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Posts posted by julie54

  1. It is a pity she ran -- her insecurities took over and she fell right back into her dysfunctional way of coping. In her own way, she'd just gone on her own post-sex head trip. The shoe was on the other foot. When Gideon freaked in the limo, he withdrew deep into his internal protective shell. When Eva freaked in the hotel room, she ran away.


    It would have been much better if Empowered Eva, the woman she'd been on Saturday night and again on Monday noontime in his office. Eva believed (wrongly) Gideon had used her. But the difference was on Saturday night, despite feeling awful inside, she stood up to Gideon, arguing with him while they danced and then slamming him as he was in the process of ditching her to leave early.And when Eva walked into his office on Monday, she wasn't grovelling -- she started off by making it clear he was bad for her.


    Both times, Gideon was really, really sorry (Saturday and Monday evening) and both times he managed to convince Eva of that. But while he had been 100% in the wrong at the fundraiser, he wasn't at the hotel. Eva handled things badly too -- handled things worse than Gideon had.

    the problem with these two , is that they never really talked to each other as such. If only they had been mind readers, things would have been a lot better for them. The communication between them was abysmal.
  2. I think that Gideon would help Cary out it necessary. He wouldn't want Eva to feel guilty about leaving Cary high and dry. Especially since he wants Eva to be focused on him(Gideon.)

    i think between Eva, Gideon, Monica and Stanton, they will make sure that Cary is made to feel part of their lives. He has been there for Eva for several years, as has she for him. To cut him loose would be cruel, but I agree he needs to take stock of his life and try standing on his own two feet.
  3. Yes I hope in the new book we get to hear more about Eva's career and how that affects Gideon since he is so controlling it will be interesting to see how he deals with her success...

    i hope that as they grow together, he will support her. He will have to learn that in relationships, there's give and take. They will both screw up at times, like they have been doing already. He realises she needs control too. I can't see her career being a problem.
  4. "My hands were greedy as they slid over his sweat-damp skin, stroking and kneading, searching for the spots that made him growl and moan. I scissored my legs with his and tried to roll him, but he was too heavy and too strong.

    He lifted hs head and smiled at me. "It's my turn this time"

    What I felt for him in that moment, seeing that smile and the heat in his eyes, was so intense it was painful. Too fast, I thought. I was falling too fast.

    It is so hard just to find one or two passages. The same as its hard to read 1 chapter.

  5. Hi KiMa,

    I agree.   I think that time could be much better spent on trying to figure out why Monica and Elizabeth Vidal are such crappy mothers?  Seriously, I have to know...what is their deal anyway.  :)

    well ladies. I'm seriously going the same way, because I spend all my time on this forum. I'm addicted to it. I hate the time difference. When I'm in bed you're chatting. Got to move to the States. :)
  6. Ok, I have to ask a stupid question. I have read RIY too many times to count and am I missing clues to G meeting with his security team the Tuesday after they returned from NC? I know that we know he did not go to his apt with the Dr. that might. Can anyone help me out.

    eva rang him from the hospital, he didn't chat much, while he spoke he walked away from someone out of the room I.e security. I think Eva's mind had Corrine possibly there, making her miserable.
  7. Hi KiMa,

    How do you think that Victor found out about Eva's past?  Do you think that Eva and Monica lived in San Diego until Monica's marriage to Stanton?  Or do you think that perhaps Victor kept tabs on his child using his police connections?  What do you think?  What does everyone think?

    victor will be devastated when he finds out about Eva's rape. I'm sure he will do whatever possible to help Gideon get out of his mess. I wonder how Victor will react, as both a cop and father?

    My sisters friends daughter was date raped, a while back. The man responsible was caught thank goodness and jailed. But the father has stated that, if he ever saw the guy about he would be a dead man. Police warned him to move away and never come back for his own safety.

    Parents will protect their children at all cost.

  8. Hi Julie54,

    Is it just me or did Mark tiptoe over the professional line when he decided to talk to Eva about her personal life?  I found it a little odd (I know it was well intended but it was still odd).  Maybe that passage was included to give the reader insight into Marks' level of experience or inexperience when it comes to dealing with an employee.  What do you think?  What does everyone think?

    hi Gigi

    Yes I did think Mark crossed the line, considering Gideon doesn't work for them, although he is a client. But I think his intentions were honourable. He has grown to like Eva, and was giving her a friendly warning. Her being new to New York, she wouldn't have known about Gideons reputation. Also he saw that Eva was a good worker, I'm sure he didn't want to lose her.

  9. I don't think it is Gideon and Eva ... Who it could be I don't no.. maybe victor and Monica?? The clothes are off to me there is something about them... I trying to guess through the snapshots and snippets were we are in the story. How far does everyone think we will get in chapter 1 next week??? Will we get some of our answers or have to wait again??

    i think it is safe to say that we will be waiting. Perhaps chapter 1 will include Gideons pov? We may not even get that far. Only a couple of hours into the story. Da*n it!!!
  10. Technical Victor couldn't get the records through official channels. He hasn't got a valid reason to see them -- because he's not officially working the case as an investigating officer.




    While Nathan was still alive, none of the cops could get to see his records through official channels. Once he got murdered, though, suddenly the NYPD (and through them the DA's office) suddenly had access to the files. Could make copies. Could leak them to .... a fellow cop .... 


    Look at what Detective Graves did: leaked all sorts of stuff about a criminal investigation to Eva. What's to stop Graves from doing the same thing to Eva's father, hoping that Victor would be outraged at the thought Gideon was a murderer and would be willing to do what he (Victor) could to help ensure Gideon is brought to justice.


    (Not that that'd work -- I think once Victor finds out the real truth, he'll thank Gideon for saving his little girl's life)

    here here! I'll drink to that. Victor will probably shake his hand, then Monica by the neck! Lol
  11. And yes, some people who would be leaking stuff technically would be doing something unprofessional, perhaps illegal. But for a lot of different motives -- good and bad -- people leak stuff to journalists. Journalists who protect the identities of sources. And some of whom would rather go to jail for contempt of court than reveal the name of a source.


    In real life when I was a journalist, I once worked on a story where some guy had applied to the police academy. Turned out he had a very serious juvenile criminal record. Technically that record was sealed, but some people knew about it. So someone with a very good motive for wanting the truth to come out that this would-be cop was not the squeaky clean person he claimed to be .... well ... let's just say the story got into my newspaper. 

    as you say, there's good and bad in all walks of life.
  12. It is possible. It's why Eva freaked out when she saw the gossip sites had seized on the story that Gideon Cross has a serious new girlfriend - Eva Trammel. She got scared about the fact that suddenly she was high profile. If someone went digging hard, the dirt could come out. There was a civil settlement (where Eva got $5 million in damages from Nathan's father) that would raise serious eyebrows. And a lot of people were involved in the child protective services investigation that ensued as soon as that emergency room exam proved beyond all doubt Eva had been being raped for some time now. Plus (we now know from what Sylvia posted in this forum recently) Nathan was criminally prosecuted in the juvenile courts.


    This is why Eva felt compelled to tell Gideon about the deep, dark secret of Nathan. "It's a matter of public record, which has been sealed, but there are people who know the story .... you have a right to know this could come out and embarrass you." ` page 182 of Bared to You


    Note: the fact Nathan is now deceased does not automatically make all the court records public -- i.e. no one could just walk into the courthouse(s) and ask for copies. However, normally even people inside the court clerks records offices of the court(s) involved couldn't just look into the files. The seals meant any access to any of Nathan's records needed extraordinary reason why. Him getting murder is a huge reason for breaking open the files -- the detectives now have carte blanche to look at all the records.


    So now a bunch of insiders, like cops and court clerks, are going to know what's inside those files. People capable of leaking them to reporters.

    that last part is what worries me. Eva's past could still be made public. Causing her more hurt and angst. Could this be how Victor might find out about her abuse? As a cop albeit on the other side of the country, would he be privy to the information?
  13. Oh one thing to add .... how will Gideon and Eva know when it's finally safe to come out of hiding their relationship?


    His defense lawyers will tell him the DA's office has decided to drop the case, because the detective's mistake forever ruined some of the most important evidence the prosecution had -- evidence they'll never get to use in court because it's ruined.


    In other words: "We know he did it, but we'll never be able to prove it to a jury now, because some of our best evidence is gone. So we're dropping the case." 

    one thing that worries me is. Is it possible , given that when Nathan died, Eva's case that was buried by Stanton, was official opened. Can the reporters still find out about Eva's abuse?
  14. There's only one firm prediction theory I do have. After we've all read Entwined and are deep into the discussion thread, any of you fellow fans get to say either "you were right" or "you were wrong".


    My theory is this: the reason the murder case will go away soon and probably for good was that Detective Graves questioned Eva without Eva's lawyer present. Graves f****** up very badly.


    How I think it will unfold: It was only one question -- about the phone call Eva made to Gideon on Saturday. The answer Graves tricked out of Eva (by getting Eva to nod "yes") is proof Gideon never dumped Eva before Nathan died; Eva dumped Gideon after Nathan was killed. But Graves blew it, because she violated Eva's rights. So now the prosecution won't be able to build a good enough case to be able to bring it to trial. Because the motive side of the case is permanently ruined. The evidence Graves got is totally inadmissible in court.

    it seems although, that is not going to happen early in the book, because they are still creeping around, at least a third of the way through. This is so tantalisingly infuriating. I'm sure my hair is going grey through worrying over these two lovers. :(
  15. Come June 4, I'll be in an Entwined spoiler thread alternating between saying "I knew it!!! I saw it coming!!!" and "Boy am I eating some crow here. Some of my crazy theories were just that - crazy theories." I expect it'll be a combination of the two along with a lot of "OMG!!!! I can't believe how the (fill in the blank) storyline twisted. I never saw any of that coming!!!!"

    i hope you have written them all down, so you can tick them off, one by one. Lol :)

    They may seem crazy, but with all the red herrings, possible. Tuesday will give us an insight of what's to come. I wish I had a time machine, could do a Back To The Future. Just need a Delorean car! Lol

  16. Ladies, I am NOT Sylvia Day. I wish I were her. She's an amazing author who has really captured my imagination. Plus after ten years of working hard as a romance novelist, she's turned into what she was destined to be - a famous best-selling author. What's more, between book sales and having sold the movie rights for Crossfire to a major film/TV studio, she's got fortune to go along with fame.


    I'm just a huge fan who also happens to be a writer -- a writer of a different sort, not a novelist. I write non-fiction for a living -- public relations these days, and in my last career as a newspaper reporter.


    So I love to organize information as I try to figure things out :)

    your just so knowledgeable about what you write about. I love reading your theories, mixed with a little evil humour. They all sound so credible. Keep it up.
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