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Posts posted by julie54

  1. Hi Julie,

    I read your comments and I have to say that if Gideon and Eva’s relationship was so “fragile†that it couldn’t withstand a little interplay from a rival, then I submit that it isn’t the right relationship for these two.  I know that must seem like a bold statement, but at the end of the day, being in a relationship is supposed to make a person better, not worse.


    I have also been thinking about Gideon’s actions toward Eva and I have to say that they border on the obsessed.  That isn’t healthy or normal, but instead of accepting responsibility for his actions Gideon seems to be passing the buck (again a controversial statement).   


    Everyone has been letting Gideon slide with his behaviour and I have to ask why?  Is it just the s** or his good looks?  Really, there has to be something more to this character…oh wait, he sat in his office/den, whatever and methodically and premeditatedly and coldly planned and executed the murder of another human being (admittedly a scumbag but still of the human variety).  So now we can add murderer to the list. 


    I have also noticed that “justifiable homicide†has been bantered about as if Gideon’s actions could be somehow explained away, and again I don’t buy it. I would be so interested if we have any legal “eagles†in the forum to bring forth their knowledge and experiences with these types of cases (could we even have a judge or two in our illustrious panel of experts?  Fingers crossed! :))   Yes, yes I have heard that we the readers will be “taken to dark places†but I ask where is the light.   What is the upside to this story?   


    As far as the Corinne off the “Christmas Card†list, that is not what has been mentioned.  It is a far cry for a man to say “listen I made a mistake and I don’t love you†but it is another thing entirely to go about purposely and falsely deceive someone who may be just as mentally unstable as these two.  What benefit is it of Gideon’s to go about and destroy another human being when helped to created this entire mess?  How do two wrongs make a right?


    We are supposed to be talking about adults here and not kids.  What has been described sounds more like “high school anticsâ€.  Listen, had Eva and Corinne had a cat-fight, then fine.  I could have bought that scenario. Had Eva even bi*** slapped Corinne because she lost it, then I could even buy that, but what has been proposed is a little bit much. 


    Now for the biggest challenge of all….Monica….Sigh!!!  I swear I think I could almost write an essay about that woman’s wrong doings, but for now I will strictly go by what Sylvia has written and not suppositions. 

    • Eva told Gideon about her abuse and saw Stanton.  Monica melodramatically accosted Eva (accusing and asking in a horrified manner) asking her why she told Gideon (of all people) about the abuse.  That entire scenario played out like a soap-opera scene. Monica’s eyes were red while she was wringing her hands into the handkerchief…really?!  NOT ONCE did Monica ever ask her daughter if she was ok with telling a significant other about her past.  Not once did Monica ever ask her daughter how she felt about having to go down such a dark path.  The entire scenario played out with all of the sympathy shifting squarely onto Monica.  What the heck is that?!  How is that love?
    • As was mentioned in many other posts, Monica knew full well of Nathan’s presence in New York yet she said nothing.  Why?  Monica was never even forthcoming with having seen Nathan.
    • Monica knew about the videotapes and photos (although it is unclear whether she saw them). Why wouldn’t she say something to her daughter then?
    • Monica was aware that Nathan was trying to extort monies from Stanton (and perhaps Monica as well.  It is unclear whether Monica knew that Gideon was being blackmailed as well).  So why keep that information from Eva? 
    • Everyone keeps stating that Monica and Stanton may have been trying to protect Eva.  Where is the protection in any of those actions?  Someone show me one piece of concrete proof that these two and mainly Monica did anything to protect her daughter as an adult. 
    • Monica of all people would have known just how violent and hideous, a human being Nathan was.  She would have seen photos from the anal and vaginal scarring when Eva was a girl.  I am sure that the hospital or CPS would have shown her that evidence.  So how did Monica’s silence and lack of information benefit Eva’s safety?  
    • When given every single solitary opportunity to reveal information about what was going on during Nathan’s murder investigation; it was Eva who initiated the conversations and it was Eva who continued to dig and press Monica until she had nowhere to go but to start revealing information.  How was Monica protecting her daughter then? 
    • Over the course of two books; Monica never once, NOT ONCE EVER acknowledged her part (mistakes) in Eva’s neglect and abuse.  She never apologized once to Eva. 
    • If anything the reader is left listening to Eva apologize to her mother about one thing or another.  Really? 
    • When does Monica plan on atoning for her sins?  I am just curious…
    • Will we ever get to see Monica apologize to her daughter about what a stinky mother she was and continues to be to Eva?
    good afternoon Gigi.

    I'm sure your asleep now. Probably tired out after all that typing. ;)

    I was quoting your post regarding destroying Corrine . I don't think he will destroy her, but I do think he will cut her off, after the way she treated Eva. He has taken her out a couple of times, for him it was as a friend/alibi. But I don't think he would have led her on, implying that it was going to go anywhere. I think she was assuming that herself.

    Eva and Gideons relationship is fragile because its still early days as a couple, given that they both have issues in their personal lives. As has been said, they are both virgins in this relationship.

    As for Gideon killing Nathan. I don't think anyone is happy that he killed Nathan , but I can understand why he did. You could argue, it was kill or be killed. Detective Graves said it was only a matter of time before she was murdered.

    I do think Monica Gideon and Stanton should have confided in Eva, but as we all know communication is lacking in this story.

    As for Monica. Well I have already had my rant about her. See previous posting.

    Getting ready for chapter one now. Speak later julie

  2. Hi sheens263 !

    I'm in the west coast just outside Glasgow !

    Well ladies.

    The dog has been walked, lunch prepared, phone on silent. I'm ready.

    Do you think Sylvia will bring the Internet to its knees? Facebook is full of comments from around the globe. The Aussies do have Eva and Gideon, but it's midnight there.

    93 minutes!!!

  3. Timeline:

    • Gideon went to see Stanton on a Thursday.
    • By then, Eva and Gideon had been in the news for two-plus solid days, including photos.
    • Gideon's first confrontation with Nathan happened in his (Gideon's office) just over a week later (Friday) during lunchtime.
    • Gideon did last-minute cancel a lunch meeting he had that Friday, leaving Angus waiting in vain downstairs to drive him.


    Could just the media coverage be what lured Nathan to New York.? Googling Eva's name, would have pulled up posts.
  4. Chapter Fifteen, a couple of things Gideon blurted out to Eva that made me want to cry .... these are on page 226


    " I know you're disgusted by what you saw the other night .... what I was doing to myself ... I can make you want me again. Let me try."


    Oh poor Gideon. This is the way he felt inside, all because some sick b****** raped him and his mother decided Gideon was simply some disturbed little liar. His rapist made him feel he was dirty and his mother made him feel he wasn't worthy of anyone.


    And the story strongly suggests that the location where Gideon was blurting out this agony, in the library of the house he grew up in, was the "scene of the crime."


    2 hours and counting!!!

    I did cry at this chapter, here we have a grown man broken by some sicko, pleading to be taken back. Eva guilty for walking out on him. At least he is trying to let Eva in. It must be so hard when you have been closed off for so long. My stomach was in knots reading this.

    By the way Christopher Vidal is a weasel. He will get his comeuppance.

  5. Oh she knew, all right, Gideon was in love. She could see that.


    But she also could see that Eva was very vulnerable and easy to chase off. Gideon already had told Corrine that Eva was very insecure and jealous, the idiot. He all but begged Corrine to not upset Eva. Corrine saw, before dinner was over, upsetting Eva was like shooting fish in a barrel.


    So Corrine knew she had a shot at killing the relationship by hurting Eva.

    Hey are you going for 1000 posts tonight? :) champion poster!
  6. I also tried to get my husband to read these books and he said no way. So I tried reading him some of the naughty parts and he blushed! He said he didn't know what was weirder that I was reading this or that his sister told me to read them lol! But he is enjoying me reading let me tell you ;)

    My 19 year old daughter told me to read these books. But she refuses to talk about them with me. Good job I have you lot! When I tell friends what I'm reading they wink at me saying I only read it for the sex, which really annoys me. Yes the sex is HOT!! But I love the story about Gideon and Eva. The heartbreak angst and turmoil they have to endure to find love. Sigh!

  7. Thank you! But wait woah woah woah I am so lost. Forgive my ignorance but Nathan was in the room with Gideon? Or did he just get back from doing what he had to do to Nathan and that is why it looked like lipstick on his shirt when it was really blood? Sorry again I am a little slow sometimes ;)

    nathan went to see Gideon to show him photos of Eva being tortured and raped, wanting money for not showing them to the media. Gideon seeing them probably blew a gasket hitting Nathan, struggling knocking furniture askew. Hence Eva thinking Gideon was cheating on her with Corrine. The lipstick was actually blood from Nathan .
  8. I'm sure Magdalene saw something awful in his eyes when he realized Eva just pulled a runner, probably a very serious one.


    I think Corrine got a good look at his face too, and it dawned on her she had very serious competition. I even think something "snapped" inside of Corrine, because the gloves came off the very next day -- Corrine tried crashing Gideon's office, and then seized on an opportunity to pull the nooner stunt. Corrine went for all-her-glory triumph at the fundraiser to panic mode. What changed? Gideon -- running after Eva.

    I'm thinking panic and fear, was in those eyes.
  9. I am so glad you brought this up about the whole lipstick fiasco. Can someone please explain this to me? Did Corrine see Gideon that day that she was at the Crossfire Bldg or was she there to see someone else and just make Eva jealous?

    corrine went to se Gideon, but he was thumping Nathan! So Corrine used the time to make Eva jealous at lunchtime with her just f*cked look.
  10. Magdalene has had a front-row seat, though, to some of Gideon's less-than-stellar treatment of Eva. All three of the occasions where the three of them happened to be together. Thus, she probably believes Gideon is to blame, along with Corrine, for him having lost Eva recently.

    The three times Magdalene has been around them, and what she saw -- her old friend screwing up:

    First date, the fundraiser for the advocacy center:

    Gideon in full icy-public-demeanor mode, ending with him arguing with Eva on the dance floor and then leaving on the spot. Almost immediately after is when Magdalene went after Eva in the ladies room to attempt to drive the final nail in the coffin.

    Vidal garden party:

    Eva came to the party with Cary instead of Gideon. Gideon showed up angry and dragged Eva out of the garden into the house, presumably to send her packing in the driveway. Eva was furious as he pulled her away. Magdalene waited a little bit, then went into the house, obviously to to find Gideon, figuring Eva's gone. That's when Magdalene instead found Gideon making love to Eva in the library.

    Night Corrine crashed the fundraiser:

    Gideon immediately went off with Corrine on his arm, to talk to her alone. Eva sat miserable with Magdalene, tossing back drinks and having just been blindsided by her (Eva's) own boyfriend. Then Gideon and Eva disappeared for a short while (Magdalene naturally would have assumed they went somewhere private to argue.) When the pair of them returned and sat down to dinner, Gideon allowed Corrine to again monopolize him. A jerk who hated Gideon (Lucas) called Gideon on his (Gideon's) mistreatment of Eva, and Eva, knowing Lucas had a point, agreed with him. Then she walked out on Gideon, who full of remorse went tearing after her soon after.

    I wonder whether Magdalene got a look at Gideon's eyes when he read Eva's text announcing she was out of there. Terror? I've always wondered too, how awkward things probably were at that table between the time Eva walked off and a couple of minutes later when she texted Gideon she was out of there. Did Gideon and Lucas fight while Corrine sat there suddenly forgotten?

    i often wondered what happened to the two men, after Eva left. Oh to be a fly on that wall. Corrines nose was put out of joint that night.

    Also, when Gideon went to get Eva back from the garden party, when they leave, the security team Gideon lost when driving off fast is sitting outside. Eva notices them. I think they were already there, tailing Eva and Cary . Gideon said they were following him. Did he lie so she wouldn't find out she was being watched?

  11. the only other explanation I can think of Nathan being at the Crossfire the day Monica saw him which was a week after the lipstick/Corrine incident would be that he was stalking Eva or was there to try and intimidate Eva at her work.......

    he was definitely stalking Eva. He had been through her rubbish, took notes of her movements round he city. That was why Gideon went into meltdown when Eva left the office for lunch with Mark and Steven. Took Brett to lunch, too. He was afraid Nathan would grab her. Rape her again, kill her. Detective Graves said herself it was just a matter of time.
  12. I'm with you---I feel that Nathan saw Gideon that day...Gideon was acting wierd that day!

    I feel that Nathan saw Gideon more than one time....

    that was the night of his second nightmare, at her flat, where he walked out on Eva. I don't think Nathan dared go back a second time. It was more than his life's worth. It would have been suicidal. But hey! The way this story is going I could be wrong.
  13. The day Monica saw Nathan outside. That night Gideon and Eva were in the bath. Gideon was acting weird. Asking her to to love him and Eva asked him what was wrong. I have a feeling he saw Gideon that day.

    he was scared. He knew Nathan was stalking Eva, Gideons security team was watching him. He knew Eva was in danger. He just wanted a quiet night with no drama.
  14. Hey Julie54, that is where I get confused as the Corrine and mark on the cuff was before Eva went out with her mum and her mum saw Nathan, so if Nathan saw Gideon earlier and it is Nathan's blood on Gideon's cuff then he must have seen Gideon before the Monica incident, hence the reason I thought Nathan had seen Gideon a couple of times

    the day after the advocacy dinner, Corrine went to see Gideon, as he left abruptly chasing Eva. Corrine didn't get to see Gideon as he was decking Nathan, who was trying to blackmail him with photos of Eva being raped. Corrine then staged the just f* cked look because she knew Eva was coming back from lunch with Megumi. Week later Eva Monica and Megumi went to lunch. Nathan was lurking outside to intimidate Gideon into paying the money.
  15. Gideon is not used to women walking away. Because they've always chased him. And all he had to do is snap his fingers and they'd run back.


    He just didn't get it that Eva isn't like any of those other women who will grovel, beg, settle.


    First date: he pushes her away emotionally.

    Next day: assumes she'll talk to him on the phone.

    Monday: assumes she'll still have lunch with him.

    Result -- he had to beg her to give him another chance.


    First breakup: he pushes her away.

    By next day: knowing he screwed up, he figured she'd come back on her own. He was waiting for her to make the next move.

    By day four: finally figured out he needed to beg her for another chance.


    Week he killed Nathan: he pushes her away.

    Six days into mistreatment: she dumps him

    More than a week later: still expects her to wait for him. When she tells him "there is no us" he says "stop saying that." Claims to her that she has him. She tells him it's not true - and she's already moving on.


    That final time he finally got it -- if he didn't change, she was gone for good.

    men huh!

    He thought she was disgusted at what he was doing in his nightmare, she left because he lied about his nightmare, and what caused them. It all boils down to lack of communication, clamming up or running. He could have been a bit more specific on his card though.

  16. One thing that has always gnawed at me. Gideon sent Eva a note card or as Eva read it, a dear Jane card, stating, "thank you, Eva. For everything" yours , G. With her apartment keys. A brush off as I read it, so did she.

    In the next chapter, when they were talking, he kept saying they never broke up for those four days. Why did he phrase that card so badly?

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