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Posts posted by julie54

  1. Your post brings to mind how Gideon acted early afternoon Tuesday, two days before he killed Nathan, when Eva was at her absolutely unmanageable worst, security wise, and how tightly wound up he was about it. This was in the elevator lobby of Gideon's floor at the Crossfire. She was up there because he'd made the elevator go straight to the top, instead of stopping at her floor, when she arrived back after having had lunch with Brett.


    Yes, they fought about her going to lunch with Brett in retaliation for him having gone to dinner with Corrine the night before. But Eva sensed something else was really wrong -- and she tried to get him to talk to her. She even reached out to touch him and he jerked away as if she'd burned him. My belief is that he jerked away to stop himself from just grabbing her tight, so scared he was at that point. Because in the past few hours:


    • She'd started walking to work, instead of staying at the hospital with Cary. She left a place she was safe and was out where Nathan could have grabbed her.
    • Then lunchtime, she left the building. Nathan had lurked around the Crossfire at least once before (and that's the only time we know about it as readers -- there could have been others.)
    • Even going out in public with Brett was dangerous -- here was Eva with yet another man at a time when Nathan was going postal over thoughts of other men with Eva (the "stay away from her!!!" rage he expressed while beating Cary with a baseball bat)

    Eva was in such a snit when lunch started out with Brett that she was half-hoping some photographer would get a couple's shot of them (take that, Gideon!!). Good thing that didn't happen, and not just because she would have regretted it (in fact before lunch was over, that nasty impulse had already begun fading.) A photo of Eva with Brett might have sent the stalking-Nathan over the edge again, at a time when Gideon was scrambling to figure out what to do about the danger.

    in America, when patients with mental illnesses are released from prison or hospital, like Nathan, are the victims or their relatives not informed as a precaution? Can you see where I'm going with this?
  2. HI JULY!

    I believe Eva will be much too busy to live her life with Gedeon to bother about standing in Cary's way. Although she is bound to be less of a constant, reassuring presence in Cary's life, I like to think she will always have a special place for Cary in her heart (but, please, don't tell Gedeon!!!!).

    I think Monica and Stanton won't stop supporting Cary's career, for he's got such a strong bond with Eva that it would seem cruel not to back him up in his working life; moreover, he might even provide them with useful pieces of information about what's going on in their daughter's life..... they know too well that she can keep secrets.

    What Eva is most concerned about so far is Cary's refusal of emotional commitment.... but as her relationship with Gedeon sets an example for Cary to look up to, let's hope he stops 'experimenting' and finds the courage to be happy in a functional relationship!

    What Cary needs is a stable relationship. He needs to love and be loved, as do all of our characters in this book.
  3. Getting back to Eva's safety, and how Gideon feels about her, twice he has mentioned that he wouldn't survive her. The last time it was mentioned, they were having their chat in the car, at he end of Reflected. It goes to show his state of mind, if anything were to happen to her. This controlling, ball breaking, man is so fragile. It's heartbreaking.

  4. To one another, Eva and Cary are the brother-sister that neither one of them had. And Monica and Stanton are the good parents he never had. He's family by choice, which is every bit as meaningful as family by blood.


    What little we know of Cary's birth mother isn't good. At the very least, she was neglectful. It's possible he himself was abused by others because she failed to protect him. When Eva met him in group therapy, he had sexual issues of his own. We just don't know too many details yet. But then again, a lot of Gideon's stuff is still hidden too.


    That said ..... Cary just like Eva sometimes cross over into unhealthy behavior by "enabling" Monica. Her obsession with protecting Eva -- so bad that Dr. Petersen is treating her specifically for it -- makes her do things like rent them their expensive apartment (because it's "safe".)I think Freud would have a nervous breakdown, dealing with this lot!! Lol


    Eva accused Stanton of actually enabling her mother in a way that keeps Monica sick. What Eva (and Cary) both need to recognize that they're sometimes guilty of doing the exact same thing.

  5. To one another, Eva and Cary are the brother-sister that neither one of them had. And Monica and Stanton are the good parents he never had. He's family by choice, which is every bit as meaningful as family by blood.


    What little we know of Cary's birth mother isn't good. At the very least, she was neglectful. It's possible he himself was abused by others because she failed to protect him. When Eva met him in group therapy, he had sexual issues of his own. We just don't know too many details yet. But then again, a lot of Gideon's stuff is still hidden too.


    That said ..... Cary just like Eva sometimes cross over into unhealthy behavior by "enabling" Monica. Her obsession with protecting Eva -- so bad that Dr. Petersen is treating her specifically for it -- makes her do things like rent them their expensive apartment (because it's "safe".)I think Freud would have a nervous breakdown dealing with this lot!!! Lol


    Eva accused Stanton of actually enabling her mother in a way that keeps Monica sick. What Eva (and Cary) both need to recognize that they're sometimes guilty of doing the exact same thing.

  6. On the surface: As far as Corrine goes, right now Gideon is platonically dating her (and yes, it is dating: going out as a couple. Gideon's own definition of dating is lengthy social time spent together without actively f******). On the surface, the social arrangement is just like it used to be with Magdalene, who he took out socially, including regularly in situations where they would be photographed as a couple. Gideon also used to hang out with female friends -- and he's spending time with Corrine again, so that counts as friendship too.


    But he is NOT sleeping with Corrine. Back before Eva, Gideon dated and had female friends -- and he clearly separated them from his sex life. His sex life consisted of short-term arrangements where all he did was f***. Not even any friendly time. So right now on the surface, Gideon has just reverted back to how his public social life was conducted before he entered a serious relationship with Eva.


    BUT .....


    Obviously, Corrine must be reading into this "dating" as the first step toward "lovers" and then "spouses." How can she not. Especially because I think Gideon is painted into a corner where he's lying by omission to Corrine. How? By not disavowing her of her illusions she has him back. Not expressly telling her "we're only friends." He's stuck right now in a position where he's forced to fool everyone into thinking there's something more going on. The need to fool people includes Corrine -- so he's fooling her into thinking they're in some gray area where they're more than friends but not yet getting physical.


    He's using her in other words.


    But know what -- I think it's karma that she's fooled into thinking things are going somewhere. Because she tried fooling Eva into thinking that. She hurt Eva. Gideon used to carry around a lot of guilt about Corrine, but I think most, maybe all, of that evaporated because of how Corrine hurt Eva.

    as Gideon said after Eva had her nightmare, no ones ever going to hurt you again, they will have to go through me. NO ONE.! Are you listening Corrine!
  7. I completely agree with the #1 possibility. It sounds like that is the best idea for them to do. I am just curious how far Gideon will take it with Corrine to make it look real...hopefully not too realistic poor Eva! That girl is already a jealous mess. Though I will say there was definite growing on both ends in the last book.

    in Reflected, Gideon hurt Eva badly, so much so she dumped him. I can't see him bedding Corrine to keep up the lie. That would crucify Eva, even if she knew the truth.
  8. I think Monica's issues run so deep that she will never stop frantically worrying about Eva, even when she & Gideon get married.


    I think once the truth surfaces about Gideon's involvement with Nathan's death (direct or indirect) it is going to frazzle her even more. Although Monica is materialistic, Eva does come first. She will be apprehensive towards Gideon because regardless of who it's been - any man that's posed a danger, or indirect danger (Parker Smith and the whole Krav-Maga situation) she will find a way to be sure that she is involved some way some how.


    She's got wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy to many emotional ties to Eva for her to let go so easily.


    Another thing that's come to mind, do you think that Cary is sort of kind of not on team Gideon bc he knows where this will lead to and what may potentially happen with his relationship with Stanton and Monica? Will he still be financially funded for - lavish spa treatments, luxurious Manhattan apartment, vacations on a whim - if Eva and Gideon get married?

    this is where Cary needs to stand on his own two feet. He loves all the trappings, that come with the Eva package. Yes they are very close, but it could be the other way round, Cary in a stable relationship. Would Eva stand in his way? I think not. He needs to grow up, and make his mark in the world!
  9. He was a basket case by the time she finally answered her cell phone. He was shaking by the time he found her, and judging from the hoarseness of his voice, practically in tears. Struggling hard to maintain his composure -- and him a celebrity standing in the middle of some public restaurant. One of the reasons he asked Eva right away to come home with him was "I can't be in public right now."(page 145) Because he was almost losing it.

    i had often wondered about that comment. Explains a lot. Wasn't his cool in control self.
  10. Thanks for finding the chapter, Laura.


    And it went right over Eva's head that duh, a doorman at one of many, many properties Gideon owns in New York is on a first-name basis with Gideon's chief bodyguard.


    Knowing one another by sight, sure, that's understandable. Repeatedly, Eva's been picked up and dropped off by Angus. But first name basis?


    Um, hello Eva -- Gideon's having you watched over even more closely than your mother has been. He's just a lot more subtle about it. Paul the doorman probably is reporting directly to Angus now, when normally Paul would be reporting to the building manager. Paul's more than the doorman now -- he's a key person watching over the most important thing in Gideon's entire world.


    We know from one of the snippets that Gideon and Eva will have a talk in Entwined about how Gideon tried to balance the need to protect Eva's security with the need for her to have some feeling of independence. Gideon was wise enough to recognize Monica's obsessions and smothering were bad for Eva. But he also for his own sanity needed (still does need to) keep her safe.

    you mention about her being kept safe. While in Las Vegas Gideon says "don't think. Just listen, Eva . Who I am and what I've built makes me a target. You know the score, because you know what it's like to live with wealth and the attention it attracts". Their security has to 24/7, Nathan isn't the only nutter. I'm sure that Gideon, had ruffled a few feathers, while doing business.
  11. hi gabri,

    I'm surprised she didn't say anything to him before she left because I wonder if he would've taken her to his apartment after she had a few words with him when he came out of the shower. Her actions of running away spoke volumes and really scared him. I felt bad for him.  

    that was what she was taught in therapy, talk through what triggered your actions. She knew what she had to do, but she felt used and hurt.
  12. Gideon owns the apartment building Eva (and Cary) live in, so Paul works for Cross Industries. And one of the most important things a doorman does is to provide security -- in the form of a set of human eyes -- at the entrance of a residential building. The whole reason Eva is living in a building like that is to appease her mother that it's "safe".


    So let me run with this here .... Cross Industries has a history of human resources excellence. They hire skilled people and pay them well. Paul probably has some sort of solid work history in the security industry and/or had served in the military. It's why he got  a secure, well-paying job with Cross Industries.


    Then Eva enters Gideon's life, and within days, Gideon found out she lives in one of his properties. I can see Paul the doorman being given a big raise and some serious behind-the-scenes special new responsibility -- make absolutely certain to keep a good eye on who comes and goes from that building. Keep an especially good eye on Eva.


    How much you wanna bet that as soon as Gideon found out Nathan was in town, Paul the doorman got a special briefing, including pictures of Nathan, and got ordered to keep a very close lookout on the sidewalks and the street near the apartment building entrance.


    Plus, although I can't find the exact page now, I remember some mention about Angus and Paul being familiar with one another. Eva noticed it in passing once. My guess -- as soon as Gideon made Paul part of the circle of people keeping an eye on Eva, it was Angus who supervised Paul.


    OK, now I've really gone deep here. Maybe Paul is just Paul -- like the saying "sometimes a cigar is just a cigar."

    i love it. You know the right things to say. But yes I agree with you. Gideon had his security team on Eva 24/7 I reckon, from virtually day 1.

    Yes we could be embellishing this a bit to much, but I like the options we bring to the table.

  13. I think Gideon will help Cary out with his career.  He said to Eva at the Vidal's party that whatever Cary hoped to get out of the party, he can make happen.  Being here accomplishes nothing.

    gideon is the key to a lot of openings, he knows his business. I get the impression, people don't stand in his way. He is very persuasive, as Eva found out!
  14. I feel like I'm always behind when I'm trying to catch up too the next day. I have to remind myself to go to bed at night or else I'll be up burning the midnight oil. lol

    this forum has completely taken over my life. It's like a drug. Every time I walk past the computer I have to see what's been written. When I'm going to bed you ladies have just startedyour evening and are chatting, god can you talk! But it's so much fun. I'm sure we will be doing it for months to come.
  15. We're all so wrapped up in the complexities of many of the characters that we've got ourselves thinking "there's got to be more to it" about every character. Because Sylvia did an amazing job of introducing many characters as if they were just minor ones -- and it turned out they were very important, very complex people. Angus is perhaps the best example. When he first cropped up, he was nothing more than the driver -- not even named, hardly mentioned several times. We came to find out bit by bit that Angus was perhaps the only good father figure Gideon ever had.


    So now we're all wondering about every character who starts off casually coming up again and again. Like Megumi. Is she really just a background character -- what you see is what you get? Or is she someone really important to the story? Agh!!!!  We've still got at least two and probably three more Crossfire novels to find out what the deal is, or isn't, with people Eva interacts with every day - from Megumi the receptionist to Paul the doorman at Eva's apartment building.


    So much fun .......

    ok. I'll run with this. Could Paul be part of Gideons security team. There! Another name for the mix? Lol
  16. I wonder how happy Ireland is at home. At the Vidal party, she came across as a sullen teenager. At Eva's she changed. Was it because she was with Gideon, obviously missing her brother. I wonder if she ever thought about, why her brother was so closed off from the family. Would he have attended family get togethers, i.e. Thanksgiving, Christmas, or birthdays, I very much doubt it. How sad not to know your own brother.

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