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Posts posted by julie54

  1. To me it looks like the first word is Happy. The bottom word isn't a word but xoxoxoxo.

    This photo has a perfume bottle. The international book cover has a perfume bottle. Got the connection now.

    So, the luggage tags will imply a trip, where? Out the country to get away from the media frenzy. North Carolina, would be a lovely option.

  2. Poor Gideons dug himself into a right hole.

    Everyone feels sorry for Eva, the way she has been shamelessly treated, only she knows the truth. How hard must it be to have to listen to innuendo about the man you love.

    As the saying goes, Oh what a tangled web we weave!

    I've still got a nagging doubt about Monica though. There's no smoke without fire. I am still hanging out for a twist that she did it, and Gideons admitted doing it to save Eva the hurt of her mother being a killer. What he wouldn't do for Eva .

  3. I think I've got this figured out, how "hours" could have passed between Eva listening to Graves and Eva being back home, thinking about the drama of the evening's events. 


    Eva was in a complete daze when she left the Krav Maga studio and had Clancy drive her to Gideon's. She remained in a daze as she sat on his doorstep. In fact, at the time she didn't know how long she had been there. She didn't snap out of her daze until Gideon came off the elevator. They talked, and she went home. Out of her daze now, she figures out what time it is. She knows when her Krav Maga class ended. Simple math makes her realize how much time elapsed.


    So possible timeline:

    • Eva has Clancy drive her to Gideon's.
    • Still in a daze when she arrives, she goes on autopilot thinking she's going to stay for the evening/night. In other words, she's going to Gideon's instead of her apartment for the rest of the night. So she dismisses Clancy for the night instead of asking him to wait.
    • She sits there for a considerable amount of time while Gideon, still in a great deal of emotional anguish, worked late to help distract himself and then spent a couple of hours at the gym trying to physically outrun his pain through a punishing workout.
    • She does snap out of the daze when he finally does get home.
    • She tells him exactly what Graves said, and tells him he needs to call his defense team ASAP.
    • She also tells him, as a cop's daughter, it's quite possible Graves is trying to set them up. So she tells him she's leaving right now.
    • Talking with her at that moment is the last thing Gideon wants. Because it would involve talking about what he'd done. Sit there on the doorstep and hold her some more -- yes. Have a conversation beyond what she told him? No.
    • So he doesn't stop her when she leaves. In agony, he watches the elevator doors shut.
    • She gets a taxi and heads right home. Agh, she paid with a debit card, too, so she left an electronic trail of her trip.
    • He calls his defense team.
    • Then he screws up his courage to go to Eva's. He needs to know whether his worse fears are true: she now would conclude he is a physically violent person, one it would not be safe for her to continue to be around. Is it now over forever?
    Firstly, didn't twig about the credit card, red flag?

    Secondly, if Gideons legal eagles go to the police, so soon after Eva's visit, wouldn't it be a sign to Graves, that the pair had met?

    Oh! What a mess. We need Victor!

  4. I hope there are not any babies yet. They need time to get to know each other, they are too emotionally screwed up at the moment with each other. Then we have the matter of Nathan's death. Could you imagine the pain of Gideon if the unspeakable did happen, never to see or hold his child or be involved in its upbringing. It would kill him.

  5. Gideon may have thought/hoped, right on up to when Eva told him otherwise, Graves had not yet seen through the lie he was living with Corrine.


    Sure, he must have known he was chief suspect, and the cops were digging hard. He might have even now realized that via aggressive interviewing of people who worked at the party hotel, Graves found the hour-long disruption to the party (and thus the hour-long hole in his alibi.)


    Yet he was probably counting on her still be thwarted by the Corrine-cover-story part of his plot. Because, officially, she hasn't busted that yet. And certainly, the cops never would be revealing secrets of their investigation to Gideon's defense. They're not required to turn over jack s*** to the defense before a suspect is arrested. Only after someone is charged is the prosecution required to start sharing evidence (known by the legal term "discovery") with the defense.


    So now Gideon knows -- Graves isn't buying the Corrine cover.


    Oh could this mean that Gideon now will back off, perhaps even "dump" Corrine. She's not much use to him anymore. And now that  Eva has come back, he's got some very serious amends to make for how he treated Eva via using Corrine against Eva emotionally.

    So does this mean were are going for the Brett theory, because this is more plausible now? Gideon can't afford to hurt Eva anymore, even though she knows as she said she still feels jealous at brunettes, that Corrine is a non starter.
  6. Question to ponder over while I go to work.

    How will Gideon and Eva be able to have contact with each other ie love trysts, more so at Eva's apartment, because of Cary. Don't forget he has radar ears! There's going to be a lot of sneaking around. The only phone she could use was the club. Could they get a couple of disposable mobiles without being traced?

  7. Your welcome..!! Do I smell a wedding.!?

    The first word is Happy..............xoxoxoxoxo? Birthday possibly? The perfume is a gift, hence the book cover?

    Can anyone remove the writing over the top?

    We need the CSI touch!

    Plus it looks like Gideon slanting writing!

    I'm going to stay with my theory of a beach wedding in NC, eventually where Gideon has bought the beach house.

  8. Lol! Yeah I can't stand her. I don't like the way she was introduced to eva. I don't like that she sat next to Gideon at that dinner while ignoring Eva. I don't care how civilized they are. I wouldn't be sitting at the same table with my boyfriend and his ex fiancé!

    If I had been Eva, I think I would have chewed off Gideons ear there and then. Downright rudeness to ignore Eva.

  9. LOL. This is what I was trying to get at before. I know why GIdeon was screwing Anne, but I am curious as to whether or not hair colors determine what pile these women go in. :)

    I've got a theory that brunettes are tied up with mummy issues. He has never shown any love to a brunette, only Eva. Eva broke the mould. His mother was brunette/ raven, whatever happened at the Vidal house is the root cause of his problems. We know that his mother basically abandoned him, not believing him. There is something dark about Elizabeth I'm sure. Got a hat to eat if I'm wrong!

  10. What's the deal with Eva taking a cab home from Gideon's. Clancy drove her from Krav Maga there. Did she tell Clancy to leave? I think she probably did -- which would have had Clancy running right to Stanton and Monica to report Eva had gone to Gideon's apartment building to see him.


    As for the "talk" they never got to have on his doorstep, I think all it entailed was Eva recounting to him word for word what Graves said to her. He needed to know all of that right away, so he could immediately call his lawyers. He probably just sat there staring at the floor listening to what Eva had found out, cringing inside at just how much she'd been told. I think that as soon as she was done, she told him she was leaving because it was too dangerous for her to be there. As a cop's daughter, she knew that.


    Here's what Chapter One says about how they parted:

    She said it had been a few hours since her meeting with Graves, going to Gideon and returning to her apartment. A few to me is 3 or 4.

    What happened in those hours? I WANT TO KNOW!



    I’d left Gideon alone because I couldn’t trust Graves’s motives. I couldn’t take the chance that she’d told me her suspicions just to see if I’d run to him and prove that his breakup with me was a well-crafted lie.


    God. The riot of emotions I felt had my heart racing. Gideon needed me now –a s much as, if not more than, I needed him – yet I’d walked away.


    The desolation in his eyes as the doors to his private elevator separated us had ripped me open inside.

  11. HI JULIE!

    NO,I haven't read Chap 1 of Entwined, and don't want to either! I want to sit comfortably down with my book and be completely absorbed in it untill I finish reading. Nothing is going to distract me from my reading: no phone-calls, no door-bells, no family nor friends...well, Internet maybe.

    What will you be doing when the book comes out?

    hi Gabri

    The UK don't get theirs released till the 6 th June :(. But my daughter s downloading it on her kindle for me on the 4th. Ordered the book too. I do like the feel of a book best. Call me old fashioned. Lol

    Will you be working or taking the day off as a lot of people are to read it? I've got to work. :(

  12. Just a silly observation( perhaps I need to get out more) but I realised that Eva is a driver. Until the start of EWY there is never a mention of her driving.

    She mention about instinctively put her foot on the brake, when in the taxi, which was moving erratically through the traffic.


    Yesterday I had a really busy day and wasn't able to find the time to go on the Internet at all. But I did my homework though! Here my picks:

    Chapter 15

    1) Your past doesn't have the power to push me away. Only you can do that, and you did.

    2) I watched him with awe and pure female triumph, I could do this to HIM.

    Chapter 16

    1) You can give my body back to me, Gedeon. I believe you're the only one who can.

    Evening Gabri

    I loved the line from chapter 16. Did you read the first chapter of EWY?

  14. Hmmm... I do wonder how he would pick. I know we talk a ton about hair color, but was Anne the only exception to the brunette rule? Are brunettes reserved for the date pile, while other colors are forwarded to the f*ck pile?

    He only f* cked Anne because she was the wife of Dr Lucas. Gideon hurt Lucas through hs wife. As Gideon said, it wasn't his finest hour, and regretted his actions later.

  15. Actually, I'm wondering whether Deanna wanted to sleep with Gideon but her turned her down -- she got stuck in the "platonic date" category. He took her out a couple of times then threw her onto the date reject pile -- maybe she's mad because she didn't even get laid.


    Cary had given Eva a folder full of stuff to read up on Gideon shortly before Eva went out on her first date with Gideon (the advocacy dinner). Magdalene was not the only woman Gideon was photographed with -- Magdalene simply was the one he appeared with most frequently.


    One way or another, I think Ms. Johnson had "expectations" that Gideon didn't meet. Good Lord, if he's been plagued by a bunch of women with "expectations" in the past, no wonder up front he wanted to negotiate the terms of seduction with Eva.

    I wonder how he decided, which ones to f* ck and those just to be friends? Perhaps because of her profession, he was suspicious of her intentions. Gideon might have thought she was out for a story.
  16. Besides, it looks like we have another ex of Gideon's to worry about - Deanna Johnson. She comes across as someone who also wants at Gideon for selfish reasons, but here it's to harm him, not to land him. She's trying to make an ally out of Eva now (hah! good luck with that!) But Deanna comes across as someone who could just as easily try to make Eva collateral damage. 

    This crossed my mind too. If that happens what will Gideon do this time? He wont tolerate letting Eva get hurt, but his hands are tied because they are not an item. Could he ask his legal team to keep an eye on things without giving the game away?

  17. I have just sat and re- read chapter 1 again.

    Up to now it's been Eva's story, her pov. I was thinking about it from Gideons perspective. We know how badly Eva is hurting, all the indescribable pain she as suffered over the past few weeks, the humiliation that Gideon put her through. But think about it from Gideons pov.

    Can you imagine how he felt, being so cruel, cold and heartless to the woman he loves. Yes, he went about it all wrong, but he thought he was doing what was right for Eva .

    To see her daily, having to ignore her as if she didn't exist. This poor man, who loves the woman with all his heart, this already broken man, he was hurting as much as Eva.

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