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Posts posted by azmich


    It must amuse Sylvia to regularly see us spin hopes of some sort of future scene in which Eva kicks some arse. But Eva actually has used Krav Maga twice now, both times for what it is intended for, which is self defense.

    1. She used it for self-defense literally against Gideon, when he was in the midst of one of his rape nightmares where he inside his head, he was acting out the role of aggressor against his rapist and his fast-asleep body was actually acting out an assault -- against Eva who happened to be in the bed.
    2. She used it for self-defense in a figurative way in front of her emotionally traumatized Dad at Parker's studio. By taking on the top instructor himself, Eva was able to show her father she is more than capable of fending off attackers, so no one is ever going to victimize her again as a grown woman the way she had been victimized as a girl, raped for the very first time when she was just ten years old.



    Plus remember when Gid went missing and she threw Parker down 6 or 7 times and she was envisioning it was Gideon. Not self defense-more anger, but still wanting to kick his (Gid) arse.

  2. There's something Gideon says in Chap. 22 that's really bugging me...


    When he's telling Eva he took DDeanna to a wine bar (page 336) he says that when he went back from the hospital the previous night, he found DDeanna waiting for him in the lobby. Now, I assume he went to his apartment near Eva's. Or was it his penthouse?

    I'm not happy with either options.


    What does anyone think?


    I caught the same thing. How did DD know he would be there? It was Eva's building because Gideon said he took her to a wine bar up the street. Was she following him? Trying to ambush Eva? IDK???????????

  3. Some little theories I have - just some things I would really like to happen - even if there's no evidence or foreshadowing.

    I want Angus to have been the person who somehow arranged the bracelet - he's the one who loves Gideon. I know there are reasons against it but ...

    I want Shawna 's boyfriend to decide to stay in Italy with an Italian girl he's met. Then Arnoldo (who did ask about Shawna the night Eva and Brett had dinner ) will fall in love with Shawna.

    Maybe Ireland with Martin? He seems like a good guy and her current boyfriend shouldn't be acquiescing to his parents.

    Cary will break with both Tat and Trey - neither is right for him.


    Hi Nrock-I like that you said Angus loves Gideon, it warmed my heart

    I think that Shawna/Arnoldo scenario is great!!!

    Ireland and Martin-he might be a little too old for her (for now), but she for sure needs to dump the current boyfriend.

    I think you may be on to something with Cary's situation. Definitely T.w.a.t. is goofy. And I haven't been totally into Trey.

  4. No theories yet. Just some wayward thoughts.

    Chris Jr. is going to do something trying to cause serious problems.

    What about Megumi?

    I think (hope) Devious Deanna will go away.

    Gid will go to SD with Eva and Cary-still trying to deal with the sex video. It may take some doing but Brett will see the light and remain friends with Eva.

    The Giroux family will go back to Paris.

    The Lucas family will remain a big and dangerous problem-maybe even into book 5.

    Mommica's issues will come to light.

    Don't think Lizzie situation will be dealt with completely until #5.

    If #4 only covers a few weeks we may not be done with Graves and the dead Russian guy yet.

    T.w.a.t.i.a.n.a. will still be a bothersome b*tch.

    Maybe we'll find out how Angus came to be so protective of Gideon.

  5. Hi azmich

    where did you take the pic from?

    Perhaps there are more size options for it (pun intended!!!!!) lol


    Gabri-I'm becoming more convinced that Henry won't be playing Gideon :( So I thought I'd check to see what else was trending. I Googled 'photos of Gideon Cross and Eva Tramell' and there he was right in the first line. Don't know who he is but it's what I imagined for Gid. The other photos on that site were the usual actors that a lot of people are talking about. Sadly no one stood out except for HC.

    And Shemar Moore-so hot!!! Definitely could see him as Parker!

  6. This is exactly what I think. 


    Elizabeth has lied to herself.  Gideon had to have nightmares as a child but, like Monica, she was to wrapped up in her own issues to figure out how to deal with her son's accusations.  It was easier for her to believe the doctor's lie.  When she saw Eva, Eva recognized the love in Elizabeth's eyes for Gideon.  Elizabeth thought Eva would help her become a part of Gideon's life in the future.  I believe Eva will and Elizabeth will appreciate it in the end but Lizzie needs to admit the truth and apologize to Gideon. 

     I think it will happen in the end-SD says Gid needs these issues to be resolved for him to heal. Allowing for HEA.

    That's going to be an extremely intense scene.

  7. There are some text inconsistencies that somehow made it into print somewhere along the editing process.


    Mr. Barker = #1

    Mr. Mitchell = #2

    Richard Stanton = #3.


    Page 99 of of Reflected should say "second" husband.

    Page 260 should say "over the course of three marriages"


    OK-thanks LN.

    I think I want to be a proofreader in my second life.

  8. I'm confused about Mommica's marriages.

    Monica Trammell Barker Mitchell Stanton

    In RIY-

      She tells Cary (on the jet to Vegas) Chapt.5 pg 72-"My mom's second husband was a whale." That would be Mitchell.

      Chapt.6 pg 99-"I'd learned, thanks to my mom's third husband, that gambling....etc." That's not Stanton.

    In EWY-

      Chapt.17 pg 260-when Mommica and Eva went to lunch after Eva met Giroux-'Over the course of three divorces, she'd amassed millions in personal wealth.'

      Also in a conversation she has with Clancy-Chapt.8 pg 118-"A lot of stuff happened before you and Stanton ever came into the picture."

      Plus there's that something that Mommica isn't telling Eva because Eva's upset, also when they went out to lunch.

    So does this maybe mean there was another marriage she (Mommica) won't even acknowledge existed?

    IDK-I'm all screwed up here.

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