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Posts posted by julie54

  1. How are we figuring Victor is going to figure into all this. He was just visiting Eva and now he'll be back again. Has he gone home and immediately started to research Nathan?

    How are we figuring Victor is going to figure into all this. He was just visiting Eva and now he'll be back again. Has he gone home and immediately started to research Nathan?

    Oh you can bet your bottom dollar, as soon as his plane touched down, Victor was on the job. I think he will be back quite quickly to protect his girl. He will want answers. I'm actually surprised he went home. He could call in a few favours, I'm sure to find out about Nathan. Will he find out Eva's secret though?

  2. A couple of theories:

    • Corrine thinks the nooner stunt worked - it seriously undermined Eva's trust in Gideon. And unfortunately, it did, so Corrine's objective was met.
    • I'm certain Gideon called up Corrine to chew her out about what she'd done -- which only served to reinforce to Corrine that Eva really is vulnerable.
    • Corrine probably convinced herself that the mistrust she'd sown came to fruition with Eva blowing things with Gideon. If Arnoldo gossiped to Corrine about Brett, then she's probably certain Eva blew it.
    • For a couple of weeks, Corrine basked in the triumph that Eva was history.
    • But then Eva showing up unannounced at Corrine's apartment, which made Corrine fear that Eva wasn't totally out of the picture yet. Corrine, realizing that maybe Eva might be considering making another run at Gideon, came up with a plan on the spot to repeat the "nooner" stunt in a far-more devastating way, sending Eva sobbing off into the sunset forever. For one thing, she tried to make Eva believe that now she (Corrine) had moved beyond hotel sex and gotten Gideon into her (Corrine's) own bed.

    Too bad, Corrine, that when push came to shove, in her heart Eva knew her man. Knew he wasn't sleeping with Corrine, because he didn't love Corrine, had never loved Corrine. Eva still couldn't figure out why the eph Gideon was treating her (Eva) the way he was, but Eva at least figured out that Gideon was, in fact, in love with her (Eva).

    Gideon didnt seem to realise that when he tells Corrine anything about Eva ie her jealousy, insecurities etc. he is in fact fanning the flames. He's got a lot to learn about woman!
  3. We're all fantasizing about a literal cat fight (a physical altercation) because of how well our heroine has held up during two figurative cat fights (Magdalene and Corrine.) Even though Magdalene won the first one, Eva landed some good verbal blows. As for Corrine, it was no contest - Eva won that one hands down. Can we go three-for-three Blonde versus Brunette - Eva versus Deanna?

    Our poor girl is a bit outnumbered here. Is it a requirement to be a brunette in New York? Lol

  4. All along, he's known his inexperience and his own set of issues was going to cause him to mess up sometimes. The day they became a couple, he asked Eva to cut him slack during his learning curve. As things progressed and they hit rough spots, he kept asking her (sometimes begging her) to tell his what it is he'd done wrong and what he needed to do to make things right. Unfortunately, far too many times she pulled a runner rather than talk things out.


    So now there is hope. Because when they met in her bedroom as Entwined opened, she told him he was wrong for the way he cut her off. He tried to change the subject, but she wouldn't let him -- she demanded to know whether she still was cut out, and whether or not this was permanent. He got it. More importantly, he already knew what he had to do to make things right: give her back her freedom to make choices. He even gave her the option to choose to end things forever. He was done trying to control her, because he saw the terrible damage it caused.

    Agreed. He now as to let her be herself. She needs control as much as he does because of their pasts. As they say, they are mirror images. He would lose her otherwise. I'm sure my heart missed a beat, when he said he would let her go. I was screaming in my head, NO!!! They both cant give each other up. Like Eva said, she needs him like she needs her heart to beat. Sigh!
  5. I loved that too. It had me on the verge of crying. It proved Gideon could be 100% selfless in his love for Eva and put her before his own need and want for her. Gideon understandably thinks Eva should be terrified of him and she is emotionally and mentally but not physically. Gideon and Eva know Gideon 's very capable of violence even though he would never harm Eva on purpose.Although in his nightmares he has come close but he can' t help that and took precautions to make sure it didn't happen again. I personally think Gideon is a little to focused on the physical side of Eva's well being and needs to consentrate on making amends for the emotional and mental abuse she suffered through due to his actions.

    I agree. He has got to be patient and earn her trust again. With all their baggage and now Nathan's murder, they are going to have to work a lot harder at their relationship. Also with what's coming in future chapters, I'm going grey here just thinking about them, they need to communicate. Are you listening Gideon!

  6. Chapter A Day Re-Read Project - Today is Chapter Sixteen of Bared


    This chapter unfolds Sunday (day 14)


    Key plot developments:

    • This chapter continues one of the longer scenes in the book, Gideon and Eva in the library at his parents' library. In the last chapter, he'd begged her to give him another chance, and they had make-up sex.
    • In this chapter, they continue making love. But this time, both of them are -- at Eva's request -- testing limits. It's the start of the dominant-submissive dynamic.
    • Later that night, Gideon would directly broach the subject with Eva: he's a dom and she's a sub.
    • An important early clue about what's behind Gideon's sexually violent nightmares comes out -- something happened to him in that library sometime in the past.
    • This chapter is the first time we see Gideon interact with his mother and his sister, showing he's distanced himself from his mother and is a stranger to his teen-aged sister.

    Once each of us has read Chapter Sixteen, our homework assignment from Sylvia herself is for each of us to pick our favorite quote or paragraph. (Of course, tearing ourselves away, if possible, from Chapter One and the part of Chapter Two of Entwined that got released yesterday. SQUEEEEE!!!!


    The chapter re-reads also have been the springboard here for lots of discussion. We're continuing to touch upon the chapter of the day, but even more, discussion has been jumping backward into the earlier chapters and forward in the story (even into Reflected and the Entwined snippets) as the re-reading leads us to analyze how different parts of the Crossfire saga have been connecting.

    After yesterday's present I quite forgot about the chapters.

    We now know that Gideon was raped in the library, by way of a comment from Eva. She said. " he dropped me lengthwise on the cushion, then hauled my hips up to rest on the armrest, arching my spine.

    I eyed him up the length of my torso. Why not just fold me over and f* ck me from behind" page230.

    It goes on page 233. "I don't do a* al play, Eva ." Looking into his eyes, I saw something dark and volatile. Something very painful. Of all the things for us to have in common.

    Poor Gideon had to go back to his place of he* l, so rescue Eva.

    My favourite Eva line.

    Don't ever apologise for being yourself with me. It's what I want. I want to be your safe place, Gideon.

    Gideons response,

    You are. You don't know how much, but I'll find a way to tell you.

    This is heartbreaking. Puts knots in my stomach.

  7. Unfortunately, there are some things they cannot ever tell Dr. Petersen or Dr. Travis -- specifically, that Gideon killed Nathan. That opens huge legal risks that the therapists might be duty bound to break patiently confidentiality themselves and report the crime to the police -- or -- a prosecutor might ask a judge to order one or both of the doctors to testify.


    I hope Gideon and Eva can go back to Dr. Petersen to resume treatment, obviously though keeping the truth about Nathan's death secret. Gideon needs individual therapy now more than ever, and the pair of them need help in breaking the dysfunctional patterns that time and time again have torn them apart.

    I know that their secret is one that will go to the grave with them and Angus. But they still need help.
  8. I wonder if Gideon was forming a plan to lure Nathan to NY so he could "take care" of him..!!

    I would be surprised if Gideon lured him to New York. It would put Eva in serious peril from attack/ further rape or worse she would wind up dead.

    I'm sure Gideon would have had Nathan followed once he knew of his whereabouts.

    Gideons ultimate goal, was to keep Eva safe at all costs.

  9. On another subject, one of the things that touched me most deeply about what Gideon said to Eva in Chapter One is his willingness to let her go now. He didn't want her to spend the rest of her life afraid of him if she honestly believed he was a violent person. She suffered enough being afraid of Nathan. He was promising no more trying to manipulate her emotions, to chase after her, to try to force her to take him back for the upteenth time.


    He was willing to spend the rest of his life without her, even though it would kill him, rather than try to force her to stay with him.


    Poor Gideon.

    after Gideon attacked Eva, during his first nightmare at her apartment, he told her, she was never going to be a victim ever again. She was afraid of him for physically attacking her, she overcame that hurdle. He has to realise that she needs time to heal. She needs to process what his actions mean to them as a couple. They both need some Dr Petersen therapy or Dr Travis.
  10. I see the fact that Eva did not immediately go out and start sleeping around as proof that she did not break apart over Gideon. If anything had the power to eff her up permanently, it would have been what Gideon did to her. Indeed, toward the end of the relationship, Cary was afraid her relationship with Gideon was going to mess her up for good. Had Eva's full set of demons taken over, that kiss with Brett would have been mild in comparison to what she might have pulled next. And she'd have done more than go out to eat with some guy - she'd have taken him home to bed knowing full well Gideon was having her followed and so would find out about it.


    She came out of the break-up with some of her old wounds torn right open, but she didn't fall apart. Instead, she licked her own wounds in order to start the process of letting them close back up again and heal as best they could.

    Eva had learned to respect herself. Yes she was hurting, hurting big time, but falling back into bad habits wasn't an option. She had to pick herself up, dust herself down, and get on with her life. Screwing around would only eat away at her. Enter new Eva!
  11. Interesting observation that both Gideon and Corrine are guilty of manipulating situations. Both of them very calculatedly hurt Eva. 


    Gideon did it because he believed he had to for Eva's own protection: her physical safety (eliminate the Nathan threat to her life forever) and her legal safety (make sure that if he got caught, she wouldn't go down with him too for having been involved.) But there were selfish motivations in there too -- trying to control her so that he could forever shut her out of yet another set of his dark secrets, and to keep her waiting in the wings for him. Especially to keep her in limbo because an ex-lover, Brett, was after her.


    Start to finish, Gideon really screwed up on many different levels. If he felt he absolutely had to create a safety-zone between him and Eva, and to use Corrine as a cover story to protect himself from motive, then he ought to have had the decency to have asked Eva for a break in their relationship. Let her assume he wanted to attempt to work through his unfinished business with Corrine. Yes, Eva would have been insecure and jealous, but she also might be more apt to believe Gideon was staying platonic with Corrine. He'd have stood a much better chance of getting Eva back, as soon as the coast was clear, by kicking Corrine out of his life permanently and telling Eva he wants her (Eva) as his wife.


    Instead, Gideon tried to manipulate Eva's emotions and sent her mixed messages that just made matters worse, leaving her writhing. Then he lost control of the situation when she found out about the rape photos and assumed the worse -- including that he was a cheating coward. His attempt to keep her on hold blew up in his face and broke her heart. 


    He's got to now live with the ramifications of that for a long time. Even though she knows now why he felt he had to do it, she also knows he committed a form of emotional violence toward her -- he very calculatedly used her own feelings of love to manipulate her and hurt her. She knows he's capable of it, and she's afraid it could happen again. There he was, so afraid she'd think he was a violent person because of Nathan. In fact, she's now afraid he's capable of emotional abuse.


    As for Corrine, her motives for hurting Eva were entirely selfish. She very carefully laid out a plan to destroy Gideon's new relationship. Corrine hurt Gideon too -- Corrine sparked some very serious fights between Eva and Gideon and undermined Eva's trust in him. And triggered very deep demons inside of Eva, which prompted Eva to fall into old destructive patters. Like slapping Gideon, pulling runners, turning to an old lover to get revenge. Corrine, of course, had no way of knowing the basis for Eva's awful insecurity problem. All Corrine knew is that Eva did have a serious problem, and Corrine used it as a weapon.


    Even if Gideon does the decent thing of letting Corrine down gently as he can as soon as it's safe for him to do so, still Corrine is going to come out of this situation devastated. Gideon's actions led her to believe she'd succeeded in winning him back. He even let the whole world believe it. I'm willing to bet, too, he's been brutally manipulating her ever since he became chief suspect in Nathan's killing. The week before, he was taking her out as a friend. Now he's got her believing she's his girlfriend. They may not be sleeping together yet, but they are a couple once again. When what's really going to happen is Gideon is going to reject her for Eva. Years ago, Corrine had walked away voluntarily. This time she's going to get rejected -- and thrown out of Gideon's life forever. She won't even have friendship left. She bet it all, and she's going to lose it all.

    Interesting observation that both Gideon and Corrine are guilty of manipulating situations. Both of them very calculatedly hurt Eva. 


    Gideon did it because he believed he had to for Eva's own protection: her physical safety (eliminate the Nathan threat to her life forever) and her legal safety (make sure that if he got caught, she wouldn't go down with him too for having been involved.) But there were selfish motivations in there too -- trying to control her so that he could forever shut her out of yet another set of his dark secrets, and to keep her waiting in the wings for him. Especially to keep her in limbo because an ex-lover, Brett, was after her.


    Start to finish, Gideon really screwed up on many different levels. If he felt he absolutely had to create a safety-zone between him and Eva, and to use Corrine as a cover story to protect himself from motive, then he ought to have had the decency to have asked Eva for a break in their relationship. Let her assume he wanted to attempt to work through his unfinished business with Corrine. Yes, Eva would have been insecure and jealous, but she also might be more apt to believe Gideon was staying platonic with Corrine. He'd have stood a much better chance of getting Eva back, as soon as the coast was clear, by kicking Corrine out of his life permanently and telling Eva he wants her (Eva) as his wife.


    Instead, Gideon tried to manipulate Eva's emotions and sent her mixed messages that just made matters worse, leaving her writhing. Then he lost control of the situation when she found out about the rape photos and assumed the worse -- including that he was a cheating coward. His attempt to keep her on hold blew up in his face and broke her heart. 


    He's got to now live with the ramifications of that for a long time. Even though she knows now why he felt he had to do it, she also knows he committed a form of emotional violence toward her -- he very calculatedly used her own feelings of love to manipulate her and hurt her. She knows he's capable of it, and she's afraid it could happen again. There he was, so afraid she'd think he was a violent person because of Nathan. In fact, she's now afraid he's capable of emotional abuse.


    As for Corrine, her motives for hurting Eva were entirely selfish. She very carefully laid out a plan to destroy Gideon's new relationship. Corrine hurt Gideon too -- Corrine sparked some very serious fights between Eva and Gideon and undermined Eva's trust in him. And triggered very deep demons inside of Eva, which prompted Eva to fall into old destructive patters. Like slapping Gideon, pulling runners, turning to an old lover to get revenge. Corrine, of course, had no way of knowing the basis for Eva's awful insecurity problem. All Corrine knew is that Eva did have a serious problem, and Corrine used it as a weapon.


    Even if Gideon does the decent thing of letting Corrine down gently as he can as soon as it's safe for him to do so, still Corrine is going to come out of this situation devastated. Gideon's actions led her to believe she'd succeeded in winning him back. He even let the whole world believe it. I'm willing to bet, too, he's been brutally manipulating her ever since he became chief suspect in Nathan's killing. The week before, he was taking her out as a friend. Now he's got her believing she's his girlfriend. They may not be sleeping together yet, but they are a couple once again. When what's really going to happen is Gideon is going to reject her for Eva. Years ago, Corrine had walked away voluntarily. This time she's going to get rejected -- and thrown out of Gideon's life forever. She won't even have friendship left. She bet it all, and she's going to lose it all.


    You put it so much more eloquently than I do! Lol

  12. Deanna is, however, exposing herself to a huge legal risk if she does in fact smear Gideon's reputation by getting serious dirt on him. Because she is motivated by malice. One false step, and she opens herself to being utterly destroyed by being found guilty of libel.


    As long as every word she prints is true, Gideon's can't touch her. But if she gets something wrong, and he can prove it, it's a slam dunk to nail her for libel.


    If you ladies can stand one more mini-lesson in media law in the United States.


    Ordinary, every day people have a much higher degree of protection against news stories that contain untrue information about them. If an untrue story runs that seriously harms an ordinary person runs, he/she can sue for libel, and has a halfway decent chance of succeeding -- even if the false story is simply because the reporter screwed up.


    Public figures, however, give up a great deal of protection against the media. By putting themselves in the spotlight, they've put themselves in a place where the media's going to be paying attention to them. And because reporters are human who make mistakes, there will be stories that contain false information. Sometimes the information could even harm the celebrity.


    However, if it's a case where the reporter honestly made a mistake, then a public figure can't successfully win a libel case against that reporter and/or his/her news organization. The legal concepts -- and this is the exact way it's phrased -- is "absence of malice." Absence of malice is an absolute defense against lawsuits brought by public figures. And it is the plaintiff, not the news organization that has the burden of proving malice. In other words, the news organization doesn't have to prove itself innocent of malice -- the plaintiff must prove the reporter guilty.


    If Deanna screwed up, Gideon could easily prove malice. She'd be in deep, deep trouble, as would be any news organizations that ran her false reports. Gideon could actually dismantle them through civil lawsuits.

    afternoon from England

    I do like the lessons, because I can see how they can become part of the story. I'm convinced Deanna is going to screw up. Whatever, the info she has, allegedly coming from our good doctor, it will be her downfall that Gideon promised when Eva told him her story of being raped. Did we need another brunette thrown into the mix?

    Once the story hits the streets, I'm thinking Victor will make an appearance, for Eva's sake and sanity. He will protect her.

  13. Hi Julie,

    I have been reading all of the postings; not just yours.  What has been coming across isn’t that Gideon would have just cut Corinne out of his life, but that he would have lead her on (promises or implications of romance and such), used her deliberately  and then destroyed her  emotionally (all in a bid to have Eva back or to avenge the horrible wrong doing to Eva).


    From my perspective and 42 years of life; that kind of reaction would be extreme to say the least.  Yes, yes I know this is a novel and that many of us like to have fun and come up with our theories and such, but I get to a point where I don’t find that kind of “revenge†fun.   I think it is mean and petty and spiteful. 


    The entire purpose of rereading these chapters was for each and every single member to read said chapter, think about that chapter and how it may or may not relate to their lives (i.e. each person takes the information presented and applies that) and what each person’s thoughts are about that chapter.  What has been happening thus far doesn’t even come close to what the main objective was supposed to be.  I miss the days when a lot of members used to post and present their theories. 

    C’est la vie.  At the end of the day, this is just a book. 

    morning Gigi

    I am hoping that Gideon drops Corrine gently. Making it clear that romance between them isn't happening. After all, they did have a shared history years back. Both Gideon and Corrine have been manipulating situations to get what they want. I suppose we're all guilty of that.

    Poor Eva became a pawn in this situation, being blindsided by Corrine, and emotionally hurt by Gideon. Yes, what he did saved her life, but he broke her trust, he has to amend this.

    Now Eva knows the score, and understands the ramifications of Gideons actions, she can hopefully have her input about how things shall move forward.

  14. It's upsetting to me that so many people are out to destroy Gideon and Eva's relationship...Who is on their side...who can they count on to support them?Angus is the only one who comes to mind...


    From the public's point of view, there is no Eva and Gideon. After Nathan turned up Gideon did all he can and sometimes failed to give the impression they broke up, to protect Eva from Nathan. Gideon needed some breathing space to eliminate Nathan.

    Both Eva and Gideon were doing a good job at sabotaging their own relationship.

    Until they become an item again, they have an uphill battle, Cary is batting for Brett, Corrine-well we all know what we think of her. To add fuel to the fire, we now have yet another brunette crawling out the woodwork! possibly in cahoots with Lucas. Perhaps a desert island for Eva and Gideon might be a good. idea!Angus is their rock at the moment. He awesome!

  15. Gideon broke more than her heart. He broke her trust. She's right to still be leery. They're still trapped in the middle of the whole mess. Quite frankly, it'd be unhealthy for her to just "let it all go." She's got gaping, bleeding wounds still, that need healing. To just let it go would be denial -- it'd be shoving that pain down deep inside to fester, and then grow malignant.


    Part of healing her broken heart is to process the emotions, which include a lot of anger. Thank God Eva has, through the help of therapy, developed ways of doing so. Though she still sometimes slips into her older, destructive patterns, there are other times when "New Eva" is the one who prevails, the healthy part of her.


    And New Eva definitely had come out as she faced Gideon. Here's my thoughts on a key part of the conversation:




    “You cut me off. Shut me out. You and me–â€

    Eva telling him what he did to her was wrong.


    “Forever.†His fingertips pressed against my parted lips. “It’s over, Eva. Don’t argue about something that’s too late to change.â€

    Gideon didn't want to go there. Probably because he was scared she was about to say she'd never forgive him for it. He'd pushed her away permanently.


    I brushed his hand away. “Is it over? Can we be together now, or are we still hiding our relationship from the police? Are we even in a relationship?â€

    Eva refused to let the matter drop. She demanded an answer from him - has Gideon decided, as part of killing Nathan to save her life, that they can never be together again. After all, Gideon on his own had decided to call all the shots, giving her no choice in the matter. Is the choice he made, which still stands, that he'll stay away forever.


    Gideon held my gaze, hiding nothing, letting me see his pain and fear. “That’s what I’m here to ask you.â€

    Gideon's the one who actually needs the answer here -- ARE they finished as a couple forever? He's lost all control of the situation now. As recently as the day before, he'd been promising Eva he was going to go back to her as soon as he could, when whatever reason he had stayed away was done. Now he's scared the door has been slammed forever shut. There's no more "wait." It's "done."


    “If it’s up to me, I’ll never let you go,†I said vehemently. “Never.â€

    Eva's angry she never got any say in the matter. She believes she still hasn't got a say in the matter.


    Gideon’s hands slid down my throat to my shoulders, blazing a hot trail across my skin. “I need that to be true,†he said softly. “I was afraid you’d run… that you’d be afraid. Of me.â€

    Gideon's terrified he's the one who lost all say in the matter. This is his worst nightmare.


    “Gideon, no–â€

    It dawned on Eva what he's scared of - that the violent thing he'd done would mean she'd never feel safe around him again. She's now stopped arguing, recognizing what's really going on here. Yes, she still is entitled to a lot of answers out of him concerning how he emotionally mistreated her, but he's in front of her asking the hardest questions of his life.


    “I would never hurt you.â€

    He's begging her to not be afraid of him. But he's so convinced she is -- how could she not be.


    I caught the waistband of his sweats and tugged, even though I couldn’t budge him. “I know that.â€

    She's trying to convince him she isn't physically afraid of him ever raising a hand to her.


    And physically, I had no doubts; he’d always been careful with me, always cautious. But emotionally, my love had been used against me with meticulous precision. I was struggling with reconciling the absolute trust I had in Gideon’s awareness of my needs and the wariness that came from a shattered heart still healing.

    Inside, she's convinced he's not capable of violence against her. But she knows he's more than capable of mentally/emotionally harming her, has already in fact very deliberately done it to her. So she's scared of that - scared of his control pattern, which including manipulating her in order to control her.


    “Do you?†He searched my face, as attuned as always to what wasn’t said. “Letting you go would kill me, but I wouldn’t hurt you to keep you.â€

    He can see in her face, in her eyes, that a part of her is afraid of him emotionally. He no longer deserves her trust. So he's letting her know he's not going to try to manipulate her anymore as part of what's still going on, try to force her emotionally to do what he wants. If she wants out, he'll set her free. She won't have to spend the rest of her life being followed by him.


    “I don’t want to go anywhere.â€

    Yeesh, what's it going to take to convince the man Eva is staying put this time. She's not going to run anymore. She doesn't want him gone for good. She wants him.



    He exhaled audibly. “My lawyers will be talking to the police tomorrow, to get a feel for where things stand.â€

    OK, so he's kinda convinced now she actually may mean it when she says she still wants him. So now he's switching to practical matters - what's being done about the criminal case, the big mess that now they're both in.


    Tilting my head back, I pressed my lips gently to his. We were colluding to hide a crime, and I’d be lying if I said that didn’t seriously bother me – I was the daughter of a police officer, after all – but the alternative was too awful to consider.

    She understands now she's actively playing a role, after the fact, in Gideon's plan to get away with what he did. She's got two choices now - help him or stand back while the cops take him down.


    “I have to know that you can live with what I’ve done,†he said softly, wrapping my hair around his finger.

    He's being realistic here. Even though she says she still wants him, what has happened could eat away at her, eat away at them. Can she spend the rest of her life with someone who killed a person?


    “I think so. Can you?â€

    She's being honest. She's pretty sure she can. Certainly, she's willing to try. She wants to know if he thinks that he in turn can live with what he'd done.


    His mouth found mine again. “I can survive anything if I have you.â€

    As long as he has her, nothing else matters. He'll get through anything.

    have to agree with you. Couldn't have put it better myself. Yes communication. At long last!
  16. Too, this long-overdue conversation is going to be about more than just Corrine -- it's going to be about Brett too. Eva (and thus we readers) probably will hear about how incredibly jealous and insecure Gideon has been too over Brett.


    Because Eva deliberately hurt Gideon by taking Brett out to lunch -- she did it for immediate retaliation over Gideon having taken Corrine out to dinner. Gideon and Eva never got to even talk about how she hurt him. Two wrongs don't make a right. And what exactly does Gideon now know about Brett that scared him (Gideon) so much he took that huge risk of approaching Eva in that crowded elevator, breaking more than a week of for-their-own-safety absolute zero contact? Why was Gideon so scared that he put the promise ring back on Eva's hand and begged her "wait." Eva may have kept her head in the sand about Brett, but I'm sure Gideon hasn't.

    whatever Gideon knows about Brett, does Cary also know, if it was broadcast on the Internet?
  17. I'm sure Eva's going to tell Gideon all about her run-in downstairs with Deanna Johnson -- after she (Eva) and Gideon are done having lots of make-up sex. I'll bet Eva will ask, too, whether Deanna is an ex-lover, and thus has an especially big ax to gring. Plus, given what Deanna said about Corrine, I think this will be when Gideon and Eva have the long-overdue talk about what's been going on with Corrine all these weeks -- and exactly what went on with Eva and Brett when she took him out to lunch.

    Oh there's so much catching up to do, s*x, talking, more s* x, talking, bit more s * x. :);)

    Get it out in the open time! Honesty time.

  18. No wonder Gideon was paranoid over Eva's safety even before Nathan showed up on the scene. I wonder how many bunny-boiler scorned women are floating around out there. Eva probably had a target painted on her from day one.

    Hi. Hope your visit went ok. Blood pressure good after chapter one?

    Couldn't agree more with you. His ex's are a bit tiresome.

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