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Posts posted by julie54

  1. That was a little harsh for me to take in, too. Even after I've read it over and over again.

    this was one of the reasons I read the books again, because I didn't like Gideon the first time round. I found him controlling for all the wrong reasons, his behaviour and attitude stank. But it all fell into place the second, third, fourth............. Time around. His Eva is his lifeline and safe place.
  2. It was just a thought that popped in my head because whenever a book cover has a picture on it, I always wonder what's the significance that it plays in the storyline. that's true too. The world wide covers have a perfume bottle and the only thing I can think of with that is Gideon always says he loves the way she smells. We know his scent is a bodywash but it's never said if she wears any perfume or what kind of bodywash she uses. I'm an amateur at theories unlike the other ladies  on here who I consider the experts! : ) 

    LN Cronan did offer a good explanation when I queried this. It was to do with the marketing of the book around the globe. She explained it more in depth
  3. I can't wait till we get to that chapter to discuss the trip to NC because I do think Gideon was very cruel to Eva at the outset and I have a hard time putting that aside...I love Gideon as much as the next girl but if Eva wasn't so broken I wonder if she would have put up with all that turmoil and got out of that dam car!!!

    he understood , as I hadn't, that the night had fallen apart because of my jealousy and the deep-seated need I had to make him feel it for himself. Phew that was one car journey! I can hear Eva now saying-what my kids would say on a car journey-are we nearly there yet!!!
  4. okay just throwing this out and forgive me because I forgot who mentioned this in their post because I want to give them credit for it. They were talking about baggage both of them had. Originally I had thought the luggage tags on the cover of EWY would be a gift from Eva to Gideon but now I think the luggage tags symbolize the baggage they both have especially Gideon when we get more into his past. Each book cover had a picture that symbolized something: BTY: was Gideon's cuff links but they also reminded me of their rings. RIY: was the FOB Eva gave to Gideon because she wanted him to give him his own key for him to use when he came over to her house like he did with her key to his apartment. EWY: luggage tags symbolizing Gideon's baggage of killing nathan and his past. What does everyone think??

    another angle is good. The only problem with that, in the UK we have a bottle of perfume. I prefer the USA version.
  5. At the meet & greet I went to, SD was telling us there was an actual court case of a man who had this condition and raped his wife for 12 years when asked why she never reported it, she said it's the best he's ever been in bed whenever the incident happened. I think this case was in Sweden or Switzerland.

    this case was mentioned when I googled atypical sexual parasomnia. Gideon mentions this as an example to Eva. It's a very scary illness, both for the victim and patient.
  6. Krav Maga can help, too. Quit giggling, ladies, I'm serious :) A popular theory her has been Eva's going to use her skills to kick some jerk's ######, with the most likely candidate being Gideon's half-brother, Christopher.


    However ....


    The one time Gideon attacked Eva while in a parasomnia state (it's a kind of sleepwalking) she was able to fend him off by using the defensive skills she learned in her training.


    What if the real purpose of the Krav Maga is Eva's ability to fend him off if she has to can  help him be less afraid of sharing a bed with her?


    Sure, he's always going to be scared on some level, but combine medication/therapy to treat the problem along with the back-up safety assurance she's not helpless .... then maybe Gideon will finally dare to share a bed, a bedroom, a home with Eva. And the very fact he can do that could, in turn, help with the underlying problem itself.

    true, but surely Eva would feel terrible about attacking Gideon when he is unconscious unaware of what he is doing. Also he is a big chap, she might not always be able to shift him to make contact. They could start by using single beds, yes I know not very romantic, but it's better than separate apartments.
  7. I think as long as he takes his prescribed medication, they should be okay.

    BUT - Eva is in for a whirlwind with the dreams. Nathan may be permanently out of the picture now, but the stress of what Gideon has done is going to make her an insomniac!

    i would love to sit down with these two, thrash out their issues, talk about their abuse, bang their heads together, give them some unconditional mummy love that they both missed out on,and tell them they will be ok. Job done!
  8. Eva's first Nathan nightmare in a long time, Cary would later note, was triggered by Eva's own insecurity problem with Gideon.


    • One night before, Corrine existence, up to then a secret, had thrown Eva into incredible turmoil. 
    • The very next day, Corrine pulled the "nooner" stunt. That on top of the incidents the night before at the fundraiser made Eva snap.
    • It was so bad that even her old serious anger issue erupted - she slapped Gideon across the face when she confronted him about her (mistaken) belief he'd just cheated on her.
    • They had a really bad argument in his office, an argument that continued that evening during their first couples therapy session.
    • That night, Eva had a flashback nightmare of Nathan attacking her while she was helpless. 
    • Early the next morning, while Gideon was still asleep in her room (but I think actually was awake and eavesdropping) Cary and Eva had a talk.
    • It was Cary's opinion the situation with Gideon was unhealthy (especially the secret keeping) and proof of that was the nightmare. Because it had been a long time since Eva had one of those. Cary, knowing all too well the details of Eva's issues (they were in group therapy together) was blaming Eva's new relationship for opening her old wounds.
    so we agree that stressful situations can set off the nightmares? Because I was thinking, now that Nathan is dead, and once the police investigation is over, and Gideon and Eva talk about his abused coupled with therapy, can they sleep together in the same bed? Atypical sexual parasomnia doesn't seem to go away overnight.
  9. "I want you" I stretched out against him, aligning my bre body to his. Pressing my face into his damp throat, I sucked gently on his salty skin. I knew from my own nightmares that being held and loved could push the specters back into the closet for a little while.

    His arms came round me, his hands running up and down the curve of my spine. I felt him let go of the dream with a long, deep sigh.

    This is the first glimpse Eva gets of Gideons nightmares. I love that she understands and knows how to soothe him.

    I have often thought, are his dreams connected to certain times when he is stressed.? Eva pulling her runner really freaked him out.

  10. What if a few of us had a few stray gray hairs that just didn't want to be tamed by hair dyes or henna or whatever.  Where would a woman like that wind up  on the Gideon's interested list?  :) 

    hey Gigi

    There's always a wig! Lol :) only problem, if you got all hot and steamy with him, it could end up on the floor with your clothes!! :)

  11. Or you could move to Canada. :)  Canada is a very lovely country with many, many fine features. :) 

    hih Gigi

    Canada is one place I would emigrate to, such a beautiful place. My daughter went to Vancouver last year for her honeymoon. They loved it so much they going there again next year. You never know, I could end up on your doorstep! :)

  12. Prison - yes. Crime victims (and in the case of murder victims, family members) commonly are informed when a convict is getting released shortly. Many times they even get notified when a convict is seeking early release on parole. The notice gives them a chance to try to prevent the convict from being granted parole.


    Mental hospitals, no. Unfortunately. There's never been a long-standing system to automatically notify victims. And in recent years, very strict privacy laws on medical records has made it even harder to get information about mental patients (about any patients, actually.)


    Which is one of the reasons Gideon rightfully was scared -- scared of a system where if Nathan hurt Eva, he possibly would be locked up in a mental hospital again instead of prison, treated, deemed fit for release, and sent back out into the community -- probably with Eva not being told he'd been released. Thus the danger to her would always exist.

    thanks for that. Explains a lot. In Gideons eyes this problem, i.e. Nathan, wasn't going away. Oh Gideon!
  13. HI Caroline,

    I always thought that Cary's relationship with Trey was horrible  When someone asks someone else to be something that he's not then that's a recipe for disaster!  I am sure that Trey was a nice person in his own right, but his lack of acceptance of Cary's bisexuality is not good for Cary.  Therefore that relationship would be unhealthy for both parties.  What do you think?  What does everyone think?

    morning Gigi

    Is Cary bisexuality always going to be a problem in a stable relationship? I don't know of anyone bisexual that I could ask. Can anyone help?



    Hi everyone,

    I have been reading everyone’s comments about how Eva handled the f*** pad scenario.  I just wanted to throw out a quick question.  Does everyone think that Gideon would have taken Eva back to his hotel room or back to his house?


    Sorry my post got cut off.   I just wanted to add the second part to this post:


    If we go back and read the scenario as it played out, Eva asked Gideon not to shower because it turned her on and also asked Gideon if they could find some place close by where they could have hot sweaty s** (my  paraphrasing not Sylvia’s)?  If Eva had allowed Gideon to remain in control instead of requesting a change of plans, do you think that Gideon would have taken Eva to the hotel?  My guess is no, Gideon wouldn’t have taken Eva back to his hotel.  I think that maybe they would have had sex in the limo and hen probably gone back to Eva’s apartment.  Thus far, Gideon broke all of his rules and changed his ways for Eva.  I don’t think that he would have used his old ways to woo Eva.  What does everyone think?


    hi Gigi

    I like your thinking. So it's Eva's fault, Gideon took her to the hotel. Her insatiable wouldn't wait. If she was that special to him, his f**k pad would have been going the way of the dodo, and done the gentlemanly thing, taking her home.

  15. Cary would do much better in modeling then a 9-5 job. he's got the looks and as Eva pointed out in BTY, he didn't always look like this. He needs to see he's gorgeous and capable of being loved and in love with someone who treats him how he should be treated. Eva envisions him being famous and I think he is well on his way and he's got Stanton to help invest that hard earned money. Aside from the setback from being almost beaten to death by nathan, Cary was doing well landing modeling jobs..in agreement, cary deserves nothing but the best.  

    hi Caroline.

    As Eva said to Cary. Beautiful on the inside, as well as the outside.

  16. Ciao Gabri,

    I don’t think that Cary would be “renouncing†Eva as his best friend per say, I just think that Eva is growing and changing and as such Cary has to do the same.  I still think that they will be best friends.  They just won’t be living together (hopefully Eva will be living with Gideon :)).

    morning Gigi

    I will drink to that! Cheers!

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