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Posts posted by azmich

  1. Hey Michele


    if you find a picture you like, click on it to enlarge the picture

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    click on Copy

    go to the Reply to this Topic box in this site whatever thread you want to paste on

    type in the sentence you want to go with the picture

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    click on Paste


    The picture should then paste, good luck :)


    Thanks so much-I'll work on it!

  2. Eva hasn't told Cary the truth about Nathan. In fact, she's planning on keeping it secret from Cary forever. She's doing this for the exact same reason Gideon kept her in the dark, had been hoping/planning Eva would never find out the truth either. Because to know the truth and help protect Gideon too could possibly make Cary an accessory too.


    It's also why for much of the book, Eva lied to Cary about where she was spending her nights, who she was sleeping with, telling Cary it was some new guy she met when in fact all along it was Gideon and her back together. As long as it wasn't yet "safe" for Eva and Gideon to get back together, it wasn't safe for anyone to know they were a couple again. Not Cary. Not Dr. Petersen either.


    Of course, Angus knew they were back together. Angus has known all along Gideon loved Eva and that Corrine was nothing more than a lie to fool the police. Angus is at the very least some sort of accessory too. I believe he's more than an accessory -- that he's an actual accomplice. I think he helped get Gideon to and from Nathan's hotel (drove the "getaway car" so to speak), might have stood as look-out while Gideon was in the room stabbing Nathan, and probably got rid of the knife while Gideon rushed back to the party that was part of his alibi cover.


    What's the difference between an accessory and an accomplice? An accomplice charge is far more serious -- and it could carry the same prison term as the one the main defendant himself/herself faces. In Angus' case, if he actively helped Gideon pull of the killing itself, he too could face life in prison.


    A crew of bank robbers is a common example of how the legal concept "accomplice" works. Technically, only the robbers who point the guns at the tellers and force the tellers to give them money are actually "robbing." The guy outside behind the wheel of the getaway car isn't forcing anyone with a gun to give him money. But he is acting an accomplice. And so if the bank robber crew gets caught, that driver faces the same prison term as the guys with the weapons forcing the tellers to hand over money.


    OK-so now I'm in a what if mode.

    What if Angus got worried about Gid doing the deed (getting caught) and sought help from Clancy to point police in another direction?

    Come on Book 4!!!

  3. Hey, I just cracked the 2,000-post mark. So like Julie before me, I'm required to pick up the tab for dinner at Tableau One.


    I'll put in our group reservation with Arnoldo. Plus I'll arrange for us to get in the VIP line for Primal afterward, where we can all toss back cranberry-and-Kingsman, do tequila shots, then go dirty dancing up on the skywalk.


    Raul has agreed to be my date again. The last time we all went out to Tableau One, I did get to ride in the DB9 but didn't get the chance to give the shocks a workout. Maybe Raul was worried about the car's upholstery. I wonder, though, if I might have better luck "getting lucky" in that office up there on the skywalk level.




    Congrats LN!!

    I'm in for dinner.

    Henry is in town and he said he'd go with me, but he wants Gabri to go as well-so we're off to Italy to fetch her!

  4. Good afternoon from Italy

    It's so warm here today I could have gone to the seaside!!!


    I like Chapter 8 so much, and not only for its sweet moments.

    I really love how Gedeon comes to appreciate Eva's brain as well.

    What kind of women did Gedeon use to hang out with up to Eva? Perhaps daddy's daughters whose only concern was landing themselves a good catch, not to mention the notorious 'ultimate prize'?

    Well, the contrast with Eva's working-girl frame of mind is sharp indeed. Gedeon is almost bewildered by Eva's prompt move to deflect Deanna's scheming, but then how could he think that Eva isn't less than pretty smart?


    Good observation, Gabri.

    And now I just noticed what thread this is so I can't say anything else.

    It was 110 here in Phoenix yesterday! Menopause and 110 don't work!!!! I'm melting!

  5. But for how much longer will that phone be necessary since soon they will announce their engagement.

    I just hope there's no twist on the twist because like I said earlier today... idk how I could survive that!


    Phooey-didn't think of that.

    I'm hoping that just maybe, when Gid took her phone with him after it died when they were watching the Mag/Jr. show, that he put a tracking device in it.

  6. Arnoldo makes great crow pie - I had some the other night when Julie took us all out because she'd hit the 2,000-post mark. And I got to ride in the DB9 with Raul, because his boss let him borrow the car for the night. Alas, I didn't get to give the shocks a workout, though.


    Ah well. Not everyone gets lucky on the first date like Eva's hunky new neighbor did. But I'm nearing 2,000 posts myself, so I suppose I should return Julie's by picking up the tab myself for a night at Tableau One.


    How many of you ladies are in? I need to know so I can call in the reservation ;)


    I think I'll bring Mark and Steven. They're a lot of fun.

  7. If it's true that Gideon let Arnoldo know that something had come up and he wouldn't be at the restaurant - this is what bugs me about Gideon. If he had time to let Arnoldo know he wasn't going to make dinner, he had time to text Eva & let her know what was going on.

    Instead he leaves her panicking about his reaction to the Golden video for several hours!

    Likewise when he buggered off to California to sort out the sex tape - all that required was a simple 2min phone call - sorry something urgent has come up in California, I'll be back tomorrow, we'll talk then.

    I would kill my husband if he pulled crap like that on me especially after what had just happened at the hospital!!


    So true. He's got to stop doing that sh*t!!!

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