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Posts posted by julie54

  1. I'm hoping that when Victor comes back, he has a little chat to Graves, who will hopefully impart some information to him, giving him an insight to the case. She may think as a cop he will be willing to work with them to protect his daughter. But hopefully, this will work in Gideons favour, when Victor realises the true reason, behind Nathan's death.

    Seriously, they need a break!

  2. I don't ever see Corrine showing up on Gideon's doorstep either. 


    However .....


    Two nights before Entwined started, Gideon paraded Corrine through the lobby of the Crossfire, his hand at the small of her back, walked her out to his car and left with her. Gideon probably was doing it for the benefit of the security tapes. He'd approached Eva earlier that day in the lobby (near the elevators.) This is the last time Eva (and thus we readers) definitely know Gideon saw Corrine.


    Wouldn't it be sweet if that's the last night Corrine got to go out with Gideon (to dinner or wherever they went after he got out of work.) Two nights later, he found out from Eva that the cops aren't buying the Corrine cover story. So why keep it up?


    SO .....


    Karmic justice for the "nooner" stunt Corrine pulled, coming out the Crossfire looking like she'd just be f*****. Karma that the last night she'll ever go out with Gideon starts with her going to his office at the Crossfire in order to meet him for after-work plans. He dumps her on Thursday?


    No more hurting Eva, he has to practice celibacy from now on, when not around Eva.

  3. Good question, because Gideon did face the very real possibility of police showing up with search warrants for his home. However, there would be little to no reason for the cops to execute search warrants at Eva's place. She immediately got crossed of the list of people suspected to have had anything to do with the killing.

    Gideon might not have needed to clear out her room -- but -- he ought to have removed her possessions, leaving the room to simply look like a guest room. The best idea would be to restore his bachelor pad to pre-Eva status. Rumor probably has it he never takes women home (which prior to Eva was true.) Evidence that Eva spent considerable amount of time in his home would be useful to the cops trying to build the motive side of the case.

    One of the snippets involves Gideon asking Eva to come home to him (instead of staying at the dance club) so they're probably sneaking her in and out of his building.

    Going on that assumption, that Eva is going in and out of his apartment, rather than hers, what would you say she tells Cary for staying out? He's not stupid, normally she confides in him. Telling him things on a need to know basis now.
  4. The brunette question is one of the finalists. That question has always nagged me. I've been hoping for a long time that Sylvia would take pity on us and answer it here.


    BUT ....


    I think the answer lays buried deep in Gideon's dark past. So it's something she might not reveal yet, if its something central to Entwined (and thus we need to wait for June 4.)

    No, I agree with you. If it does have implications, we don't want to spoil the story line. So we will just have to be patient, humph! Lol
  5. New character in Chapter One of Entwined - Chad, who works the night shift on the lobby desk in Eva's apartment building. He, too, gets paid by the landlord -- the landlord being Cross Industries (or some subsidiary thereof.)

    One of the snippets referred to security, they were having words, he made the comment about micromanaging her for her safety and his sanity. She is going to have to get used to having security following her around.

  6. Unfortunately, Eva's name would used, used very, very extensively in any trial. And this all would go on in open court, meaning reporters would be there. If news organizations chose to do so, they could name Eva in stories. In fact, under the circumstances, because everyone would be able to easily figure Eva was involved anyway, there wouldn't be much sense in leaving her name out.


    Some of the U.S. constitutional rights of people accused of crimes is "right to face accuser" and "open trial"  These protections prevent the government from using secret evidence against people and from putting them on trial in secret. If the government is going to accuse a person of a crime, bring him/her to trial, and try to send the person to prison, the government has to handle the whole case out on the open where the citizenry (and the press) is fully aware of what the government is doing. It's meant to keep the government accountable.

  7. I do not think Monica or Stanton KNOW Gideon didi it. They may have their suspicions but Gideon would never entrust this secret to anyone other than his inner circle meaning Angus or Eva. Monica and Stanton are not the inner circle. No way I think Gideon would ever divulge that info IMO...

    I know Gideon won't have told them, but I'm sure the three of them were in cahoots. Monica is not as innocent as she makes out. Something is going on in the background. *d annoying!

  8. I know Julie I am trying not to go down that road but I am 98percent sure that card says Happy Fathers Day unless it alludes to Victor returning. But also white roses have significant meaning. They symbolize purity, innocence, and secrecy. They also signify new beginnings so as I said before anything is possible in this series . I just don't understand why the new snapshot on FB?? Any ideas?

    The new beginning, could be them not having to creep around anymore, and come out as a couple. But I doubt that, as the book only covers 2 weeks. Is this all going to go away in such a short time?

  9. They could. Especially if the defense wanted to paint a picture that Gideon wasn't the only one who could have killed Nathan (or arranged to have him killed.) The defense could lay out the history of years of measures taken on Eva's behalf to protect her. Measures taken by her mother and also measures taken later by Stanton as well.


    This does NOT mean the defense would throw Monica and Stanton under the bus, saying "they did it!!!" All the defense would need to do, by laying out all that old history, would be to plant seeds of doubt in the minds of the jurors, get them to think that "Well, maybe they, not Gideon Cross, were the ones who did it. So how can the prosecution say absolutely it must have been Gideon?" If the jurors can reasonably doubt Gideon must have done it -- then they cannot find him guilty.

    Would they have to name Eva personally? I can't see Gideon letting her be subjected to all that questioning, it would slay him. But I do think if things got messy, Eva would take the stand. Anything to save her man.
  10. The more I think about this, the more I think (hope) our least favorite brunette is buh-bye sooner than later. Like maybe Day Two of Entwined.

    And not just because Gideon 1. doesn't want to cause another minute of pain to Eva and 2. the cops aren't buying the Corrine lie anyway, so he doesn't have to keep it going.

    "Plausible deniability." That legal term Gideon's mentioned, something that's a fancy way of saying "lack of evidence."

    Bear with one of my mini lessons in how the U.S. justice system works, per the way the U.S. Constitution set up the protections citizens have against the government, when the government seeks to criminally prosecute citizens.

    • The government (the prosecution side of the trial) has the "burden of proof." That side always has the uphill battle of proving to a jury the defendant is guilty.
    • The defense does NOT have to prove the defenant is innocent. In fact, technically the defense doesn't have to lift a finger. This is why, among other things, people have the "right to silence." The suspect doesn't have to convince the cops -- and ultimately the jury -- that he/she is innocent. The prosecution has to do all the work.
    • In practice, the defense is very active in trials -- busy punching holes in the prosecution's case. Under the "right to face an accuser" the prosecution has to put its witnesses on the stand, and then the defense gets to question them too.
    • Usually, the defense will put its own witnesses up as well, witnesses to sow doubts about the prosecution's side of the story. Witnesses who can convince the jury that something else happened, not what the prosecution claims happened.
    • The defendant himself/herself does NOT ever have to testify. If the defense does not put the accused on the stand, for tactical reasons, then the judge has to pretty much bend over backwards to explain to the jury the jury cannot hold that against the accused in any way.
    • Because there's a very good reason why defendants sometimes do not take the stand -- they don't have to face questions from the prosecutor. If a defendant does take the stand, he/she gives up the right to silence, and the prosecutor gets to ask him/her questions.
    OK, with all of that in mind, how could this all apply to the fake Corrine-Gideon-Eva triangle?

    • Gideon does NOT have to prove he loves Corrine.
    • Gideon does NOT have to disprove he loves Eva.
    • The cops/prosecutors are the ones who HAVE to prove Gideon loves Eva.
    • If they cannot prove Gideon loves Eva, then Gideon has "plausible deniability" he loves her.
    I think that when Gideon started taking out Corrine again, and he set up the party as an alibi, he was hoping that between the two, the cops would quickly eliminate him as a suspect. Other people who loved Eva enough to conceivably kill for her -- like Eva's mother -- also had motive. Why would he have motive if he had already dumped her? Going out with Corrine just made it more believable he dumped Eva. He didn't dump Eva for the ###### of it, he dumped her for Corrine.

    Gideon's got a couple of alternative believable reasons why he dumped Eva while Nathan was still very much alive:

    • He never was in love to begin with -- Eva was just some hot summer fling that burned itself out in a few weeks, and the fling was already over before Nathan got killed.
    • He had been in love, but Eva broke his heart by "cheating" on him with Brett. He walked away from her broken-hearted well before Nathan got killed.
    Hello from windy England .

    IF, it did go to trial, would the jury be told about Nathan's past, his raping Eva and mental health problems. Plus any other misdemeanours that we don't know about. Could the defence use this information?

    By the way, loving the history and law lessons. I look forward to them daily now. :)

  11. I agree with you...I think.  All indications are that Gideon did it.  I don't hate him if he did, in fact, I completely understand it.  Monica has to be involved somehow even if it is just that fact that she knows what he did. 

    At least if Monica knew he did it, Stanton and Monica won't throw him to the wolves if the police come knocking. Eva would never forgive her mother if she did that.

  12. Hi LN, sorry bit late in the day here in the UK and at work so head not making much sense when reading LOL (when does it ever), I am not getting the bit you put about the Engagement Ring, can you explain to me please :)



    OK, how's this for a theory ....


    Snapshot #10 is of a diamond-encrusted woman's watch. Among the possible things it can represent:

    • passage of time
    • a very serious gift of jewelry, the sort that a very rich man in love would give the woman in his life

    Our brand-new Snapshot #12 is of flowers and a note indicating "Happy .... something?" It can represent:

    • an expression of love
    • recognition of some sort of specific occasion, such as a specific date

    We're now in the neighborhood of the two-month anniversary of when Gideon met Eva


    So combine: an expression of love, a serious gift of jewelry a man in love gives his woman, a love relationship anniversary  ....


    ..... not only did Gideon give Eva a piece of jewelry she could wear on her wrist every day .... but .... he also gave her an engagement ring.

    That's a lovely romantic idea. I can buy that. Only they would know. ;)
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