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Posts posted by julie54

  1. However, I am encouraged that it looks like Eva is now taking charge in making the decisions about her and Gideon conducting a secret love affair. It's Eva -- as a cops daughter -- "  .... couldn’t take the chance that she’d told me her suspicions just to see if I’d run to him and prove that his breakup with me was a well-crafted lie."


    So in Chapter One, this is how Eva has taken charge of the situation:

    • Walked away from Gideon as soon as she told Gideon what he needed to convey to his defense team (what the detective had just done).
    • Recognized that she couldn't even telephone Gideon about Deanna Graves gunning for him -- "I needed to warn Gideon, but there was no way for me to contact him that couldn’t be traced."
    • Made the decision that she'd have to keep the secret even from Cary -- and even from Dr. Peterson too.
    • The very first words out of her mouth, upon finding Gideon had snuck in to her apartment to see her "It’s dangerous for you to be here."

    For two-plus awful weeks, Gideon had been calling all the shots - and making stupid mistakes along the way:

    • Getting caught seeing Eva (the family dinner) after he'd already killed Nathan
    • Taking Eva's telephone call while he was at the police station, putting himself into a position where he lost it over a telephone call they'd easily been able to trace
    • Approaching Eva in front of witnesses at the Crossfire
    • Chasing her to Dr. Lucas' office
    • Going off with her in his car, and inadvertently getting spotted by a beat cop with the two of them in one another's arms

    Now Eva is going to be the one calling the shots in the cover-up, I think. I hope so, that she gets back having a say in the matter. Actually gets back more than that -- gets back control. And puts Gideon into a position where he has to trust her. he has to yield up his control-freak-nature. The Oscar Night snippet shows this:


    “Shut up, caveman. I’m not into that ‘me Cross, you Cross little woman’ bull****,†I snapped. “In case you’ve forgotten already, we made a trade. You got me, and I got you. I protect what’s mine.â€


    “Eva, don’t fight my battles for me. I can take care of myself.â€


    “I know that. You’ve been doing it your whole life. Now, you’ve got me. I can handle this one.â€

    I was going back over the snippets last night. When I came across this one, it made me realise, it will be Eva's turn to help Gideon now.

    This will be her chance to get him to trust her. No one has ever fought for him before, apart from Angus? This will make both of them stronger.

  2. As a cop's daughter, Eva realizes it's too dangerous to tell anyone else the truth. Eva even walked away from Gideon, knowing it was too dangerous to even have any more contact with him, period, for the foreseeable future. From Chapter One:


    I was suddenly struck with the knowledge that I would have to keep a dreadful secret from my best friend.


    Cary was my touchstone, my voice of reason, my favorite shoulder to lean on–and a brother to me in every way that mattered. I hated the thought of having to hold back what Gideon had done for me.


    I wanted desperately to talk about it, to get help working it out in my head, but I’d never be able to tell anyone. Even our therapist could be ethically and legally bound to break our confidence.


    Cary might suspect Gideon had something to do with it. The thought had even crossed Eva's mind the weekend she dumped him. Monica and Stanton almost certainly suspect Gideon had something to do with it. But none of them can ever be told for certain by either Eva or Gideon. Direct knowledge would put any of them into the same place Eva is right now - colluding to cover up the crime. Also from Chapter One:



    We were colluding to hide a crime, and I’d be lying if I said that didn’t seriously bother me–I was the daughter of a police officer, after all–but the alternative was too awful to consider.


    So yes, this is really going to s*** that Cary cannot be told the truth that Gideon felt he had very good reason for deliberately hurting Eva. All Cary knows right now is Gideon broke Eva's heart. And if Cary figures out, as he probably will, that Gideon and Eva are sneaking around, Cary may assume the worse - Gideon is cheating on Corrine and keeping Eva on the string. I think Cary would be seriously ticked off at the prospect of Mrs. Corrine Cross with all the respect and Eva regulated to being Gideon's mistress.

    As a cop's daughter, Eva realizes it's too dangerous to tell anyone else the truth. Eva even walked away from Gideon, knowing it was too dangerous to even have any more contact with him, period, for the foreseeable future. From Chapter One:


    I was suddenly struck with the knowledge that I would have to keep a dreadful secret from my best friend.


    Cary was my touchstone, my voice of reason, my favorite shoulder to lean on–and a brother to me in every way that mattered. I hated the thought of having to hold back what Gideon had done for me.


    I wanted desperately to talk about it, to get help working it out in my head, but I’d never be able to tell anyone. Even our therapist could be ethically and legally bound to break our confidence.


    Cary might suspect Gideon had something to do with it. The thought had even crossed Eva's mind the weekend she dumped him. Monica and Stanton almost certainly suspect Gideon had something to do with it. But none of them can ever be told for certain by either Eva or Gideon. Direct knowledge would put any of them into the same place Eva is right now - colluding to cover up the crime. Also from Chapter One:



    We were colluding to hide a crime, and I’d be lying if I said that didn’t seriously bother me–I was the daughter of a police officer, after all–but the alternative was too awful to consider.


    So yes, this is really going to s*** that Cary cannot be told the truth that Gideon felt he had very good reason for deliberately hurting Eva. All Cary knows right now is Gideon broke Eva's heart. And if Cary figures out, as he probably will, that Gideon and Eva are sneaking around, Cary may assume the worse - Gideon is cheating on Corrine and keeping Eva on the string. I think Cary would be seriously ticked off at the prospect of Mrs. Corrine Cross with all the respect and Eva regulated to being Gideon's mistress.

    That would be a good reason for Gideon to let Corrine go, and be single for a while. He needs to keep his head down for a while.
  3. As a cop's daughter, Eva realizes it's too dangerous to tell anyone else the truth. Eva even walked away from Gideon, knowing it was too dangerous to even have any more contact with him, period, for the foreseeable future. From Chapter One:


    I was suddenly struck with the knowledge that I would have to keep a dreadful secret from my best friend.


    Cary was my touchstone, my voice of reason, my favorite shoulder to lean on–and a brother to me in every way that mattered. I hated the thought of having to hold back what Gideon had done for me.


    I wanted desperately to talk about it, to get help working it out in my head, but I’d never be able to tell anyone. Even our therapist could be ethically and legally bound to break our confidence.


    Cary might suspect Gideon had something to do with it. The thought had even crossed Eva's mind the weekend she dumped him. Monica and Stanton almost certainly suspect Gideon had something to do with it. But none of them can ever be told for certain by either Eva or Gideon. Direct knowledge would put any of them into the same place Eva is right now - colluding to cover up the crime. Also from Chapter One:



    We were colluding to hide a crime, and I’d be lying if I said that didn’t seriously bother me–I was the daughter of a police officer, after all–but the alternative was too awful to consider.


    So yes, this is really going to s*** that Cary cannot be told the truth that Gideon felt he had very good reason for deliberately hurting Eva. All Cary knows right now is Gideon broke Eva's heart. And if Cary figures out, as he probably will, that Gideon and Eva are sneaking around, Cary may assume the worse - Gideon is cheating on Corrine and keeping Eva on the string. I think Cary would be seriously ticked off at the prospect of Mrs. Corrine Cross with all the respect and Eva regulated to being Gideon's mistress.


    I was wondering about Victor. If he guessed about Gideons secret, although he didn't have proof, this would put him in an awkward situation. I'm thinking his daughter would come first, over his job.

  4. Ok…making one post responding to a bunch of other posts from different threads….Sorry! Hope you all don’t mind! lol…Can’t keep up! :)


    I love this from chapter one:


    “Mine,†I said harshly, pushing up and scrambling gracelessly into him, pressing my torso tightly into his. “You’re mine.â€


    The Swing…maybe Eva will gift him w/ this when they are free to be out in public again…Kinda incentive? “Get this fixed so we can be together…and I’ll give you this’ Hehehe <<blushing>>  ;)



    Maybe she had been looking up pics online still…Do we know for sure she hasn’t? Maybe not…too much torture.


    Omg…great solving bleachers pic! Times Square! I def thought It was Parkers studio…guess maybe not. Although, I don’t think Sylvia is trying to trick us w/ mixing up snippet/snapshots. Oh! I like the thoughts of a baseball game w/ Victor and Gideon! Talking it out in public? ..


    Oh jeez…I do not like Deanna…nope..not at all.


    I want Gideon to take someone down! Eva too! Let them fight for one another!...25 more days?? Jeez…I’ve been waiting since Dec :(  I saw someone said they discovered this series in April…you are sooo lucky! Not a long wait at all for you



    Do we start‘Get book 4 & 5 out quick campaign’ to Penguin books? So they don’t make us wait so long again. ??


    Ok...those are my thoughts! This place is so much fun! :)  My husband just doesn't understand what I'm doing here...lol

    if your husband was like Gideon would you be here? Lo ;)
  5. The story about Gideon going postal on Brett is bound to get out anyway. Might as well control the spin from behind the scenes. Because when it comes to Gideon and Eva's history as a couple supposedly already long over and done with, Gideon could use all the media spin he can get.

    I just hope it's Gideon and not Deanna in control of the story.

    well now he knows Deanna is on his case, he has a heads up. I'm sure there will be some manipulation going on, from Gideons legal team. I'm sure Eva can use her womanly ways, perhaps sympathising with Deanna, to extract info out of her. But then again, given Eva's jealousy, could she handle listening to intimate details about Gideon and Deanna.
  6. Maybe word getting out about the big drama after the concert a few weeks earlier. Deanna Johnson to blame? From Chapter One of Entwined, we know that she knows Eva's got a "rock star waiting in the wings." Deanna digs up dirt on how Gideon went postal? And runs the story?

    as we've deduced the Corrine angle is a no go now, so could Gideons pr team be responsible for feeding Deanna this story line? As you've said it's more believable.
  7. When Deanna Johnson tried to entice Eva into getting even with Gideon (yeah, good luck with that!) she tried provoking Eva by saying, " .... pretty soon you’re going to figure out that Gideon Cross was using you to get Corinne Giroux jealous enough to come back to him. When you smell the coffee, call me. I’ll be waiting.â€


    Gideon appeared in press photos with Eva for only a week and a half in Bared to You. The timing of Corrine's return to New York happened to coincide with Gideon pulling Eva out of the spotlight, because Nathan had just gotten into New York too.


    I can see where Johnson would draw the wrong conclusion: photos of Eva, then Corrine comes back, then no more photos of Eva. 


    But overall, Eva's vanishing from the public spotlight is to the benefit of Gideon and Eva right now -- it helps bolster his "side" of the story he didn't love Eva (and thus had no motive to kill for her.)


    Here's the timeline for Gideon and Eva being photographed as a couple:


    Saturday: their first date, the advocacy center dinner. Red carpet shots of them arriving in formal attire (Eva in that red dress!)

    Monday: their first day as boyfriend and girlfriend. Passionate kiss picture staged by Gideon on the sidewalk near his gym. Deliberate leak to the media by his PR people that Eva is the "significant woman" in his life.

    Wednesday: the lunchtime argument in Bryant Park. Pictures of them fighting and then making up. More passion. "Let that go viral" Gideon said.

    Wednesday one week later: the fundraiser Corrine crashed. Red carpet shots of Gideon and Eva arriving.


    And that is it -- that Eva knows about, that is, and thus we readers know about. Only twelve days total, start to finish, with a big chunk of time missing (the pair of them were broken up for four days.) Gideon quits letting them get photographed as a couple. Then not too long after, he allows himself to start being photographed with Corrine.

    as far as Deanna is concerned, Eva went on the discard pile like the rest. Boy if only she knew. She's going to look stoopid!
  8. As I remember Gideon wanted them to buy the house in NC  together so it would be their place.  I'm thinking they will do that and use it as a place to escape to when needed.

    i know that they wanted to buy the house together, but I can imagine Gideon buying it for Eva as a small gesture to make amends over the way he treated her. I know they say money can't buy love, but he knew how much that weekend there meant to Eva. She told him, when he started pulling away from her after Cary was beaten by Nathan, that she wished things could have been like that weekend away.
  9. But maybe this is simply a photo of bleachers not meant to signify Times Square , maybe our initial theory about Parker's studio is correct. The thing about these bleachers is that they are portable and any establishment can have them.

    aarrhh! But they are red. I thought they looked familiar when I saw the snapshot, because we did the tourist thing and had our photos taken there 2 years ago. I called them steps though. It all ties in with the Vidal event in Times Square with Brett.
  10. Victor Reyes is a fan of the San Diego Padres baseball team. I can see him enjoying games in the bleachers, seats easily affordable on an ordinary cop's salary. Maybe even bringing Eva to games back in the day when she was living near him.


    Gideon is a New York Yankees fan -- and well, let's just say he'd never sit in the bleachers. He'd have access to the best seats in Yankee Stadium.

    wonder if Gideon owns any part of the Yankees, considering he owns everything else.Lol
  11. Victor Reyes is a fan of the San Diego Padres baseball team. I can see him enjoying games in the bleachers, seats easily affordable on an ordinary cop's salary. Maybe even bringing Eva to games back in the day when she was living near him.


    Gideon is a New York Yankees fan -- and well, let's just say he'd never sit in the bleachers. He'd have access to the best seats in Yankee Stadium.

    i could see him sitting in the bleachers with Victor, if Victor bought the tickets, so as not to offend him, just as Gideon did to Shawna with her tickets. Gideon is good people( sometimes) ;)
  12. From Wikipedia: In American English, bleachers or stands are raised, tiered rows of seats found at sports fields and other spectator events. Stairways access the horizontal rows of seats, often with every other step gaining access to a row of seats. Seats range from simple plank seats to more elaborate seats with backrests.


    Note: in baseball stadiums, the "bleachers" refers to a specific section of the stadium, the "cheap seats" -- the seats farthest away from the section of the playing field where all the action takes place (the bases). Bleachers are far less expensive than the prime seats near the bases, but the bleachers also are a really fun place to watch a game, because they draw a far more diverse crowd. There - you learned a little bit of sports trivia today!

    Thankyou ladies for that info. We don't use that term in England. We use the word stands. Pretty dumb when your sitting! :)
  13. I'm working longer hours to get all my work projects done. But I'm enjoying my work days a lot more these days. It can get awfully boring being based in a home office. Online interaction is my social outlet during the day.

    well I am loving all the information that you have shared with us. Most fascinating. Getting all clued up on your Bill of Rights, and understanding them. Next time I'm watching a cop show and the suspect is spilling their guts, I know which amendment they should be using! Thank you. :)
  14. Well LOL I found another throat reference!!! Before Eva went to lunch with Megumi that day she sexted Gideon that she wanted him in her mouth. When she was down in the lobby before exiting the building he phoned her saying "Your text made me hard Eva what are you going to do about it? My hand went to my throat!! So there you have it ladies we really are Crossessed!!

    those throats and brunettes keep popping up!!!
  15. Gideon kind of lost me in his need for control. In limo he tell Eva he wants to do it again so obviously it wasn't too bad. Then he tells Eva that she can top him again issue wants to. So what's his problem? He wants control but doesn't mind when Eva is in control. Why foes he say that's the problem when he give Eva the ring?

    before Eva and Corrine, sex was not consensual for Gideon. When he was raped he lost control, as did Eva. It was taken away from them by the rapists. Every action was out of their control. That is why both of them need control now.

    But s* x with Eva is different, it's consensual, they love each other, but through gaining trust, Eva has learnt to submit. Gideon actually enjoyed the limo experience when he thought about it later, at the time it fu*ked with his head, because Eva initiated it and was in control!

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