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Posts posted by julie54

  1. I thought Nathan saw Gideon twice, once in his office when Gideon obviously punched him out and then again when Monica saw him outside the Crossfire unless Nathan never went up but was following Eva

    nathan only met Gideon once. When Monica saw him, he was lurking around to intimidate Gideon into giving him the money. He was stalking Eva. Keeping notes on her going through her trash. Gideon was beside himself with worry, fearing for Eva's safety.
  2. you're not kidding!!! I've been away from my computer for a few days and feel like I missed a ton of stuff. I saw that SD is posting the Chapter 1 where the snippets & snapshots are. I had a feeling they would be there. I can't wait to read it. I'm counting down the hours lol! : )

    welcome back. You have a lot to catch up on!

    21 hours to go!!!

  3. what I noted also LN that was never mentioned was the video tapes from Crossfire as when Monica collapses and we now know it was because she saw Nathan outside Crossfire and Eva asked Gideon to have a look at the tapes of the outside he said he would look into it, if Stanton's security videos have been taken surely the Crossfires will also and they will see how many times Nathan went to see Gideon, from the discussions at Eva's appartment we know that the police knew Nathan was trying to blackmail Gideon but we don't know how many times Nathan tried

    nathan knew to see Gideon again would be suicidal. Once was enough.
  4. I've completely reconsidered Magdalene as a character because of all of this careful re-reading of the series, one chapter at a time.


    I think Magdalene is subtly (and cleverly) portrayed as what Corrine actually should be but isn't - a true old friend to Gideon who wants what's best for him and who "gets" it that she (Magdalene) does not stand a chance at being anything more than an old friend. Magdalene comes across as a b***** on the surface but who is genuinely honest underneath. Contrast that to Corrine who comes across as sweet on the surface but is dishonest and self-delusional underneath.


    Magdalene wants her old friend to be happy, even if that means another woman making him happy. She wants to be his friend.

    Corrine wants Gideon no matter what, even if it means destroying happiness he found with someone else. Under the cover of "friendship" she's been trying to manipulate him the whole time, sensing at least enough to know there's something broken there.

    that is why you can't read these books once. You pick up on things on the second third fourth.......time round that you missed the first time. My books are so dog eared I've got to replace them.
  5. Not sure if Gideon would be able to cope with a trial, what would happen to all his businesses and would something like that not give Christopher Jnr the opportunity to get control of the record label, thus getting one up on Gideon

    if Gideon couldn't be with Eva (although he now knows she's safe) it would kill him. Twice he said he wouldn't survive her. I worry for him.
  6. I've completely reconsidered Magdalene as a character because of all of this careful re-reading of the series, one chapter at a time.


    I think Magdalene is subtly (and cleverly) portrayed as what Corrine actually should be but isn't - a true old friend to Gideon who wants what's best for him and who "gets" it that she (Magdalene) does not stand a chance at being anything more than an old friend. Magdalene comes across as a b***** on the surface but who is genuinely honest underneath. Contrast that to Corrine who comes across as sweet on the surface but is dishonest and self-delusional underneath.


    Magdalene wants her old friend to be happy, even if that means another woman making him happy. She wants to be his friend.

    Corrine wants Gideon no matter what, even if it means destroying happiness he found with someone else. Under the cover of "friendship" she's been trying to manipulate him the whole time, sensing at least enough to know there's something broken there.

    i think Gideon has seen through Corrines little ruse. He is very good ( sometimes, cr* p at others)at taking notice about the small details. Things Eva had mentioned, Magdalenes hair for instance, but he needs Corrine at the moment to be his " girlfriend". His a bit slow, but he will get there. Bless him!
  7. The murder case is, when Entwined opens, close to the point where it would be time to decide whether or not to indict/arrest Gideon. The detectives have figured out he did it, have already broken his alibi, and are now building the motive side of the case.


    The easiest way that the case would go away at this particular stage -- on the threshold of decision on whether or not to arrest -- would be the prosecutor determining the evidence isn't strong enough to meet the burden of proof. Under the U.S. legal system, the prosecution is always the side with the uphill battle. Gideon's team doesn't have to prove him innocent -- EVERYTHING rests on the prosecution proving guilt.


    I'm convinced Graves lied when she fed Eva b******* the cops basically decided on their own to drop the case because Nathan was a dangerous scumbag but Gideon's no danger to other people. However, it is possible the prosecution will decide that even though they know he did it, knowing it and proving it to a jury are two different things. This is not simply the prosecution being afraid of the best defense lawyers money can buy. If the prosecution had the evidence to do it, they'd go after Gideon no matter how rich he is. If the prosecution knows the evidence isn't enough to meet the burden, they'll back down now rather than lose the trial.

    the way our theories have gone back and forth, I'm sure we have been over thinking big time, (She says, sitting here with fingers crossed). If the detectives have broken Gideons alibi, surely the lack of evidence regarding the stabbing is also a problem for them, not that we have much to go on at the moment.
  8. On one hand i understand how a trial and acquittal would be a good thing so that they would never have to deal with this again. But given that the book covers such a short amount of time, i feel that having a murder trial would take up way too much of the story and we would not get the opportunity to go through the other aspects of their pasts. Plus i really don't want the story to be dominated by this issue. 

    i agree. That's why I don't think it will come to that. We don't want it to detract from the main story of a romance between Eva and Gideon. So far there's not been much happiness. This story is the dark side of love. Definitely not hearts and flowers.
  9. In both of the prior Chapter 15, Gideon has done something to "save" Eva. Save their almost-ended early relationship in Bared. Saved her life in Reflected. Maybe this is the Chapter 15 that Eva "saves" Gideon from his darkness, does something that finally convinces him the nightmares won't ever stand in the way of them being able to share a bed, a home, a life -- marriage, in other words.

    ive got my hat ready! Count me in on this one. With all the angst and heartbreak we need some fun, as Cary would say :)
  10. We are about two thirds of the way into the novel now -- usually crisis city.


    Bared Chapter 14-15: He dumped her in Chapter 14 rather than talk about his violent sexual nightmares. In Chapter 15, he "rescues" her from the clutches of his family at the Vidal's garden party.


    Reflected Chapter 14-15: Eva reaches her agony point over Gideon pulling away from her while openly spending time with Corrine again. Chapter 15 starts with what would turn out to be Thursday that Gideon kills Nathan, and the chapter ends with the cliff-hanger in Eva's apartment the following night: the cops telling her Nathan was found dead.

    so going with that theory, we have had all the angst and turmoil, now things will start to get better? Perhaps a good cliff hanger. If I'm wrong about the arrest, I will take us all out for a stiff drink! Because I think we will all need one!
  11. Oh Please don't say that I think that is everyone's worst fear. Although if he were arrested and the case went to trial it might be for the best. Let's say he was tried for murder one ( murder in the 1st degree) and the jury found him innocent because of reasonable doubt because the lack of any physical evidence. He could never(not even the cops found concrete evidence that Gideon did kill Nathan after the trial was over) be tried for Nathan's murder again, because that would be Double Jepoardy. So maybe that's what SD is planning? It be just about the only way the Gideon could get away with murder without always having to worry.

    im still going with LN Cronans version. The detective screwed up over her little chat with Eva in the gym, and lack of evidence.
  12. Corrine never stood a chance at a second relationship with Gideon. She never was in the race to begin with.

    But at least Magdalene came to her senses that all she (Magdalene) ever had was friendship that crossed over into platonic dating for social purposes. The only relationships where Gideon ever combined sex and dating were Corrine, his first attempt, and then Eva, the love who broke through every boundary he'd never, ever been able to break through before.

    definitely. Eva blew all Gideons barriers to smithereens. As he said, she will have no secrets from him, the same has to be said about him. When he opens up more to Eva about his past, only then will he be free.
  13. Magdalene knew when to throw in the towel. I think she really did so right after she accidentally walked in on Gideon making love to Eva inside the Vidal mansion the afternoon of the garden party.


    As she cried to that snake Christopher Jr. immediately afterward, she told Christopher she believed Gideon was in love with Eva. Gideon definitely was treating Eva differently than any other woman, Magdalene admitted.


    We're lead to believe Magdalene really threw in the towel when Corrine came to town. But Magdalene would have already gotten that new haircut (to quit trying to look like Corrine) even before the night Corrine showed up. Corrine crashed that event unannounced.


    I think that night, when Magdalene was being so nice to Eva, Magdalene was sympathetic to the fact that Eva at last (so Magdalene would have believed) had a real rival (Corrine). Magdalene figured, correctly, she herself was out of the running, and the contest probably was now down to Eva and Corrine.

    and we all know who floats Gideons boat!!
  14. g

    Gideon started cutting off Eva Monday evening after Cary got attacked. We have deduced that Gideons security team had been following Nathan, so they- we think- saw what nathan did to Cary, probably intervened saving Carys life. When Gideon found out he panicked about Eva's safety, hence pulling away from her to give him some breathing space, to plan a murder, and hopefully Nathan would calm down long enough for Gideon to put his plans in action.

    once Eva popped up on Nathan's radar, care of Gideon and his media coverage, Nathan knew where his girl was.

    That's what Gideon was afraid of, probably having her followed 24/7 soon after they started dating, even when they were apart.

  15. Hi Julie54,


    I knew I was not going mad, I just didn't think Nathan had been blackmailing Gideon by then as he did not seem to be so put out, it was only after Cary was attacked that he started to get weird and go off Eva but I suppose it must have been going for some time but when reading the book when Eva starts to put things together and her mother seeing Nathan I always thought that was the first time you were to know that Nathan had been to see Gideon with the photographs and video but it had probably been going on for a while then?


    Gideon started cutting off Eva Monday evening after Cary got attacked. We have deduced that Gideons security team had been following Nathan, so they- we think- saw what nathan did to Cary, probably intervened saving Carys life. When Gideon found out he panicked about Eva's safety, hence pulling away from her to give him some breathing space, to plan a murder, and hopefully Nathan would calm down long enough for Gideon to put his plans in action.

  16. Hi All, I posted this to Sylvia questions but not sure if that was the correct place to put it but knowing how knowledgeable you all are, I am hoping someone in here can answer this for me.


    Anyway I know I have read this before in here but when reading Reflected again, I did start to get confused.


    In the part of the book when Eva and Magumi go to lunch and they see Corrine leaving then Eva goes to ask Gideon what she was doing there and the mark on his collar, well a lot of people including Eva thinks it is lipstick but I am sure Sylvia said it was blood as Gideon had just had a visit from Nathan, was I dreaming that or am I right in thinking it was Nathan's blood on Gideon's collar.  As even after that Gideon and Eva are together.


    Also that was a few days before Monica saw Nathan outside of Crossfire, anyone have any idea why if Nathan has just been hit by Gideon did he go back.


    This has just been bugging me so if anyone could shed some light that would be great.


    Thanks xx


    Yes it was Nathan's blood on Gideons.

    Nathan was basically stalking Eva, putting pressure on Gideon and Stanton to pay up.

    Any questions we can answer them.

    Keep them coming.


    Hi Julie,

    I think that it may not necessarily matter what time Nathan was murdered.  Let me explain here.  Gideon already knew in advance that Eva would be going to pick up her dad at the airport.  Her dad is a well seasoned beat cop and as such would have been safe in his company.  


    Gideon would also have known that Eva most likely would have refused his driver because things were rocky between them.  Every time that Eva got upset with Gideon she often went off on her own and only when she was assured that Gideon wouldn’t interfere with her plans in any way would she accept a ride from one of his staff (hadn’t that become a dance between the two of them?).

    Now seeing as that Gideon probably factored in that Eva most likely wouldn’t have accepted a ride from his driver, wouldn’t Gideon have arranged for a “tail†of some sort to ensure Eva’s safe arrival to the airport to pick up her dad?  This man has made it a mission in his life to track Eva’s movements, know everything that there possibly is  to know about her and as such I wouldn’t have found it a stretch for Gideon to have had a backup plan in case Eva rejected his offer.  What do you think?  What does everyone think?

    hi Gigi

    I'm sure Gideon does have a backup plan at all times for Eva. As he said she is unmanageable with clothes on! Go girl! ,;)

    The reason I wondered about the time of death, was alibis concerning Angus. Gideon always entrusted Eva's safety to him, but this early morning Raul turned up. Eva had never met him before. Would she have been more likely to have gotten in the car had it have been Angus? I don't know. She liked and trusted him. We will never know.

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