to read only 1 chapter a day, that's impossible. Instinct makes you want to carry on. Lol.

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