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Posts posted by julie54

  1. Actually, Detective Graves has figured out the truth that Gideon loved Eva so much he killed to protect her from a dangerous maniac. When I say "fool the cops"I mean that even though the cops know the truth, they have an uphill battle trying to prove that love.


    They're up against a possible defense strategy of "No way can you convince a jury Gideon Cross loved Eva Trammel so much he had very good motive to commit murder. Because their short lived relationship fell apart while Nathan Barker was still very much alive. And it fell apart for very good reason too. So someone else must have done it."


    Right now, Gideon's defense strategy would be pretty much this: "There's only one woman Gideon Cross ever had a serious long-term relationship with -- Corrine. They were together for three years, including engaged for one year. She broke it off, married someone else, and moved away. He never really got over her though. And now suddenly she's moved back, has left her husband, and has made it crystal clear she's still in love with Gideon. She's decided after all these years to go back to him. Soon after she came back, he dumped Eva Trammel, who he'd been seeing just a few weeks, and decided to see if he and Corrine could work out again." It's kinda convincing, because a lot of it is true -- the Corrine side of things, anyway, and the fact they actually did have a serious long-term relationship.


    BUT .....


    The timing of Gideon "getting back together again with Corrine" is just a little too convenient. He started dating Corrine again only a few days before Nathan died. A prosecutor might be able to convince a jury to accept what's the actual real truth here: Corrine is nothing more than part of the plot Gideon built. Gideon's cover story is kinda lame. But what can you expect -- he threw everything together on short notice -- and he made several huge mistakes too. god you've got a good imagination. Ever thought of writing a book? Your theories could be spot on. Only June will tell. Keep them coming.


    SO ..... 


    A much better possible defense strategy would be "Gideon Cross went to Corrine for comfort after Eva Trammel hurt him so badly he dumped Eva. In front of witnesses, he caught Eva in the arms of an ex-lover -- a rock star no less who happens to signed with Vidal Records. She made him look pretty bad. We've got a long list of people who were there that night who could testify how angry Gideon got, including having Eva forcibly removed from his sight. Why would Gideon Cross kill Nathan Barker nearly a week later?" It's a pretty good cover because most of it is true -- the part about what happened at the concert, that is.

  2. Keep in mind what's actually in the pictures are props that the agency creating these pictures for Sylvia has handy. We have to be careful against being too literal. Like that throw pillow on the white couch in one of the earlier snippets. That throw pillow was u-g-l-y, IMHO, something neither Eva nor Cary would own.


    The elevator lobby was something the photographers found that in real life matches the fictional description of the marble and aluminum decor theme of the Crossfire's interior. The Aston Martin is some sort of stock photo.


    But yes, Peaches, you and me (and all the ladies here) are purists who know more than the agency folks. That photo of what's obviously Eva's shed clothing should include stockings and a garter belt, not pantyhose. We all know she wears stockings because it's a big turn-on for Gideon.


    I think the look the photographer was going for was women's business clothes thrown to the floor: pumps and stockings, a nice white blouse -- stuff a woman working in a business-attire dress code would be wearing to work.


    The snapshot just before this showed elevators. This one shows parts of a woman's work outfit thrown onto a floor. Gideon and Eva just had a nooner -- or -- he met her right after work, is my guess.

    are you sure your not Sylvia Day in disguise, leading us up the garden path. Lol
  3. Eva would never sleep with Brett in to create a false cover for the cops to make them believe a big lie that she's sooooo already over Gideon -- that Gideon was nothing more than a mutual fling and no way would he kill some guy over her.


    Nor would Eva even "date" Brett like Gideon has been "dating" Corrine. Eva wouldn't use Brett like Gideon's been using Corrine -- and yes, he is using Corrine, but Corrine brought this all on herself by chasing after Gideon and hurting Eva.


    Eva doesn't have to do anything with Brett NOW or at any time in the future in order for him to become the stronger cover story that Gideon had all the reason in the world to dump Eva well before Nathan turned up dead.


    All Eva (and Gideon) need to do is stand back and let the tabloids go nuts on their own with all their crazy theories. Gideon's been putting up with the the tabloids gossiping about him for years. In fact, he used that to his advantage when he started taking Corrine out in public again -- he just let the press run with their assumptions.


    The story that Gideon and Brett tried to kick each other's @****** after Gideon caught Eva redhanded making out with Brett after a concert was bound to get out sooner or later. Too many witnesses saw it. Now some of those witnesses (like the other members of his band) are back in New York.


    On it's own, it's a pretty salacious story -- especially because it's 100% true. Eva did, in a moment of weakness, start making out with Brett, Gideon caught them together, and a huge fistfight ensued. Even if the tabloids stuck to the truth only, it's makes for a pretty convincing reason why Gideon and Eva's relationship went south. But the tabloids could be counted on taking things even further -- full-fledged cheating -- just like the tabloids are probably speculating Gideon and Corrine will marry as soon as her divorce is final.


    All Gideon and Eva need is a convincing lie that before Nathan died, Gideon and Eva's relationship fell apart. She didn't love him and he doesn't love her -- and so there is no reason why he would have motive to commit murder for her.


    Then, when the cops/prosecutors finally back off for real, Gideon and Eva could "get back together again"  All of a sudden, Gideon's out in public with Eva, not Corrine. "They've decided to give one another a second shot." Happily ever after.

    you make it sound so easy . Tabloids and their crazy theories, forums and their crazy theories. Lol
  4. I totally agree with you. I believe he has learned his lesson and will not go back to his old ways after seeing the turmoil Eva went through because he kept her in the dark. When Eva told him about Nathan raping her in BTY, it always bothered me why Gideon didn't let her in on his rape. can anyone explain why he didn't tell her back in the beginning?  

    could it be, that he thought she wouldn't be able to handle the baggage that she was already carrying. When they were in NC, Gideon told Eva about his mother not believing him, Eva flew off the handle. Gideon made a comment "look at you, so off and upset" he didn't want to burden her.
  5. she's married and has both children & step children. Everyone always asks her husband if he is the inspiration behind Gideon and he always responds jokingly "yes" lol!! just because he gets that question so often. She's always being referred to E L James but unlike EL, Sylvia does more interviews and book signings and spends time with her fans.  Fame hasn't changed Sylvia one bit. She drives a Prius and lives in the same house she was living in when she had her daughter. All the more reason to love her!! some people let fame get their heads but not Sylvia!! She tries to stay under the radar with people recognizing her especially when she goes to the dentist. I think she goes by her married name with dr offices etc. She told us a funny story about her son had come home with paper (I think it was a bad grade on a test) from the teacher that Sylvia had to sign. So he goes back to school the next day and puts the paper on his teacher's desk and says "People wait for hours just to get her signature"! lol  

    thats just classic. Hope that teacher treasures that autograph. That lads got his head screwed on right.
  6. The probability that Christopher hung around with Magdalene at the fundraiser got me thinking about something Caroline told us from the things she learned when she got to attend that in-person live question and answer session with Sylvia. Sylvia said that Corrine's family and Gideon's family know one another -- which makes perfect sense. Corrine and Gideon were engaged for one year, so the two families would have been involved in the planning of the wedding, especially the two mothers. It's possible the connection went back even further, which could be one of the reasons Corrine latched onto Gideon his freshman year at Columbia University.


    OK, keeping this in mind -- here's a new evil Christopher Jr. theory I've developed. Timeline:


    • During the three years Gideon and Corrine were a couple, Christopher Jr. would have been in his very early teens. In Corrine's eyes, he would have been just some kid. But physically he would be transitioning into puberty. His hormones would have been switching on, and his sex drive would be born.
    • Meanwhile, for the first time ever, Gideon probably would have been getting some positive attention. He already was starting to show an amazing talent for making money. Given his sharp intelligence and drive to excel, he probably was making the Dean's List. And now he had landed a spectacular society girl.
    • So Christopher's later jealousies about how Gideon is better looking, richer, etc., could have been born then. Throw in teen-aged fantasies about women, and this could have been when Christopher developed a general fixation with all females after Gideon and possibly a specific obsession with Corrine.
    • Soon after Corrine broke her engagement to Gideon, she married someone else and moved to Europe.

    Fast forward to the present day:

    • Corrine is living permanently in New York again, every bit as beautiful -- and every bit still obsessed with Gideon.
    • Now the tabloids are all abuzz about Gideon and Corrine dating (and probably rampantly speculating the renewed relationship is on the fast track to marriage, as soon as Corrine's divorce goes through.)
    • Corrine probably is back in touch with Gideon's family.
    • Christopher no longer is just some kid -- he's a hot young executive in the recording business, and a very charming guy to boot. He's not drop dead gorgeous like Gideon, but he's a good looking man too.

    Christopher is probably circling Corrine like a shark, looking for a vulnerable opening to work his way in. Because Corrine would be the ultimate prize and ultimate payback if Christopher could seduce Gideon's future wife.


    I wonder what's going to happen between Christopher and Corrine when she gets kicked to the curb in Entwined.

    huh! You have an evil mind lady. Lol

    Christopher doesn't seem to mind Gideons cast offs eh?

    I want to kick the weasel into touch. This man has no conscience, the fact they are friends of the family. Shaking my head here.

  7. Gideon getting mad that Eva kept leaving his side at the fundraiser (and mad she danced with his half brother Christopher) is an interesting dynamic. On the surface, we'd naturally think he's possessive, especially when he himself tells Eva soon afterward he's possessive of what's his. Even Corrine mentions his possessive nature the night Eva meets her.


    BUT .....


    What's really the issue here, I believe, is Gideon's childhood abandonment issue.


    His mother abandoned him in a serious way when she concluded he was an emotionally messed up liar. She took the side of people who told her the sexual abuse never happened.


    Sylvia has said repeatedly that any move by Eva to pull away from him terrifies Gideon.


    SO ......


    Even while Gideon was in the midst of the post-limo-lovemaking head trip, locked inside his protective exterior shell, already unknown even to himself, it bothered him Eva was "leaving" him in a way. This was more complex than the dynamic where she had been playing hard to get. He'd finally gotten her, and whole new parts of him had opened for the first time. And now she was "leaving."


    Jumping ahead to Chapter Eight, one of the things I like best about the conversation Gideon has with Eva two days later is something that shows he's got enough insight about himself to realize he's inexperienced when it comes to how to treat a woman:


    " .... give me some room to screw up. I've never done this before. There's a learning curve." Bared page 115

    basically Gideon was a virgin when it came to a proper relationship. As he said he had never done this before, and needed room to screw up.
  8. Hi everyone,

    I think that Eva Cross has a nice “ring†to it…no pun intended. :) I do however wonder how the intended happy couple would deal with the entire wedding “thing� Would they elope, get married at city hall or have a church wedding?

    • I personally don’t see either Gideon or Eva getting married in a church. Neither person strikes me as terribly religious or that into tradition. I also couldn’t see that many people being invited to attend this function.
    • Gideon and Eva eloping might be nice if they got to jet away to some tropical destination. What would become of Cary though? Do they elope with Cary and a few friends in tow? Or do they do it Vegas style and go for a quickie chapel style wedding?
    • What about city hall? Do you see Gideon, the richest man in New York City getting married at some dingy government office to his beloved Eva? I personally don’t think so.
    Then there would be the matter of whom would be invited to the wedding; Gideon, Eva, Monica (can stew over what wedding dress Eva chooses to wear or not wear and then can sit in a corner and look at some pretty diamond encrusted bobble that Stanton bought her to amuse herself with :)) , Stanton (can pull out his wallet and pay for this shindig gratefully knowing that Eva will no longer be his problem but Gideon’s instead :)), Cary (can flirt and/or shag someone from the wait-staff and hopefully find his happily ever after), Ireland, Arnoldo (since he has a restaurant he can cater the event or can host a nice quiet reception :)), Angus (will keep his gun in tote and protect everyone ensuring that nothing else can go possibly wrong :)), and Victor (will finally have a clue as to what kind of stinky mother Monica was/is). Other than that I am not sure that I see a whole lot of other guests. What does everyone think?
    morning Gigi. Missed you.

    Your post made me smile, especially the Monica line. Lol I can see them getting married in NC at the house that Gideon has bought for Eva-that's what I think anyway-as a wedding pressie.

    Sorry off to work now. Have a great day.

  9. I totally agree with you I didn't like Gideon at first either but I think that's part of the reason we can't get these two out of our heads and we are on this board day and nite discussing them.Their story is so tragic you feel the pain of their childhood being snatched from them.

    We feel their desperation and we so want them to have their happy ending...

    definitely. I just wish I lived in North America. Because its time for my bed, I have to play catchup over breakfast. What they endured as children, cannot be erased, as long as their love and trust survives, they will get through the pain and heartache.
  10. He knew Eva was shattered, and all her worst old wounds were ripped open. Meanwhile, his abandonment terrors were ripped open: Eva didn't believe him, and she had just left him.


    She'd pulled the ultimate runner and he was absolutely powerless to do anything. He couldn't even tell her the awful things she believed weren't true. In fact, he couldn't even contact her in any way.


    Because the cops were all over him -- and his lawyer had probably warned him it was now crystal clear the cops considered him a murder suspect.


    All his plans had gone horribly wrong. He'd screwed things up in the worst way. I can see him being grief-stricken and the most ashamed of himself he'd ever been -- ashamed for the damage done to Eva. The only comfort he would have felt was knowing Eva was now forever safe from that animal, Nathan.

    i couldn't agree with you more.

    When I read the books for the first time-I've lost track of how many times I've read them-I didn't like Gideon. The way he treated Eva was appalling. But I totally change my opinion of him, when I read it a second time, and understood the story better. I understood his fears for Eva, to keep her safe at all cost. Certain things fell into place. You can't just read this series once. When I explained certain scenes to a friend, she said she understood it better.

  11. I can picture Gideon having a sleepless night on Friday.


    Saturday morning, I picture him leaving the police station just like Eva left the advocacy center dinner -- struggling to make it to the privacy of the car, the place where it's safe to finally start crying.

    i have often pictured him leaving after that phone call. Devastated, I don't think can begin to cover it. Total desolation. I hope Angus tried to comfort him. :(
  12. Friday night being at Eva's apartment was a huge mistake -- and not just because it was a really bad idea for the homicide detectives seeing him having dinner with Eva's family.


    The fact Gideon knew Nathan -- obviously knew Nathan was in New York too -- came out, because Gideon got asked about it right in front of Eva. Had that not happened, Gideon might have been able to keep secret from Eva he ever saw the pictures and video of Nathan raping her. Also, Gideon got asked about where he was Thursday -- and Eva could see he was hiding something. Which he was (where he'd been instead of couples therapy with her -- he was partying with Corrine.)


    Bad enough that Gideon knew there was a risk Eva would see the party pictures (which were deliberately set up to go public as part of his alibi.) He never counted on her finding out Nathan had been to see him. But she did -- and her terrible insecurities made her believe the most horrible thing: the sight of her body disgusted Gideon now, and their sexual relationship was ruined forever. What's worse, Eva was still so insecure she believed the only reason Gideon had stayed with her was because of the sex. So the whole relationship period was ruined forever. Last, but by no means least, Eva had been convinced Corrine always had some sort of sexual hold over Gideon -- and so that's why he started f******* Corrine again, now that he no longer wanted her (Eva).


    Saturday morning, Gideon heard for himself Eva pour out all that agony when she dumped him. It might not have happened if he'd avoided keeping the family dinner plans on Friday night.

    This poor man, he was in a no win situation. Even though he was at the dinner, the atmosphere was strained. Eva herself didn't think he would turn up. Poor Ireland. What must she had felt. Twice she noticed how her brother had acted, nervous in the lift, and tears in his eyes, when Eva and Victor were dancing. Oh Gideon.
  13. Something to add to the above unfolding plan of Gideon's, at least as far as it applied to Eva -- and it is important to note Sylvia has said the weekend trip to North Carolina was NOT part of Gideon's plan to handle Eva. The plan all started unfolding after they got back to New York and Gideon found out about Nathan's attack on Cary.



    • In the morning, Gideon was as tender as ever to Eva on Monday at the hospital, stopping by before work. It was during that visit -- we now know thanks to Caroline -- he would have found out Nathan had done it. Monica had taken him aside for a serious talk -- now we know what she said to Gideon.
    • During the day: with Eva at the hospital by Cary's side around the clock, she was in a safe place, and so Gideon could turn to the pressing matter of further investigating Nathan.
    • Monday evening: Gideon blew off calling Eva that night. He was out with Corrine -- he probably didn't dare.


    • Gideon wasn't yet deliberately hurting Eva as part of his killing plan. I believe (again -- I think the decision to kill was made Tuesday night).
    • But Gideon, already under enormous pressure, spent the day serious p******* off at Eva. First, without telling anyone beforehand, she left the hospital to go to work. Gideon freaked when he found out she was walking to the Crossfire. He got mad and sent Angus to fetch her. 
    • Then midday, she defied his "order" to stay in for lunch -- she went out to lunch, with Brett Kline of all people!!!! The short but angry interaction Gideon had with Eva as soon as she got back was genuine anger on his part. Eva at her absolute most unmanageable -- and unwittingly in the worst danger of her life.
    • Tuesday night, he blew her off again while she was at the hospital. He had the all-important security meeting in his apartment. Unfortunately, Eva decided to call him at home, and she figured out he wasn't alone -- and assumed he had Corrine over.

    The actual distancing itself, the really deliberate meanness (for lack of a better word) started during the day Wednesday. From that point onward, Gideon was careful about giving the appearance to everyone, including Eva herself, he was pulling away. When Gideon did come to see Eva in the middle of the night to comfort her by making love to her for hours, I'm guessing now he snuck into her apartment building, just like he apparently did when he goes to see her in Entwined.


    So why go through with the family dinner on Friday, to meet Eva's Dad when Gideon ought to have cancelled that entirely? Sylvia explained in a spoiler question answer that Gideon feared Eva would never forgive him. In hindsight, he ought to have cancelled, because the situation turned out to be the first major mistake he made as far as the cops go. The homicide detectives showed up while Gideon was still there.

    it was unfortunate that the cops turned up. He might have gotten away with it. But he couldn't bow the evening off, because Eva wanted her dad to meet Gideon, her family meeting his family ie Ireland.
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