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Posts posted by azmich

  1. His overall number of partners obviously is much higher than her's, probably in the hundreds ...


    BUT .... but actually he's the one with greater reason to freak out. Because with his partners, his you-know-what usually did NOT get into the act, but with Eva, many of her's involved her giving oral sex to guys. So much so that it even came up in the song Golden -- because that's what Eva did for Brett, drop down on her knees every chance she got.


    Double standard? H.e.l.l. yeah -- but it is what it is. Eva had some sort of intercourse (genital-to-oral) with many of her hook-ups, while Gideon, for lack of a better term, went only as far as "third base" tops with the vast, vast majority of his.


    I always wondered what 'third base' was :)

  2. It ticked me off (in a good way, meaning the story provoked emotion) that Gideon thought the hotel encounters didn't count as getting laid if he didn't .... um .... stick his d*** in a chick. Technically, he wasn't having sex if he was just getting some woman off with toys?


    This from a guy who freaked out over a French kiss between Eva and Brett. That kiss most definitely counted as intimate contact in Gideon's book (as well it should have -- passionate kissing is a sexual behavior). Also, every one of those one-sided encounters Eva engaged in back in her bad old days -- giving guys blow jobs -- does count too.


    So newsflash, Mr. Cross -- every one of those women you took to the hotel room do count as notches on your belt, whether or not you engaged in intercourse with them. You engaged in sexual activities, and so every one of those women counts in your own history.


    I think he did count them-at the bottom of page 20 he says,"Dr.Petersen asked about sexual encounters, Eva." "which isn't necessarily f$%^*ing, as far as I'm concerned." At least we got to the bottom of the twice a week thing!

  3. I agree I'm hoping that San Diego will be good for Eva and Victor.

    It will also be good to hear from dr Travis

    I don't think Tatiana is pregnant I don't think she can handle sharing Cary with a man.

    and the best way to derail Trey is to say she's pregnant


    Very interesting thought about Tat! I think Eva's more upset about this so-called pregnancy than Cary seems to be!

  4. OK, I tried really hard not to mention this (I was kinda hoping someone else would acknowledge it) because I got the impression from everyone on the board that it would have been so implausible and there is so much else to delve into so I dropped it.  I think I said (before the release of the book) in another thread that I would love for book 4 to include a wedding and all the drama that goes with that for Eva and Gideon.


    Everyone else was saying there is so much else to deal with first a wedding would be so far from the plot. Imagine my surprise when I saw that in EWY.


    I know I'm new here but I feel like I'm coming off wrong on this board, lol.  (or maybe its just me).  I think it's safer for me to go back into lurk mode.  I feel like I'm ruffling feathers for thinking too much out of the box.


    I am enjoying reading the discussion; however, so keep those up.


    Readingrrl-don't stay in 'lurk mode'. Without your thoughts and input there would be no discussion!

  5. I think Eva feels bad for Brett and the way she has led him on and yes she needs to nip it in the butt herself and hopefully in SD she can do that with Cary being there, I don't think she should see him alone.  Maybe Gideon will put security detail on her again to keep her safe.


    I think the Tableau One was so Gideon knew where they were and that Arnaldo would look out for her in case she needed him and I did not get the impression in the book that Gideon was angry she was going to dinner with Brett and was pleased she picked somewhere he owned to be closer to him and to give him the respect of knowing where she was.


    I agree with that.

    I hope nothing goes wrong in San Diego!

  6. It kind of annoyed me in BTY that even though they broke up Eva still went to his parent's house for the record party. Even though it was for Cary's career.

    NOW-I'm put off that she got the engagement ring that used to belong to Elizabeth. I get that Gideon remembers happy times with the three of them when he was very young. And maybe the ring is special to him. Elizabeth is so toxic-I don't think I'd want it on my finger.

  7. Ok Ladies and Gent's

    I see ppl are starting to crack, so just to make sure we are all on the same WE WILL NOT DISCUSS EWY UNTILL FRIDAY MORNING..!! If you should feel the need to ask question's you should PM another person that has read the book..! I have seen many fans tweeting and FBing Sd asking to be respectful of the ppl that have not received the book, I think it's only fair..! She's not actually tweeting details on the book just certain lines because of this..! So can we please do the same.?

    I also want to ask everyone to make sure we are all on the same page that Friday morning we start the topic of EWY off beginning with chapter and snapshot 2 going daily with each chapter and snapshot?

    Is everyone here on the same page?


    Okey-dokey with me, Mrs. C.

  8. I'll mention this here as well as in one other thread... I emailed Sylvia last night really just to encourage her with all of these baseless awful reviews, and to ask her a few questions. When she gets back from Australia  she said she would pop on the board here to answer any questions we might have. I think that we should do a thread marked Questions for Sylvia Regarding The Crossfire Series, and just put all of our unanswered questions in there. This way she can see them and then respond to whatever is not a spoiler. What does everyone think?


    Kirsten-That's a super idea!

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