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Posts posted by julie54

  1. So in Chapters 16 and 17, we learn for certain Gideon's a dominant, and based on some of the partial stuff we know about the f*** pad back from Chapter 9, the story strongly suggest that Gideon's adventurous sexual nature involves some kinkiness. We also know the only place he'd ever taken lovers prior to Eva was that hotel. In Chapter 21, we'd learn the supposed reason Corrine finally threw down an ultimatum with Gideon - his refusal to spend entire nights with her.


    What if there's more to it than that? What if at the time, Corrine couldn't handle Gideon's level of kinkiness, sensing what the pair of them weren't doing was making love? She finally figured out from the sex that Gideon was not acting like a man in love -- and so she was betting on the fact that if he stood to lose her, then he'd come to his senses he loved her? The REAL dealbreaker was Gideon was too closed off to fall in love?


    Which might make sense why Corrine came running back now -- seeing photographic evidence through the tabloids that Gideon finally was open enough to fall in love. Even Deanna Johnson told Eva (in Entwined Chapter One) that Eva got the "iceman" to thaw. So it was apparent even to someone who didn't know Gideon well that he'd opened up. Corrine, who knew him a long time, even thanked Eva for getting Gideon to open up.


    This could be long-term good for Eva -- if she can finally be convinced Gideon all along truly was different with her than with anyone else. None of those women who came before her -- that long line of brunettes -- mattered. Finally put her nagging insecurities to rest?

    So in Chapters 16 and 17, we learn for certain Gideon's a dominant, and based on some of the partial stuff we know about the f*** pad back from Chapter 9, the story strongly suggest that Gideon's adventurous sexual nature involves some kinkiness. We also know the only place he'd ever taken lovers prior to Eva was that hotel. In Chapter 21, we'd learn the supposed reason Corrine finally threw down an ultimatum with Gideon - his refusal to spend entire nights with her.


    What if there's more to it than that? What if at the time, Corrine couldn't handle Gideon's level of kinkiness, sensing what the pair of them weren't doing was making love? She finally figured out from the sex that Gideon was not acting like a man in love -- and so she was betting on the fact that if he stood to lose her, then he'd come to his senses he loved her? The REAL dealbreaker was Gideon was too closed off to fall in love?


    Which might make sense why Corrine came running back now -- seeing photographic evidence through the tabloids that Gideon finally was open enough to fall in love. Even Deanna Johnson told Eva (in Entwined Chapter One) that Eva got the "iceman" to thaw. So it was apparent even to someone who didn't know Gideon well that he'd opened up. Corrine, who knew him a long time, even thanked Eva for getting Gideon to open up.


    This could be long-term good for Eva -- if she can finally be convinced Gideon all along truly was different with her than with anyone else. None of those women who came before her -- that long line of brunettes -- mattered. Finally put her nagging insecurities to rest?

    Gideon has said all along he would never hurt Eva. Emotional yes he did, but not physically. He said he wanted to test her limits, but he would only take her as far as she could tolerate it. He knows he has limits because of her triggers, he wouldn't risk pushing her, for fear of tipping her over the edge. He would never forgive himself. It's her love that is healing him, and vice versa.
  2. With all the other women who came before Eva, starting with Corrine, is was f****** plain and simple. With Eva, it was making love. Even that first time in the limo. It was only in hindsight he recognized it. He told her as much (see page 327).


    He doesn't need toys in a hotel room with Eva. She's blown his mind in many other places and in many other ways -- he's learning all over again how to actually have consensual sex, the best kind ever - lovemaking.


    (He'll take a b*** job in his office and monkey sex in the back of his limo over toys in a hotel room any day, LOL).

    Couldn't agree more. He loves his Eva. Pure and simple.
  3. OK, favorite part of today's re-read chapter, which is Eighteen of Bared To You.


    For the first time, Eva says "I love you" to Gideon (page 266). He doesn't say anything in return, but his body language does all the talking about just how overwhelmed (in an incredibly good way) he feels at that moment. It's a wish come true. At the time, Eva was sitting in his lap in the back of the car. This is what he did:


    One of his hands gripped my nape; the other dug almost painfully into my waist. Gideon held me there, immobile, locked against him as if I might blow away. His breathing was ragged, his heartbeat pounding. he didn't say another word the rest of the ride to work, but he didn't let me go either.


    Later in the day, when he's regained the ability to speak, he says (page 270)


    "I'll make you say it again," he threatened in a seductive purr. "You'll scream it by the time I'm done with you."

    This must have made him feel 10 feet tall. He was so worried about what she saw in him( she thought the same too) the girl did good. Now your go Gideon!
  4. AGH, Julie! You're right. ::: head desk :::


    Alternate explanation, though - when we suddenly see something that terrifies us, often we'll blurt something out - "oh my God" being probably the most common. But some of us will react with "stunned silence" instead, too shocked for words. And regardless of whether or not we say something, all of us usually will make some sort of gesture when suddenly frightened too. Throwing up a hand is common - some of us touch our mouths. Others, especially if we feel like we can't breathe, will raise a hand to our throat or our chest, like we were literally choking.


    I think when Monica threw her hand up to her throat, it was because she almost felt she couldn't breathe, so scared was she at that very moment.


    Corrine stroking her throat, when talking to Eva about Gideon, was a little weird - enough of a nervous gesture that Eva thought it was strange. What jumped to Eva's mind was Corrine was imaging wearing something on her throat, something no longer there but probably something she used to wear back when she was Gideon's girlfriend/fiancee. Eva's pretty intuitive at times, especially to body language. I think Eva's guess was right that the nervous gesture involved something that used to be around Corrine's throat. We know Gideon is a sexual dominant. A collar is something some doms would get a submissive to wear.

    Lol. :)

    I knew you wouldn't let me down. It bugged me, kept thinking something like this happened again.

    Eva probably gets a lot of her intuition from her dads side. Being a cops daughter will hopefully pay off for them.

    Whatever Gideon is/ was into, I would be surprised if he initiated anything with Eva, but as she said herself, they hadn't used any of hose s+ x toys from the hotel. Gideon wouldn't let her talk about it, because of her self esteem issues. Given his prowess in the bedroom, do you think he was just experimenting? This is obviously connected to his abuse and loss of control. Perhaps this scene, helped him gain control back.

  5. In Chapter Seventeen, when Gideon gave her the promise ring, at first Eva was uneasy. Already freaked out over false assumptions about what Gideon meant about dom-sub, she was envisioning being asked to wear a "collar" -- a sexual fetish prop that some submissives wear in the BDSM lifestyle.

    Gideon was talking about something completely different than BDSM (which involves bondage and sadism along with dominance and submission) but Eva was confused, and being asked to wear a ring made her equate it with being asked to wear a collar in the figurative sense. For all she knew (and feared) Gideon would soon introduce a real collar into their sex life next along with all sorts of other kinky accessories - whips and chains, restraints ..... who knows.

    But I wonder whether Gideon actually did engage in BDSM in the past with -- of all people -- Corrine. In Chapter Twenty, when Corrine is talking to Eva about her (Corrine's) past with Gideon, at one point Corrine described how possessive Gideon was and how much that frightened her at times. She claimed that's the reason she left him (when we all know in fact, the real reason she left is they were stuck in a dead-end sexual situation - his refusal to spend the night with her, including sleeping over in one another's dorms/apartments.)

    When Corrine started talking about Gideon's frightening possessiveness, here's what she was doing at the time (page 313) "Her hand went to her throat, her slender fingers restlessly stroking, as if toying with a necklace she'd normally find there."

    Was she actually recalling being collared by Gideon? Nervous at the time talking to Eva, was this throat stroking Corrine doing an unconscious nervous gesture. Literally, she was talking to Eva about Gideon's jealous nature, but perhaps underneath, Corrine was thinking about his sexual control of their past relationship.

    Thoughts, ladies?

    Hi ladies

    I don't want to throw a spanner in the works, but. When Eva, Megumi and Monica went to lunch, and Monica saw Nathan outside the Cossfire, she stumbled and her hand went to her throat! Now has Sylvia thrown these in to fool us? Page 108 of RIY

  6. For all I know, though, the story will play out much differently. I certainly got my guess of Snapshot #1 wrong. I'd guessed it meant Gideon and Eva would talk about his continuing to manipulate the media. Instead, a terrible new danger came up: a reporter with some sort of grudge looking to nail Gideon -- and attempting to use Eva to help do it, guessing (wrongly) Eva's got her own serious grudge against Gideon.

    If our chap thinks a quick sc*ew and some flowers will put it all right, then his going to be one disappointed bunny! Eva needs to chew his ear off big time. I reckon a lifetime of make up s* x should do it. :)

  7. Oh Julie


    Wouldn't that be wonderful to have a man to buy a house just like that for you.  It would be a lovely wedding present but I think like everyone else that maybe a wee while away and as SD has confirmed on FB that there will be 5 books I think book 3 will be going through a lot of the relationship problems and getting over the hurdles, I hope the Nathan killing thing dies down in this book as well but you never know.


    I am hoping even by the end of book 3 there may even be an engagement lol :)

    There is too much baggage to wade through before the happy stuff starts, and the book is only 2 weeks along in the relationship. Basically books 1 & 2 revolved round Eva. Now it's Gideons issues to come, with support from Eva .

    Perhaps an engagement would be a good way to round off book 3, to keep us romantics happy. :)

  8. Detective Graves ambushed Eva at the Krav Maga studio, and Graves had her spill-the-beans talk with Eva while they sat in the bleachers. A "talking to" session that ended up slipping over the line into "questioning a witness without her lawyer" session.


    Oh please, is Chapter Sixteen where my big theory plays out - that Graves screwed up so badly the prosecution forever lost the ability to use certain evidence against Gideon in court. That this is how the murder case will go away -- almost guaranteed forever go away -- very quickly. So quickly that the DA's office doesn't dare even seek to indict and arrest Gideon. Drop the case in other words.


    Fingers crossed for Cross!

    This is where we all go Hurrah! If that's the case. And you can do your lap of honour! :)
  9. In Chapter Seventeen, when Gideon gave her the promise ring, at first Eva was uneasy. Already freaked out over false assumptions about what Gideon meant about dom-sub, she was envisioning being asked to wear a "collar" -- a sexual fetish prop that some submissives wear in the BDSM lifestyle.

    Gideon was talking about something completely different than BDSM (which involves bondage and sadism along with dominance and submission) but Eva was confused, and being asked to wear a ring made her equate it with being asked to wear a collar in the figurative sense. For all she knew (and feared) Gideon would soon introduce a real collar into their sex life next along with all sorts of other kinky accessories - whips and chains, restraints ..... who knows.

    But I wonder whether Gideon actually did engage in BDSM in the past with -- of all people -- Corrine. In Chapter Twenty, when Corrine is talking to Eva about her (Corrine's) past with Gideon, at one point Corrine described how possessive Gideon was and how much that frightened her at times. She claimed that's the reason she left him (when we all know in fact, the real reason she left is they were stuck in a dead-end sexual situation - his refusal to spend the night with her, including sleeping over in one another's dorms/apartments.)

    When Corrine started talking about Gideon's frightening possessiveness, here's what she was doing at the time (page 313) "Her hand went to her throat, her slender fingers restlessly stroking, as if toying with a necklace she'd normally find there."

    Was she actually recalling being collared by Gideon? Nervous at the time talking to Eva, was this throat stroking Corrine doing an unconscious nervous gesture. Literally, she was talking to Eva about Gideon's jealous nature, but perhaps underneath, Corrine was thinking about his sexual control of their past relationship.

    Thoughts, ladies?

    Afternoon. Don't forget about the s* x swing. He seemed keen on this. Perhaps he is more dominant than we thought?

    Perhaps Deanna has sampled his " dark side".

    Somehow I can't see him introducing these in this relationship with Eva, given her past. Also theirs is a totally different relationship, to the others that he had. He didn't love the others. Eva is his beating heart. His next breath. Sigh.

  10. Hi Crossfire & Teresac,

    I think that Gideon is in fact dominant. When he and Eva have, he needs to control the experience and the actual acts that are going on. Often times when Sylvia writes about their sexual encounters, she describes about how Gideon holds down Eva, holds her hands above her head/behind her back, and directs the angles of penetration when she is on top of him. When Eva and Gideon first had sex in the limo, it was at Eva's initiation, which I think may have freaked Gideon out a bit.

    I agree with you Teresac, that due to the abuse Gideon suffered it may make him more controlling but I cannot say that one is mutually exclusive with the other. Perhaps Gideon feels safer, more powerful, in control etc. when he grants pleasure and/or pain on his terms. In that way he can always be assured of the outcome. Those are just my thoughts, what do you ladies think? I look forward to the discussion. :)

    Hi everyone,

    I was just brain storming and a couple things came to mind.

    1. I don't think that Eva has ever trusted anyone before Gideon. She allowed him to see all of her flaws and insecurities; jealousy, rage, etc. She also stated that she used sex as a crutch to connect or feel connected to her other partners but never really seemed to achieve that. I think with Gideon she is learning that she can give up that control, have a spectacular sexual experience and still feel worth while.

    2. Gideon never resolved his issues regarding his sexual abuse and as such never had a real relationship either. Sex with Corinne was limited and they never spent any extended time or a night together. Eva seems to be the first woman that he has ever done this with. A person is lead to believe this by his statement to Eva about how he never had a woman up to his apartment (other than his mother) ever. That would be supported by the fact that he had a f*@k pad where he could take care of his sexual needs. It seems that Eva is the first woman he has ever trusted (or at least begun to trust), which is huge.

    3. There was an absence in the lives of these two characters which may be something that attracted one to the other. Each person saw the one vulnerability in the other, that they had within themselves. Those are just my thoughts. What does everyone else think?

    Hi everyone,

    I was just brain storming and a couple things came to mind.

    1. I don't think that Eva has ever trusted anyone before Gideon. She allowed him to see all of her flaws and insecurities; jealousy, rage, etc. She also stated that she used sex as a crutch to connect or feel connected to her other partners but never really seemed to achieve that. I think with Gideon she is learning that she can give up that control, have a spectacular sexual experience and still feel worth while.

    2. Gideon never resolved his issues regarding his sexual abuse and as such never had a real relationship either. Sex with Corinne was limited and they never spent any extended time or a night together. Eva seems to be the first woman that he has ever done this with. A person is lead to believe this by his statement to Eva about how he never had a woman up to his apartment (other than his mother) ever. That would be supported by the fact that he had a f*@k pad where he could take care of his sexual needs. It seems that Eva is the first woman he has ever trusted (or at least begun to trust), which is huge.

    3. There was an absence in the lives of these two characters which may be something that attracted one to the other. Each person saw the one vulnerability in the other, that they had within themselves. Those are just my thoughts. What does everyone else think?

    Hi Crossfire & Teresac,

    I think that Gideon is in fact dominant. When he and Eva have, he needs to control the experience and the actual acts that are going on. Often times when Sylvia writes about their sexual encounters, she describes about how Gideon holds down Eva, holds her hands above her head/behind her back, and directs the angles of penetration when she is on top of him. When Eva and Gideon first had sex in the limo, it was at Eva's initiation, which I think may have freaked Gideon out a bit.

    I agree with you Teresac, that due to the abuse Gideon suffered it may make him more controlling but I cannot say that one is mutually exclusive with the other. Perhaps Gideon feels safer, more powerful, in control etc. when he grants pleasure and/or pain on his terms. In that way he can always be assured of the outcome. Those are just my thoughts, what do you ladies think? I look forward to the discussion. :)

    I thought I would repost this as a couple of comments were made about the D/S scene.

    As a thought, look what happened to Gideon when he gave up some control, he was topping from the bottom in some respects, in the back of the limo when Eva initiated sex. He went on a head trip. He likes total control. They both need control, because they both lost it when they were abused as children. Eva through therapy, has gained self respect, but still has issues with her self esteem, and jealousy. Gideon has that route to go down with Eva's love and support. They will get there I'm sure. :)

  11. Ok I'm not signed up as I will not be able to participate. So if you don't have a question to ask.... Or if you want to ask.... Or incase somebody else asks and you happen to catch the answer...

    I am (still) curious about a scene from BTY..... What did Gideon mean with his comment to his mom during the garden party about Cary. When Elizabeth says no not Cary too, Gideon replied with (I don't have the exact quote) I thought you'd like him, just remember he is Eva's friend which makes him mine too. What did all of that mean?


    I'm hoping I'm wrong, but the way Elizabeth made that remark made my flesh crawl. For Gideons sake I hope she hasn't got a penchant for pretty young men.

    That would be a very dark place to go in this story. It is also connected to Gideons past, which has yet to be revealed. This romance has already taken on a dark edge, with Nathan's murder. There are so many threads to be tied off before the HEA.

  12. I am new to the forums and have a question. I have read both books. I recently started listening to the audio version of Bared To You .

    I thought all along that "Eva" was pronounced with an "e".. But in the audio edition it is pronounced "Ava" with an "a".

    I guess I had that wrong, did everyone else already know that. I feel kinda stupid.. Does it even matter?

    I have really enjoyed reading everyone comments and thoughts and am looking forward to the new book in June .

    Welcome to the forum.

    I said exactly the same thing. Being English and Jill Redfield American I thought I would let it slide, but it did throw me to start with.

  13. I wanted bring something up and put out some feelers...One of the things that I have been most excited about with the snapshots is to see how they relate to the chapters. The first snapshot was of the front page of a newspaper with the word "Press" (I believe) written up top and a pen. We all speculated as to what it could mean and after reading the first chapter we find out that the snapshot is in reference of a reporter than came to Eva's apartment building. It has been mentioned before that their snapshots are canned photos, meaning they were not taken for the purpose of this book, but instead are just general pictures that were found that symbolize a part of each chapter. The fun for me will be after I have slowly (I like to make it last) read this book to go back to all of the snapshots and see how they fit in.

    I think some of us are reading a little too much into each of snapshots, I admit I have been too, however after seeing the first snapshot and how it represented nothing like most of us thought it would, I think it best to take the snapshots at face value and see them for what they truly are.

    Just a thought.

    Welcome to the forum.

    Oh. Believe me,we have been theorising, analysing, dissecting, discussing, and digesting these books, like there's no tomorrow. We don't know which way it will go till June, only Sylvia knows and her team. We are just having fun, passing the time. Please add your ten cents worth, the more the merrier. :)

  14. I'm right there with you. I think they're going to have some fun once the case is closed.

    I hope so, but there's a little matter of Gideons past to rear it's ugly head.

    It's still an uphill struggle for them. But they will have the support of each other, to carry them through the dark times. :)

  15. Everyone seems to treat Eva like she is a child. Monica is watching over her constantly, now Gideon handles this whole Nathan thing this way. I feel like she is the most grounded out of the whole lot of them. Sylvia... give Dr. Travis the doctor of the year award before this series ends. :)

    I'm thinking there's a few customers for Dr Travis! He will need to see someone when he has finished with this lot. Lol

  16. I'll bet that when Graves rolled the dice with Eva, one of the possible outcomes Graves hoped for would be Eva turning to her father -- and her father convincing Eva to "do the right thing" (i.e. let Gideon be brought to justice for murder.)


    Instead, Eva is using her inside knowledge of how police work in order to help Gideon. Such as deciding right away it was dangerous for her and Gideon to communicate. Gideon originally had done so, and kept it up for more than a week before he wavered and saw her two days in a row (Monday in the elevator, Tuesday taking the car ride.) But now Eva is the one calling the shots on secrecy. - as a cop's daughter, she knows she needs to do so, because Graves may have set her up.


    No more being kept in the dark. Having limited contact is much easier for Eva to bear, now that she knows it's for safety. Previously, she'd just taken no contact as more proof Gideon was a cheating coward.

    See what happens when Gideon lets her in. She a smart girl, and strong. Yes she has issues, but sometimes Gideon comes across as the fragile one.
  17. I don't think he has that kinda cash (yet) to flash. The sort of watch in that picture is something Gideon could afford, but not a suddenly up-and-coming rock star. Brett just barely got famous.


    Besides, attempting to give Eva something like that would come off as too intense, weird, almost stalkerish. He'd still be at the hearts-and-flowers early stage: send her flowers, ask her out to dinner.

    Could the roses and perfume be from Brett then?
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