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Posts posted by julie54

  1. I am like that as well, I am quite a slow reader so I like to take my time and go over and over it again just to make sure I have the story right, I also like the Audio books as sometimes you hear something and it makes the way you have read it different in the context of the book.


    I tried to get my hubby to read the books as well but he was not for that LOL :)

    I got the audio books too. I agree, you do pick up on things. I also felt as if I was intruding when the scenes get hot and sweaty!
  2. I hope that books 4 & 5 don't take too long to come out like book 3 as I will not be able to contain myself.  Yes I agree with you work is such an inconvenience when you are trying to catch up with one of Sylvia's books, however, I have my IPad with me all the time so I secretly have it hidden in my work trays and read inbetween dealing my day job, LOL, I know it is terrible but when you are reading one of these books, you just don't want to put them down. :)

    same here.

    My daughter gets cross when I want to use MY iPad. I remind her, that it was she, who introduced me to these books. I think she is regretting it now. I'M NOT! Best read ever!

  3. We're getting the snapshot today, probably at 9 a.m. U.S. Eastern Time based on when all the other ones thus far have hit the Internet. Word is that Chapter One of Entwined will also hit, tomorrow, at 9 a.m. Oh the site could kah-rash!!!! I'm going to try to copy the text in case of emergency. :)


    Today will be a glimpse into Chapter 15. Recap of the snapshots of chapters 1-14:


    1. The word "Press" over a fuzzy shot of a newspaper page, and a fancy pen in the foreground.

    2. Unwrapped Christmas present boxes

    3. The word "Business" next to a cup of coffee

    4. A microphone on a stand

    5. A pile of neatly-folded white terrycloth towels, wrapped in a red ribbon.

    6. A bathtub in a modern-style bathroom

    7. An open bottle of red wine, nearly full, and in front of it, one wine glass holding some wine. Near it is a small vase holding four red roses.

    8. Two different types of pills in blister packs plus a bottle of some sort of liquid medication. The meds are on a glass coffee table in front of a white couch.

    9. Fuzzy shot of a crowded dance floor. One woman in the center of the shot is in semi-focus.

    10. A diamond and gold women's watch.

    11. An Aston Martin sports car

    12. An elevator lobby

    13. Pieces of women's clothing scattered at the foot of a bed.

    14. An NYPD detective shield (badge).


    Thanking you in advance.:)

  4. morning, what do you mean no time for housework, what about work in general lol, I am planning to try and read chapter 1 at work tomorrow, I am so excited about reading it, it has been a long time in coming.


    I am in Scotland.  


    thanks for the heads up on the time


    I work, it's becoming an inconvenience, lol. Luckily I have an early shift, so will be home in the afternoon.

    Im a 54 year old Essex girl!!

    We are going to be doing this a long time, waiting for books 4 & 5 too. So glad it didn't stop at 3.

  5. Hi ShazScott1980,

    I hope we get to see more of Victor in the next book.  I just wonder how it might come about.  Do you have any ideas or suggestions?  :)

    hi Gigi

    I'm thinking, as soon as Victor got back to California, he started digging, possibly calling in a few favours. No way will he just let this slide, he saw Eva's reaction that Friday evening. I'm surprised he went home to be honest, given that his daughter had become part of a murder investigation. Could he have not asked for special leave, or perhaps he thought he could dig a little, then come back when he has some answers, he knew Eva was hiding something. Doesn't anyone share in this book!

  6. I totally agree, anyone know though when onTuesday this will be posted as here in the UK I am wondering if it will be nearer Wednesday if it is posted late evening USA time ?

    morning. Welcome to the forum

    I'm in the UK too.

    The chapter will be up about 2 pm approx. the same time as the snapshots have appeared.

    It's being posted 6 am pacific time. Their about 8 hours behind us.

    Your going to have fun here. It's so addictive. No time for housework. Lol

  7. Hi everyone,

    I have been reading everyone’s comments about Corinne and I have to say that I am a little surprised.  Do we the readers have so little faith that we don’t think that our beloved Eva can fight her own battles with Corinne?  Is Eva that weak and helpless that she can’t hold her own with Corinne?  If we stopped to think about it, if Eva truly couldn’t hold her own with Corinne then is she the woman for a man like this? 


    Gideon is extremely good looking and that is never going to change (barring some huge disfiguring accident…never!) and he is also extremely wealthy and most likely isn’t going to change either. So how exactly is Gideon helping Eva adjust to her life with him if he has to go in and destroy every single person who disapproves of his relationship with him and Eva or goodness forbid, tries to make a play for Gideon?  Really?!  Come on…


    Women make plays for men in everyday life and it is up to the men to set these women straight.  If every woman fell apart just because another woman made a play for her man, then nothing in this world would get done. 


    It seems that Corinne’s actions are being judged along the same level as Nathan (a despicable monster).  So Corinne did something that wasn’t nice….so what?  Big deal!  That’s life!  So Corinne wants Gideon back?  So what?  Who doesn’t?  I continue to maintain that Gideon created this entire bulls**** scenario and as such bears the brunt of the responsibility of setting this woman straight!


    If Gideon destroys Corinne as maybe a few of the forum members hope then what does that say about the “beloved Gideonâ€?  It doesn’t say a lot.  In fact, it is a bi**h move for a MAN to go after a WOMAN!!  There is nothing romantic about it.  Thus far Corinne hasn’t done anything to warrant that level of action; no she hasn’t boiled any rabbits or kidnapped any children or such. So again I ask; what is the big deal?


    If Eva went after Corinne and tried to destroy her then that is one thing, but it is another scenario altogether if a man, who created this entire stupid mess, goes after a woman because he was falsely leading her on. 

    good morning Gigi

    We are like passing ships in the night. Your probably in bed now I'm up. Giving you a little winky smile;) .

    The winky smile is a semi colon and bracket. ;)

    I think now Eva is a stronger person, she will be able to fight her own battles, if she is allowed to by Monica Gideon and Stanton. They have to back off and let her make mistakes and learn from them. It's called life.

    Monica and Gideon both have their reasons for wanting to protect her, i understand their fear, given what they have all been through. But she won't grow as a person if they keep interfering.

    The only way I can see Gideon destroying Corrine is to cut her off as a friend total. No contact, off the Christmas card list! He has given her false hope, I agree, which is rather callous. But she didn't waste any time trying to destroy a fragile relationship between Gideon and Eva at the dinner. Corrine was hurting Gideon as well as Eva that night, by being bitchy in a subtle way.

    Magdalena finally saw the light, realising Gideons friendship was important, so tried to make amends with Eva.

    I shall book Gideon a flight to Canada, when us ladies in Europe have finished with him! Don't hold your breathe though ;) ;) ;)

  8. Well, Gedeon in a kilt..... what a sight!!! Even Nessie will have something to dream about.

    I wonder what clan would he choose. Each clan has a motto that exemplifies the clan members' attitude towards life. I think Gedeon's motto would tell us about his greatest happiness achieved through his greatest sufferings.

    I've never thought of keeping Gedeon apart from Eva! I would like to spend some time with Cary too....

    It's almost midnight and I kiss you all good night!!!!!

    night Gabri. Sleep well
  9. HEY JULIE, do you know where Italy is? It might be a great place for Gedeon to recover from all the stressful events he's gone through... well maybe some "rest" is not exactly what I had in mind for him, but a girl must have her dreams!!!

    hi gabri Italy is a beautiful country. I will send him to you for some sun and relaxation. Then we send him back to Eva. That's where his heart lies.

    After a good night's sleep I've recovered my wits and made up my mind: Monica sucks!!!!

    I don't know what muddled things up for me, but four years are too long a time for anyone.

    I remeber reading somewhere that'Ignorance is a poor kind of innocence' and I realize now how well this line applies to Monica!

    hi Gabri

    Your so lovely. :)

    I did try to understand your point of view.

    She should have taken more notice of Eva and Nathan for that matter. She should have seen how they interacted with each other, or not as the case maybe. Nathan ruined Eva's, Monica's, Gideons, and his fathers lives. They have a life sentence, his punishment is over.

    Monica does love Eva, but some of the things she does are not motherly. Is she trying to live part of her life through Eva. The dress she bought her, trying to change Eva's image, having a bit of a sulk, when Eva and Cary went to Las Vegas.

    She is a mother not her friend.

    Lets hope she changes in EWY.

  11. If he were charged, he'd have to surrender his passport - provided he even got bail to begin with. Often, people charged with first-degree murder are held without bail.


    Technically, he could leave the country, but in practical terms, he'd most likely have been told by the cops to stick around and warned by his defense lawyers to not do anything that might look like he was trying to flee, lest prosecutors decide to jump the gun and charge him. The defense strategy at this point would be to prevent him from even getting charged. Fleeing (or even looking like fleeing) looks guilty as h*** and might push a prosecutor over the edge.


    In fact, I wonder if his traveling might provoke the crisis showdown for the prosecutor - does he/she "go for it" and charge Gideon Cross with murder -- or -- does he/she decide against charging, because crucial evidence can't be used against him (and so there's no way the prosecution could get a conviction.)




    So I think we can agree, there's no trip to England then. Shame. I did wonder if things got a bit dodgy, and Gideon does leave/flee the country? Hence the luggage tags. I'd give him asylum. :)

  12. Re-reading some things about Monica's background reminded me that for all her short-comings as a materialistic person, she is a loving person. And I imagine some trouble in her own childhood may explain why she mishandles things sometimes and makes bad choices -- every bit as much as Eva has (and Gideon too).


    We know most of Eva's bad choices, past and present, driven by childhood demons. Troublemaker, anger problem, promiscuous, low self-esteem, over-reacts. She's come a long way but still does bad things. Like kissing Brett. She's slapped Gideon twice. She ran out of his apartment late at night dressed only in a bathrobe to take a cab home. Those are the things I can think of off the top of my head. She's a good person who sometimes is a bad girlfriend, is the bottom line.


    Monica is a good person with flaws of her own. Here are some theories I have about what has driven her, good and bad.


    Childhood? She came from money and was a debutante, which indicates she came from "old money" -- high society. Appearances meant everything to her family, it would appear, so much so that to avoid the "shame" of Ms. Monica Trammel getting "knocked up" by some "grease monkey" (Victor was a mechanic when they met) her family tried to force her to get an abortion. And disinherited her when she refused. Nathan got disinherited from his rich father for good reason. But Monica? Simply because she chose to keep her baby.


    Victor? OK, so she wouldn't marry him or even give the baby his last name. But she did name the girl Eva after his mother. Victor was allowed to be a part of his daughter's life. And Monica genuinely loved Victor. He was more than just some fling to her. She wasn't some rich girl using some guy for sex. She was honest, though, that she wanted things in life he couldn't provide.


    First husband, Barker? From what Eva said, her mother had been happy in the marriage. She got the financial protection that I'm sure she craved by then, having been rejected by her own family. And she was willing to take over the day-to-day raising of both Eva and Nathan while Mr. Barker travelled for work. Yes, by far the worst mistake Monica made was to not be paying close enough attention to both those children. However, once she did find out, she took immediate action to protect Eva -- protect her then and protect her in the future too. Made sure of Eva's financial security. And cut all ties to the Barker family, not just Nathan.


    Stalking Eva? Monica went from one extreme to another over extreme guilt. Having failed to protect Eva, now Monica is hopelessly trying to over-protect Eva. She's literally sick about it -- sick in that with good reason, Dr. Petersen is treating her for unhealthy obsessive behaviors. Like the cell-phone stalking thing. Eva made a good point when she accused Stanton of keeping her (Eva) sick too when he enables Monica's sickness. Is it any wonder everyone kept Nathan's reappearance a secret from Eva? Because Eva herself enabled people to over-protect her. Instead of standing up to her mother, she usually backed down. Instead of demanding honesty from Gideon, she either backed down, or worse, bailed.

    hi. I agree with what you say regarding Monica's mental health.

    My post may have come across as rather harsh, demonising Monica . But as a mother myself i felt she seriously let Eva down. Yes she loves her, wants the best for her and feels guilty about her abuse. But Eva was tortured and raped for four years, with no one lifting a finger to help her. How could she miss the signs? They must have been glaring at her.

    I hope Monica now lets Eva live her life as an adult, and guilt free.

  13. :) Julie. The leaders who founded the United States of America out of what had been, before then, thirteen British colonies on the eastern side of North America, did incorporate much of the what they liked about the British system, and even more than two centuries later, there still are many similarities in how things are done on "both sides of the Atlantic." Even much of the legal heritage is based on many centuries of English history.


    And .... we do have an Aston Martin that's a clue to Entwined. So it could be some of the plot takes place over on your side of the ocean. You could be helping us with background stuff less than a month from now.

    hi LN Cronan

    I would be very happy to oblige. I love that our two countries have so much in common. I have sampled your countrys hospitality on many occasions, I will be returning next year. :)

    As much as we would love to have Gideon and Eva in England, from the time frame in the book, do you think a trip across the pond is possible? Also if Gideon (although he has not been charged) is chief suspect, wouldn't he have to surrender his passport?:(

    You would be very welcome in my home if you fancy some English hospitality. :)

  14. As I reread the books again I am always struck by that helpless yearning that Eva describes in Gideon's eyes throughout the book. He so wants a normal life for himself with this beyond beautiful , generous woman that he describes as the other half of himself but there always seems to be something getting in the way of his HEA. Whether its the specter of Nathan, or his own abuse, his parasomnia, his enemies, his exes, and now the murder investigation. Someone had posted earlier that they were surprised he is still sane and I second that motion. I just want to see Gideon relaxed and happy and at peace with himself maybe by Book 5...

    it was me that questioned his sanity. To withstand that sort of turmoil, you would need to be a strong character which he is when his mask is in place. But underneath he is a broken man. As you say, he needs his HEA just as much as Eva. With her love and therapy, he will get there.
  15. One more thing, this about Monica's paranoia the seals on court records were broken by Nathan's death.

    This does not mean the records all of a sudden became public - that any reporter could now simply go to the courthouse(s) and ask to see the files. But what it does mean is now is that certain insiders within the courts have very valid reasons for looking into files normally they'd be forbidden to open. Court personnel aren't allowed to look into sealed files just for the h*** of it. But when they have very valid reason to, they most certainly are.

    The pool of insiders who know about the old Nathan records just got a whole lot larger. Now it's not just the folks who had been involved a decade ago, whose promise to silence Stanton bought. Now there are some people who presently work in the courts who now know about the old records, because of the murder investigation. Additionally, there are now cops (like Detective Graves) who have seen (and gotten copies of) all the records. The circumstances under which Nathan died made his legal past an open book to the NYPD. Nathan's records have gone from buried in the archives to suddenly going through the hands cops/court insiders.

    would Victor be able to access these records, using police computers or just investigating Nathan in general?


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