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Posts posted by azmich

  1. Do you know, the day Eva is sick, poor Gideon will be beside himself. Before she started her period in Reflected, after the Corinne nooner stunt, and when Victor found out about her abuse. Eva was upset, each time his response is, are you sick. He is worried about her well being to the point of being paranoid. He will never make old bones if he doesn't relax a little. I know he worries constantly, because she is his safe place.


    There are times when he reminds me of Christian Grey. Not sure if that's good or bad?????

  2. Hey! how did you get that please?


    Trust me-I'm not the one you should be asking....but here goes.

    Go to your profile click arrow down by your name, hit 'your settings', it'll show-'change your picture' click on that and then you can choose where to get your pic from-I just hit 'browse' and it automatically went to 'my pictures'. Even the fact that I actually have pictures to choose from is a miracle in itself!!!

    That's it-I hit 'open' on the 'my pics' file and it went into the avatar box.

    Good luck, Julie-hope I helped.

  3. As bad as I feel for Corrine's estranged husband, he does come across as something of a jerk, and it's clear the divorce in progress was bitter.


    It's clear he was not welcome by Corrine's parents at the hospital, who clearly favored Gideon and were close to Elizabeth Vidal. Poor Corrine's parents probably had all their hopes pinned on Corrine and Gideon as star-crossed lovers from years ago now headed toward Happily Ever After -- reunited and to be married soon.


    When the doctor came out to talk, Corrine's father tried to shut out Jean-Francois, pointing out to the doctor that he (as a parent) was the "family" here. But for legal reasons (Jean-Francois as spouse was the next of kin) and for obvious reasons (talking about a pregnancy where Jean-Francois is assumed the father) the doctor insisted upon talking privately with him, rather than talking with Corrine's father and mother.


    Very sad.


    Then when the Dr. leaves Gideon goes to see Giroux and Giroux lunges into him. I wanted to pop Gideon in the nose myself!!!

  4. I'm currently re-reading the book so the answer to this might be obvious!

    But why did Gideon leave the day of video premiere? He knew the situation and that Eva had to pretend not to be with him so why did he get so angry?

    Also I don't get how he wouldn't have seen the video beforehand when 1. He's part of Vidal records and 2. He already knew the song was about Eva?!


    He left to go to Corrine's cause she had been calling everywhere for him-even Chris Jr.-trying to get her to understand how felt about her.

    He told Eva he was sorry he didn't screen the video himself. Must've left it up to someone else-Jr. perhaps?

  5. I was thinking that Eva should told Corrine's husband that she & Gideon were married right up front.  That would remove any 'hope' that Corrine may have had they she could break them up.  By going with 'engaged' I agree that she used the OD to guilt Gideon into giving up Eva and returning to her.  I don't think he should see her alone again.  I am also thinking, Eva needs to sit Gideon down and tell him she believes that Corrine's OD was her last ditch effort to get him back, knowing that suicide would be a trigger for major guilt.  She tells him its not his fault but she needs to stress that Corrine did it on purpose - like the 2 attempts to get Eva to believe they were having sex - he still doesn't see Corrine's nasty side.  


    I'm seriously going to punch him out if he goes to see her again!!!

  6. Here here!


    Reading between the lines, I'm hoping this means she's finished writing Crossfire #4 now. What she's waiting for to happen is for a publisher (Penguin or someone else) to agree to the production schedule AND KEEP THAT PROMISE. Go Sylvia!!!! You have earned the respect you now command in the publishing world, and those companies had better sit up and take notice!!!


    Penguin has some serious making up to do to the fan base (kinda like Gideon has some serious making up to do to Eva) -- and so honesty is what's needed. They best be making promises they actually will keep!!!



  7. I love that he always checks on her state of mind before he gets down and dirty! His carefulness at not triggering her has to be commended.

    I loved the cuffs. Very subtle, but sexy.

    And yes that swing will, I'm sure make an appearance, because Gideon is getting very brave in acting out his fantasies.


    Oh I really liked the cuffs on the plane. Especially because it really was about the mental trust, not actual physical control. He didn't restrain Eva's hands -- all he did was put each soft cuff on her so that she was aware of wearing them. Other than that, what he had her do was the exact same thing she very eagerly did the first night she active submitted to him -- restrain her own hands by tightly gripping a bed pillow.


    Methinks Mr. Cross is going to get his sex swing fantasy realized some time in the not too distant future ;)


    When I first saw the club scene snippet I immediately thought BDSM Club? owned by Gideon? Then I figured oooh sex swing!

    When I read that scene I thought when he hit that panel and they were in an office that the sex swing would make its appearance. Oh well something to look forward to.

  8. Speaking of dom/sub, another theory I had that played itself out is the BDSM tendencies Gideon does have. His fantasy about a sex swing (expressed the first night they were a couple) plus his repeated threats to spank her (sometimes only half-joking) in both Bared and Reflected hinted at Mr. Cross having a taste for some BDSM.


    In Entwined, he actually began exploring bondage fantasies his bondage fantasies with Eva -- and though he's repeatedly (since Bared) threatened to spank her, he actually did do so in Entwined (once in a loving manner during that corner office encounter). And snapping her garter strap in a way that stung counts too, I think.


    He made clear when they first had the DS conversation about their sex life what he wasn't looking for -- some of the hardcore elements of BDSM. "You know I don't want to beat you, punish you, hurt you, demean you, or order you around like a pet. Those aren't needs either of us has." (Bared pages 247-48)


    What he does need -- as does she -- is to be trusted sexually. Exploring sexual elements that involve voluntary exchanges of physical and mental control, pushing boundaries doing so, is a very good thing for both of them.


    I still suspect he was less gentle with Corrine, because at that point in his life he likely was very closed off emotionally and very rigid sexually. Supposedly, the fact he wouldn't spend the night with her was the dealbreaker, but I suspect the truth underneath was that he never made love to her. She allowed herself to be used, so desperate was she to get inside his heart. In that respect, she had been similar to Eva back in Eva's bad-old-days of being willing to demean herself hoping that if she made a guy happy, he would love her.


    Agree with you here.

    I was taken aback with the cuff scene. Somehow I didn't picture that from Gideon-I kinda liked it!

  9. After Eva told her(Elizabeth) about Gideon in Reflected, which got her back up, it is going to take a lot of hard work to come back to niceties for Gideons sake.

    That's another unanswered question for book 4, mummy issues. "I'm not letting you take my son away from me". Why?


    When Elizabeth said that about Eva taking her son away-I thought WTF?!?! Didn't she see the way Gideon reacted towards her over the years?

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